Python Learning Record

The method of programing(IPO):

What's IPO?

- I (Input) Put data into program.

- P (Process) The logic of processor.

- O (Output) Show data to users.

sample 1:
TempStr = input("Please input the temperature with unit(C or F)")
if TempStr[-1] in ['F','f']:
    C = (eval(TempStr[0:-1]) - 32)/1.8
    print("result is {:.2f}C".format(C))
elif TempStr[-1] in ['C','c']:
    F = 1.8*eval(TempStr[0:-1]) + 32
    print("result is {:.2f}F".format(F))
    print("format error")
Python Learning Record_第1张图片
sample 1
  • Indent

    Indent is a measure that shows the relationship of statement. We can use a TAB or four SPACE to do a indent. It should be noted that we have to choose one way or the other.

  • Comment

    • Single-Line Comment: start with #.
    • Multi-Line Comments: start with ''' and end with same '''.
  • Variable

    Regulation of names only use limited sign that contains letter,number,underline or characters,but cannot start with number.

  • String

    • serial number

      id_1 id_2 id_3 id_4 id_5
      -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
      H E L L O
      0 1 2 3 4
    • index

      We can use method [index] to get single character,such as

      "Hello"[0] or TempStr[-1]

    • section

      We can use method [start:end] to get a sub-string,such as

      "Hello"[1:3] or TempStr[0:-1]

    • eval()

      Evaluation function: this function can execute string as code.

What's turtle?

Turtle is a principle library in Python.The turtle has three attributes: a location, an orientation (or direction), and a pen. The pen, too, has attributes: color, width, and on/off state.

sample 2:
import turtle as t
for i in range(4):,80),80),80/2)
t.fd(40 * 2/3)
Python Learning Record_第2张图片
sample 2
  • Window

    The minimum unit of painting window is pixel.

    • turtle.setup(width,height,start_X,start_Y)

      this function can set window's size and position,such as

      turtle.setup(800,400,0,0) or turtle.setup(800,400)

  • **Coordinate System **

    • absolute coordinate system

      This is a rectangular coordinate system that take the center as the origin.

      • turtle.goto(x,y)

        this function will let's turtle move to target position.

    • turtle coordinate system

      This is a coordinate system that center as turtle self.

      • turtle.forward(distance)/turtle.fd(distance)

        let's turtle forward some distance.

      • turtle.back(distance)/turtle.bk(distance)

        let's turtle back some distance.


        draw arc that take the left radius as the center of a circle.

        Python Learning Record_第3张图片
        draw circle

  • Angle System

    • absolute angle system

      This is a polar system that take the window's center as origin.

      • turtle.setheading(angle)/turtle.seth(a)

        This function can alter turtle's orient.

        Python Learning Record_第4张图片
        set heading
    • turtle angle system

      This is a angle system that center as turtle self.

      • turtle.left(angle)
      • turtle.right(angle)
  • Color Mode

    • turtle.colormode(mode)

      if mode = 1.0 means that use decimals color mode.

      if mode = 255 means that use integer color mode.

      such as

      import turtle as t
      # t.colormode(255)
  • Library Reference

    • import ,such as

      import turtle
    • from import / import *,such as

      from turtle import *
    • import as

      import turtle as t
  • Pen Controller

    • turtle.penup()/turtle.pu()

      This function can make turtle fly - turtle can move but not drawing.

    • turtle.pendown()/turtle.pd()

      This function can make turtle crawl - turtle can move and painting.

    • turtle.pensize(width)/turtle.width(w)

    • turtle.pencolor(color)

      if we select decimals color mode , we should set color as decimals,such as

      # turtle.pencolor((0.63,0.13,0.94))

      if we select integer color mode, we should set color as integer that not more than 255, such as


      or we can use string of color name directly,such as


Number's Type

  • Decimal:such as 1010 or -216...
  • Binary:start with 0b or 0B,such as 0b101 or -0B1100...
  • Octonary:start with 0o or 0O,such as 0o123 or -0O456...
  • hexadecimal:start with 0x or 0X,such as 0x9a or -0X89...

Complex Number

Complex number is made up of real number and imaginary number. In Python, imaginary unit is 'j'

i = 3 + 2j
i.real #3.0
i.imag #2.0

Number's Operator

Operator Description
x +y Plus
x – y Minus
x *y Multiply
x /y Divide,return is a float number
x // y Exact Division such as 10//3 is 3
x x's self
-y negative y
x %y Modular,such as 10%3 is 1
x ** y Power,x^y

Number's Operate function

Fuction Description
abs(x) Absolution, abs( -10.01) is 10.01
divmod (x,y ) get quotient and remainder at once
pow(x, y[ , z]) get power and remainder at once
xround(x round(x [,d]) round off with decimals
max(x 1,x 2, … , , … xn) return max number among parameters's list
min(x 1,x 2, … , , … xn) return min number among parameters's list
int (x ) change number type to Integer type
float(x) change number type to Float type
complex(x) change number type to Complex type

Sample 3:Progress's power

code 1:

dayfactor = 0.005
dayup = pow(1+dayfactor, 365)
daydown = pow(1-dayfactor, 365)
print("Progress:{:.2f},Retrogress:{:.2f}".format(dayup, daydown))

code 2:

def dayUP(df):
    dayup = 1
    for i in range(365):
       if i % 7 in [6,0]:
           dayup = dayup*(1 - 0.01)
           dayup = dayup*(1 + df)
    return dayup
dayfactor = 0.01
while dayUP(dayfactor) < 37.78:
    dayfactor += 0.001
print("工作日的努力参数是:{:.3f} ".format(dayfactor))

Python's String

String is an orderly sequence of character, represent as a pair of single quote or double quote.The form that expression of string is:

  • String of single line: represent as a pair of single quote or double quote.
  • String of multi-line: represent as a triple of single quote or double quote. such as:
s1 = 'Hello world'
s2 = '''

Usage of String

  • [M,N], cut string from M to N.

    such as: "0123456789"[:3] is "012"

  • [M,N,K], cut string from M to N with K step.

    such as: "0123456789"[::2] is "02468"

    or "0123456789"[:3:-1] is "210"

String's Operator

Operator Description
x+ y connected with x and y
n *x or x *n copy string x n times
x in s if x is substring of x, return true

String's Operate Function

Function Description
len (x) return string x's length
str (x) change any type to string
hex(x) or oct (x) return number's Octonary or hexadecimal type

String's Function

Function Description
str.lower () or str.upper () return a copy of str that lower case or upper case
str.split (sep =None) return a list split with sep
str.count (sub) returns the number of occurrences of sub in str
str.replace(old, new) returns copy of str that all old substring replace with new

Format of String

usage is: .format(< Parameters splits with ','\ >)

Python Time Library
time is principle library in Python:

  • Expression of represent in computer time.
  • Get system time and output with format.
  • Offer exact timer that system level to analyze program.


import time

  • time.time()

    get current system time

  • time.ctime()

    get current system time in readable, such as 'Fri Jan 26 12:11:16 2018'

  • time.gmtime()

    get formatable time.

Branch Structures

single branch:

if :

double branch:

if :

multi-branch structures:

if :
elif :

Function is a group of statements that do appointed manner, a abstract of ability.

such as:

def fact(n):
        s = 1
        for i in range(1,n+1)
            s *= i
        return s

python's function define is

def ():

sample 7: Number Drawing

Python Learning Record_第5张图片

The idea and method of to drawing date:

  • method 1: draw picture with corresponding number;
  • method 2: change time's number to formated string of time;
  • method 3: get system's time number.

Method Thought

  • Hierachy: the system of designed should be divided by module;
  • Modularity: there has definite function and interface in module;
  • Regularity: the module of designed must be use repeatable.

How to Comprehend Method Thought

Take Number Drawing as an example, we should split complexed problems to smaller part of function as follows: Firstly, we should a function that named drawNumber to draw number in screen;Secondly,we also need a function that named drawDate to parse system's time string-deal number and text respectively.

The function and object are two main formation of code use repeatable: function is a prime abstraction in code level, and object is a high-level abstract that based on function.

The Divide-and-Conquer algorithm is an expression that divide sub-module in complex system with function or wrapper, and also is a designed thought to implement abstraction.


Collection is a group that contains elements. The property of collection is as follows: Firstly, the data cannot be repeatable in collection. Secondly, the type of collection's element is invariable.

How to represent collection in python

The collection in python represent in brace({}), and elements in it split as comma(,). If we want to build a collection type , we must use brace or function that named set(set(vargs...)). notice: build a empty collection must use set function.


collection = {1,"hello",3.1415}
empty_collection = set()

Operator in collection

Operator Description
S|T OR: this function will return all elements both Collection S and T.
S-T Minus: this function will return part of elements that contained in Collection S but not in T.
S&T Intersection: this function will return common elements that contained Collection S and T.
S^T Supplementary: this function will return part of elements that contained in Collection S and T, but not both contained in S and T.


Sequence is a group of elements that has relation of order.


List is a basic data structure in python. Every element in List was contributed a number - its site or index, first index is 0,second is 1 ,and so on. List and Tuple are common type of Sequence in Python. Common function in List contains that get index, split, plus and multiply. List is common type in Python, is represent as bracket, elements split in comma. Example as follows:

l1 = ['hello world', 3.1415, 2019] 
l2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] 

Like String, the index of List started as 0.


Like List, Tuple is common type of Sequence in Python. But the element in Tuple cannot be change. Tuple use parenthesis but List use bracket.

How to create a Tuple

It's very simple that create a object of Tuple in Python, just add element in parenthesis and split in comma. Example as follows:

t1 = ('Hello World!', 3.1415, 2019) 
t2 = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) 

Sample 10: Count Statistic of Character in Romance of the Three Kingdoms(《三国演义》)

Python Learning Record_第6张图片
sample 10

APPENDIX A: Sample 7, Date Drawing

import turtle as tt

line_length = 14 #px
line_width = 2 #px
number_width = 20 #px
line_split = 3 #px

def isDraw(number):
    list = []
    if number == 0:
        list = [True,True,True,True,True,True,False]
    elif number == 1:
        list = [False,False,True,True,False,False,False]
    elif number == 2:
        list = [False,True,True,False,True,True,True]
    elif number == 3:
        list = [False,True,True,True,True,False,True]
    elif number == 4:
        list = [True,False,True,True,False,False,True]
    elif number == 5:
        list = [True,True,False,True,True,False,True]
    elif number == 6:
        list = [True,True,False,True,True,True,True]
    elif number == 7:
        list = [False,True,True,True,False,False,False]
    elif number == 8:
        list = [True,True,True,True,True,True,True]
    elif number == 9:
        list = [True,True,True,True,True,False,True]
    return list

def alterAngle(i):
    angle = 0
    if i == 0 or i == 5:
        angle = 90
    elif i == 1 or i == 6:
        angle = 0
    elif i == 2 or i == 3:
        angle = -90
    elif i == 4:
        angle = 180
    return angle

def drawNumber(number):
    ids = isDraw(number)
    for i in range(7):
        angle = alterAngle(i)

def drawDate(date):
    #$date:date string
    front = ("Arial",number_width*10,"normal")
    for i in date:
        if i == '-':
        elif i == '=':
        elif i == '+':

import time
tstr = time.strftime('%Y-%m=%d+',time.gmtime())

APPENDIX B Sample 10: Count Statistic of Character in Romance of the Three Kingdoms(《三国演义》)
import jieba as jb
txt = open("e://sg1.txt","r",encoding = "utf-8").read()
names = {"孔明":"诸葛亮",\
words = jb.lcut(txt)
counts = {}
for word in words:
    if word in names:
        counts[names[word]] = counts.get(names[word],0) + 1
items = list(counts.items())
items.sort(key = lambda x:x[1],reverse = True)
for item in items:
    word,count = item

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