


create table article(

aid int(11) not null auto_increment primary key,

title varchar(1000) not null,

content text not null,

hits int(11) not null,

coms int(11) not null

)engine=innodb charset=utf8;



create table comment(

cid int(11) not null auto_increment primary key,

aid int(11) not null,//关联字段不能设为主键

com_content text not null,

com_time datetime null,

foreign key(aid) references article(aid)

)engine=innodb charset=utf8;



CREATE TABLE `student` (


`name` varchar(1000) NOT NULL,

`age` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,

`sex` enum('男','女','其他') NOT NULL,

`tel` varchar(1000) NOT NULL,

`joinTime` date NOT NULL,

`local` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (`stid`)



create table course(

coid int(11) not null auto_increment primary key,

co_name varchar(255) not null





create table score(

stid int(11) not null,//关联学生表

coid int(11) not null,//关联科目表

score decimal(5,2) not null


alter table score add foreign key(stid) references student(stid);

alter table score add foreign key(coid) references course(coid);

学生ID  学生姓名  学生成绩

(1)左链接(left join):会读取左边表的全部数据,即使右表无对应数据

A left join B:A在左边作为主表,A表全部数据都会显示出来,而B表只会显示符合条件的数据,B表记录不足的地方会以Null补足

//left join:最常用

//select 字段名 from 表名1 left join 表名2 on 表1.关联字段=表2.关联字段;

select st.stid,st.name,sc.score from student st

left join score sc on st.stid=sc.stid;


select st.stid,st.name,sc.score from score sc

left join student st on st.stid=sc.stid;

//学生ID  学生姓名  科目  学生成绩

select st.stid,st.name,co.co_name,sc.score from student st

left join score sc on st.stid = sc.stid

left join course co on sc.coid = co.coid;

图书ID  图书名  图书类型

select bk.id,bk.b_name,bt.type_name from books bk

left join book_type bt on bk.type_id = bt.type_id;

(3)查询小雪所有科目的成绩,要求显示结果为:学生ID 学生姓名 科目名称 科目成绩

select st.stid,st.name,co.co_name,sc.score from student st left join score sc on st.stid =sc.stid

left join course co on co.coid = sc.coid

where st.name='小雪';

右连接(right join):会读取右边表的全部数据,若左边表无对应的数据,会以Null来补足

A right join B:B表在右边,作为主表



select st.stid,st.name,sc.score from student st

right join score sc on st.stid = sc.stid;






select type_id from book_type where type_name = '黑客';

select * from books where type_id=6;

select * from books where type_id = (select type_id from book_type where type_name = '黑客');


select stid from student where name = '小明';

select * from score where stid = (select stid from student where name = '小明');


select stid from student where name = '小雪';

select coid from course where co_name = '英语';

select * from score where stid =(select stid from student where name = '小雪')  and coid = (select coid from course where co_name = '英语');


select coid from course where co_name = '语文';

select stid from score where coid =(select coid from course where co_name = '语文') order by score desc limit 0,1;

select * from student where stid = (select stid from score where coid =(select coid from course where co_name = '语文') order by score desc limit 0,1);





select uid from users where address in ('河北','山东');

//limit in 不能一起使用

select * from orders where uid in(select uid from users where address in ('河北','山东'));

(4)查询近一个月内(2017-02-02~2017-03-02)订单金额最少的用户信 息

select uid from orders where orderTime between '2017-02-02' and '2017-03-02' order by money limit 0,1;

select * from users where uid = (select uid from orders where orderTime between '2017-02-02' and '2017-03-02' order by money limit 0,1);














ID  name      pid(父级ID)

1  理财        0

2  众筹        0

3  保险        0

4  京东下金库  1

5  票据理财    1

6  基金理财    1

7  智能硬件    2

8  流行文化    2

9  车险        3

10  健康险      3

11  意外险      3

select * from 表 where pid=0;

select * from biao where pid = (select id from biao where name = '理财');

ID  name  pid

1  山东    0

2  济南    1

3  青岛    1

4  长清区  2

5  历下区  2

6  某某镇  4

//聚合函数,通常与group by一起使用



select count(*) from department;

select count(id) from books;

select count(id) as shuliang from books;


select max(price) expensive from books;

select min(price) from books;

//sum() 求和

select sum(price) from books;

//avg() 求平均值

select avg(price) from books;

select avg(score) from score where stid = (select stid from student where name = '小明');







select substr(b_name,1,2) from books;


//select concat(1,2,3);//结果123


select concat(1,2,null);//结果null

select concat(b_name,price) from books;


select now();

select curdate();

select curtime();

select unix_timestamp();//默认返回当前时间戳

select unix_timestamp('2017-03-04');//将日期转换为时间戳

//返回某个日期是周几(1=星期天 2=星期1,...)

select dayofweek('2017-03-04');


select date_add('2017-03-03',interval 1 day);

select date_add(now(),interval 1 hour);

select date_add(now(),interval -1 month);


select date_sub(now(),interval 1 minute);



//分组查询:group by


员工ID  员工姓名 部门名称

select st.id,st.name st_name,de.name de_name from staff st left join department de

on st.dep_id = de.id

group by de_name;

员工ID  员工姓名 部门名称 工资


select de.name de_name,max(st.salary) from staff st left join department de

on st.dep_id = de.id

group by de_name;



select de.name de_name,avg(st.age),avg(st.salary) from staff st left join department de

on st.dep_id = de.id

group by de_name

having avg(st.age) > 25;


select avg(bk.price),bt.type_name from books bk left join book_type bt on bk.type_id=bt.type_id

group by bt.type_name

having avg(bk.price) > 50;
