

   这一周一直在读之前落下的I of the Vortex,陆陆续续做了一些笔记和思考,就贴在这篇文章里吧。


   其实“用行动迭代思想”这句话有其深刻的neural basis lolll。用predictive processing theory的idea来看,这句话是在说 – 用movement探索external world从而进行statistical sampling,从而update我们大脑对于世界的internal representation。这个process可以说是一个bidirectional的iterative process。


    越读I of the Vortex越觉得这本封面设计品味奇葩也没什么名气的书处处充满了深邃的思想,触及了很多neuroscience的底层逻辑。我发现越学neuroscience,越对这些fundamental的ideas感到无比的敬畏与好奇。这本书的ideas感觉和 predictive processing有不少相关性(可能这种说法不准确)。

    摘录书第六章的一段话:“The nature of brain… is, as stated repeatedly, a reality simulator… In other words, brain activity is a metaphor for everything else. Comforting or disturbing, the fact is that we are basically dreaming machines that construct virtual models of the real world.”

    不过当然,这本书说的model没有涉及到predictive coding描述的那种model的constant反馈机制。个人感觉后者是更完整的描述。另外,这一章所强调的自然演化的随机性以及能够在时间足够长,迭代次数足够多的情况下生成最适合生存的模型的能力,体现了一种神秘又深邃的宇宙之美(对不起我词穷了)。如果要硬扯心灵鸡汤的话:随即碰撞的次数够多,你够persistent,越大可能找到最优的solution。

    “Nature does not design, yet spectacular things happen.” 当然,接受这本书观点的同时,或许也在潜移默化间接受了mind是purely biological的这一观念。但真的是这样吗?


    “The smell of the forest is an internal abstraction that does not exist as an external geometry…language is an eye, but an abstract one, an internal abstraction.”


    IoV上一章探究了consciousness究竟是什么。 Astonishingly reductionistic… 非常不philosophical。在Llinas眼里,consciousness其实是biological entities in complex systems中用来做decisions的solution,然后:

    Thalamocortical system allows extremely complex connections and networks of the thalamic nuclei between one another and with all aspects of the cortex。是temporal coherence的理想agent。而“This temporally coherent event that binds, in the time domain, the fractured components of external and internal reality into a single construct is what we call the ‘self’.”

    新的一章讲了Fixed Action Patterns这一概念,但我对emotions和language是premotor FAP有疑虑:不知道我理解得全不全面,但我觉得作者说的FAP似乎是指the (motor) manifestations of responses that we commonly categorize as “emotions.” But what is the true essence of emotions? Could that be no more than a mind’s conceptual construct? How do we reconcile this theory with other ones?


    这本书还有两章就看完了。今天的第十章, “Qualia from a Neuronal Point of View”,在我看来提出了非常有趣的关于qualia的思考。我很高兴这本书在谈及意识时没有避开David Chalmers的 “The Hard Problem”。

    我觉得作者提出的qualia本质上是一种FAP… “produced by activation from stimuli of the external world via our sensory system, by direct, experimental electrical (or chemical) stimulation of various areas of the brain…”很有意思。不同于我们一般对于qualia的看法,即它是心智最高级的一种现象(很可能是一种显现性质),作者试图说服我们相信qualia其实是一种最本源的存在… “that [which] must arise from, fundamentally, properties of single cells.”

    在我看来,他的idea很颠覆,但也并不能说服我(或许是我没能完全理解这本书吧)。他用Penfield用artificial的电流激活/麻痹somatosensory area从而让被试者产生sensations的例子来论证qualia和neuronal electrical patterns of activity,总让我感觉怪怪的。那种简单的,fractionalized的sensations并不等同于qualia吧。


