[天天用英语 2017.3.8 ] - Gender budgeting--The fiscal/'fɪskl/ mystique /mɪ'stik/

Gender budgeting--The fiscal mystique



Designing budgets to support sexual equality is good for growth.

fiscal/‘fɪskl/  adj. 会计的,财政的;国库的

mystique /mɪ’stik/ 传奇,奥秘

[1]LIKE many rich-country governments, Britain’s prides itself on pursuing policies that promote sexual equality. However, it fails to live up to its word, argues the Women’s Budget Group, a feminist think tank/tæŋk/that has been scrutinising/ˈskrutnˌaɪz/Britain’s economic policy since 1989. A report in 2016 from theHouse of Commons Library,an impartial/ɪm'pɑrʃəl/research service, suggests that in 2010-15 women bore the cost of 85% of savings to the Treasury worth £23bn ($29bn) fromausterity measures, specifically cuts in welfare/'wɛl'fɛr/benefits/'bɛnɪfɪt/and in direct taxes. Because women earn less, rely more on benefits, and are much more likely than men to be single parents, the cuts affected them disproportionately[,disprə'pɔ:ʃənitli].

tank/tæŋk/vt. 把…贮放在柜内;打败

think tank 智囊团


House of Commons Library,


impartial/ɪm’pɑrʃəl/adj. 公平的,公正的;不偏不倚的

austerity measures  n. 紧缩;朴素;苦行;严厉

10-10:36am 36

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