21. copy
①written material that is to be printed in anewspaper, magazine, etc.; news or information that can be used in a newspaperarticle or advertisement
• (报刊等的)稿件;(可用于报纸文章或广告的)消息,信息:
The subeditors prepare the reporters' copy for the paper and write the headlines.
22. wild
①full of very strong feeling
wild laughter
②not carefully planned; not sensible oraccurate
He made a wild guess at the answer.
③~ about sb / sth (informal) veryenthusiastic about sb / sth
She's totally wild about him.
④affected by storms and strong winds
•狂暴的;暴风雨的【SYN】 stormy :
a wild night
23. sunset
①[C] a fixed period of time after which alaw or the effect of a law will end
• (法律的)自动废止期,效力消减期:
There is a five-year sunset on the new tax.
24. movement
①[C] any of the main parts that a long pieceof music is divided into
the slow movement of the First Concerto
25. joy
①[U] (BrE, informal) (in questions andnegative sentences用于疑问句和否定句) success or satisfaction
We complained about our rooms but got no joy from the manager.
26. minus
①making sth seem negative and lessattractive or good
What are the car's minus points (= the disadvantages) ?
On the minus side, rented property is expensive and difficult to find.
27. report
①(BrE) (NAmE re'port card) a written statementabout a student's work at school, college, etc.
to get a good / bad report
②the sound of an explosion or of a gun beingfired
•爆炸声;射击声【SYN】 bang , blast :
a loud report
28. punch
①[U] the power to interest people
It's a well-constructed crimestory, told with speed and punch.
29. keep
①[U] food, clothes and all the other thingsthat a person needs to live; the cost of these things
It's about time you got a job to earn your keep.
②[C] a large strong tower, built as part ofan old castle
30. express
①[VN] ~ itself (formal) (of a feeling) tobecome obvious in a particular way
Their pleasure expressed itself in a burst of applause.
②[VN] to remove air or liquid from sth bypressing it
Coconut milk is expressedfrom grated coconuts.
①[N](BrE) a place where you can take rubbish/ garbage and leave it
②(BrE) to leave rubbish / garbage somewhereoutdoors in order to get rid of it
• (在户外)倒垃圾:
'No tipping.' (= for example, on a notice)
③~ sb / sth (as / for sth) to say in advancethat sb / sth will be successful
The band is being tipped for the top.
④[VN] [usually passive] ~ sth (with sth) tocover the end or edge of sth with a colour, a substance, etc.
• (用颜色、物质等)覆盖…的末端,遮盖…的边:
The wings are tipped with yellow.
32. murder
①to spoil sth because you do not do it verywell
•糟蹋;毁坏;弄坏【SYN】 butcher :
Critics accused him of murdering the Englishlanguage (= writing or speaking it very badly).
33. bounce
①[VN] ~ ideas (off sb)/(around) to tell sbyour ideas in order to find out what they think about them
• (向某人)透露主意(以试探其反应):
He bounced ideas off colleagues everywhere hewent.
②[U, C] the energy that a person has
All her old bounce was back.
34. forward
①(technical 术语) in or towards the front part of a ship or plane
The main cabin is situated forward of (= infront of) the mast.
②behaving towards sb in a manner which istoo confident or too informal
I hope you don't think I'm being too forward.
35. original
①(formal) a person who thinks, behaves,dresses, etc. in an unusual way
• (思想、行为、衣着等)不同寻常的人,独特的人,怪人
36. cast
①[VN] when a snake casts its skin, the skincomes off as part of a natural process
• (蛇)蜕(皮)【SYN】 shed
②[VN] if a horse casts a shoe, the shoecomes off by accident
③[VN] ~ sb (as sth) | ~ sb (in sth) todescribe or present sb in a particular way
He cast himself as the innocent victim of a hate campaign.
④[VN] ~ a / your vote / ballot (for sb /sth) to vote for sb / sth
⑤[VN] ~ sth (in sth) to shape hot liquidmetal, etc. by pouring it into a hollow container (called a mould )
a statue cast in bronze
⑥[C] an object that is made by pouring hotliquid metal, etc. into a mould (= a specially shaped container)
⑦[C] a shaped container used to make anobject
•模子;铸模【SYN】 mould
⑧[sing.] (BrE, formal) the way that a personor thing is or appears
He has an unusual cast of mind.
37. tear
①[VN] to injure a muscle, etc. by stretchingit too much
a torn ligament
②[V +adv. / prep.] to move somewhere very quickly or in an excited way
He tore off down the street.
③[noun] a hole that has been made in sth by tearing
This sheet has a tear in it.
38. stiff
①thick and almost solid; difficult to stir
Whisk the egg whites until stiff.
②more difficult or severe than usual
It was a stiff climb to the top of the hill.
③(of a person or their behaviour 人或其行为) not friendly or relaxed
The speech he made to welcome them was stiffand formal
④[only before noun] strong; containing a lotof alcohol
39. focus
①[C] (geology 地) the point at which an earthquake starts to happen
• (地震的)震源
40. cap
①an upper limit on an amount of money thatcan be spent or borrowed by a particular institution or in a particularsituation
• (可用或可借资金的)最高限额:
The government has placed a cap on localcouncil spending.
②a small paper container with explosivepowder inside it, used especially in toy guns
• (玩具枪的)火药帽,火药纸
③[often passive] (especially BrE) to limitthe amount of money that can be charged for sth or spent on sth
a capped mortgage
④(especially BrE) to say or do sth that isfunnier, more impressive, etc. than sth that has been said or done before
What an amazing story. Can anyone cap that?
⑤[usually passive] to put an artificialcovering on a tooth to make it look more attractive
He's had his front teethcapped.
⑥[usually passive] (BrE) to choose sb toplay in their country's national team for a particular sport
He has been capped more than 30 times for Wales.
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