Everything I Never Told You 无声告白 Chapter1

Everything I Never Told You 无声告白 Chapter1_第1张图片
作者 伍绮诗

Lydia is dead. But they don’t know this yet.




主人公Lydia Elizabeth Lee



It happens sometimes—their faces are so alike you’d see one in the corner of your eye and mistake her for the other: the same elfish chin and high cheekbones and left-cheek dimple, the same thin-shouldered build. Only the hair color is different, Lydia’s ink black instead of their mother’s honey-blond.


Lydia had been sullen, and Nath had tried to cheer her up, to blackmail a smile out of her through the camera.She sits next to the tree, back against the wall, alone in the shot...her eyes like dark holes in the shiny paper.

Lydia’s Mother Marilyn Lee


Lydia’s father James Lee 

大学教授,就职于Middlewood College,作为一名华裔却教授美国历史,不难看出社会偏见。

He enjoys the surprise on people’s faces when he tells them he’s a professor of American history. “Well, I am American,” he says when people blink, a barb of defensiveness in his tone.


Lydia’s brother Nath


Lydia’s sister Hannah 


Louisa 父亲的教学助理,两人关系暧昧,可能有不一般的关系。

Stanley Hewitt 父亲的同事,两人关系并不太好。

Officer Fiske 警察中的代表人物,预感会是个重要人物。

Jack  貌似是Lydia唯一的朋友,也是哥哥的怀疑对象。


Words & Expression

1.Flag v

释义:to mark (a page in a book, card, etc) for attention by attaching a small tab or flag (在书页和卡片等)用标签做记号;


原文:six problems flagged with small ticks

造句:to flag potential problems in the report

Email flagged with high importance

2. Ladybug n. 瓢虫

查了下出处,因为好奇为啥瓢虫是Ladybug。总不能说bug都是lady吧。其实全称是Our Lady’s bug,而our lady是天主教里的圣母玛利亚。在早期的宗教绘画中玛利亚经常穿着红色的斗篷。七星瓢虫背上的黑点则象征着处女玛利亚的“七喜”和“七悲”。

3. Lipstick 做动词用

原文:Lydia sits at the table with a lipsticked smile.

例句:She lipsticked her mouth.

The man lipsticked his phone number on to her mirror.

4. Are you calling to excuse her absence?

释义:to make apology for; to try to remove blame from; to serve as excuse for

Excuse做用词用,我平时除了一个" excuse me" 很少在其他场合用到。

造句:Please excuse my opening your letter by mistake.

5. At this Officer Fiske studies James closely, a memory surfacing in his mind. “记忆浮现在脑海中”,写作佳句。


The Sound and the Fury (主人公Lydia失踪(死前)读的书) 

《喧哗与骚动》是美国著名作家威廉·福克纳William Faulkner的经典作品。小说讲述的是南方没落地主康普生一家的家族悲剧。巧合的是,这个家庭也有三个孩子。其中女儿凯蒂可以说是全书的中心,虽然没有以她的观点为中心的单独的一章,但书中一切人物的所作所为都与她息息相关。讲的也是家庭关系和社会道德问题。


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