Traditional Ramps with Imbalance 失衡传统斜坡(1)


Traditional Ramps with Imbalance 失衡传统斜坡(1)_第1张图片
Figure25:DMCplus Setpoint for Ramp with Imbalance












Traditional Ramps with Imbalance 失衡传统斜坡(1)_第2张图片
Figure26: Imbalanced Ramp between operating limits


Traditional Ramps with Imbalance 失衡传统斜坡(1)_第3张图片
Figure27: DMCplus Setpoint for Imbalanced Ramp between operating limits



When the steady-state optimization returns a non-zero imbalance, the DMCplus move calculation is given a setpoint consistent with the imbalance, by specifying the setpoint as a line extending into the future with slope equal to the steady-state calculated imbalance (see Figure 25). If the current value is between the operating limits, the line starts at the current value; if the value is outside an operating limit, the line starts at the violated operating limit. This ensures mathematical consistency between the steady-state optimization and DMCplus move calculation.

For a Traditional Ramp with Imbalance, the steady-state optimization attempts to balance the ramp. If the event can be balanced, the previous section on Traditional Ramps with No Imbalance describes how the ramp setpoint is calculated, based on RAMPSP and RAMPRT.

If, however, the steady-state optimization cannot balance the ramp and the user has set MXMIMB>0(specifying the maximum number of control cycles the ramp is allowed to be out of balance), then the amount of imbalance is checked to be sure it is not too large.

If the imbalance is not too large, the controller is allowed to remain on for 'MXNIMB' consecutive control cycles with the ramp out of balance. If the imbalance is found to be too large,or after 'MXNIMB+1' consecutive cycles out of balance, the controller is turned off.

Whenever the steady-state optimization is allowed to calculate an imbalanced solution, the ramp will tend to be driven toward one side of the operating limits or the other. Since the ramp will be more likely to be near an operating limit, safety zones are implemented to ensure that the value of the ramp is not driven too near the instrument limits.

The Safety Zone is equal to 10% of the difference between the operating limits. This zone is applied at both ends of the operating region and effectively buffer the operating limits. See Figure 26.

To set the allowed imbalance limits, a time Horizon is specified by the user-entered parameter RHORIZ, which is multiplied by the steady-state time to give this Horizon.

There are three different ways in which the imbalance limits are determined depending on where the current value of the imbalanced ramp is relative to the Safety Zones.

If the current value of an imbalanced ramp is between the Safety Zones, the upper allowed imbalance line is constructed by drawing a line from the current value to intersect with the upper Safety Zone at the end of the Horizon. The slope of this line is the upper allowed imbalance.

A lower allowed imbalance line is constructed in a similar manner as shown in Figure 26.The steady-state calculated imbalance (slope of the DMCplus setpoint line) must be between the upper and lower allowed imbalance limits (slopes of the upper and lower allowed imbalance lines). As the current value of the ramp approaches one of the Safety Zones, the corresponding allowed imbalance decreases in magnitude until the current value reaches the safety zone, where that allowed imbalance becomes zero.

The DMCplus Move Calculation setpoint is a line starting at the current value, and extending into the future with a slope equal to the steady-state calculated imbalance as described previously. See Figure 27.


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