Please read the following user agreement carefully:

First of all, thank you for using the products and services of "ideack". This Agreement is the User ("You"), including registered users and unregistered visitors (participants are bound by some terms), and the agreement signed with us when registering, accessing or browsing the products and services of ideack. (The product mentioned below refers to the product when it is mentioned).

Please note that your use of the ideack pages, products and services is deemed to be a legally binding agreement to this Agreement.

Important Notice---Before signing this agreement, "ideack" officially reminds users:

You should carefully read and fully understand this Agreement and the terms of this Agreement and the privacy policies involved, which may include provisions that remove or limit ideack liability or restrictions on user rights. Unless you accept this Agreement, you have no right or need to continue to accept the products and services of ideack. You can opt out of the user registration page or stop using ideack products and services. By clicking "Agree" to accept and continue to use the products and services of "ideack", you are deemed to have fully accepted this Agreement. After you sign this Agreement, this text may be modified several times due to changes in national policies, products, and the environment in which this Agreement is implemented. The revised agreement is posted on this website. If you disagree with the revised agreement, please stop logging in to the account and stop using the ideack products and services. If you log in or continue to use it, it will be deemed as modified. The agreement is approved.

1. Confirmation and acceptance of the terms of service
The ownership of the content and services of this website and APP is owned by the company. Please read these terms carefully before accepting this service. The user uses the service or completes the registration process to indicate that the user accepts all terms of service.

2. The user agrees:
(1) Provide timely, detailed and accurate personal data.
(2) Continuously update the registration materials and meet the requirements of timely, detailed and accurate. If the information provided by the user is inaccurate, this website has the right to terminate the service. This website and APP will not disclose the user's name, address, email address, account number and phone number (please read the privacy policy).

Any actions of users on this website and APP must follow:
(1) The transmission of information must comply with relevant Chinese regulations.
(2) The use of information services is not illegal and unethical.
(3) Do not interfere with or disrupt network services.
(4) Comply with all network protocols, regulations, procedures, and practices for using the Services. The user's code of conduct is based on Internet regulations, policies, procedures, and practices.

3. Modification of the terms of service
This website and the APP have the right to amend the terms as necessary and will post them on the page. If you do not accept the changes, users can voluntarily cancel their membership. If you do not cancel your membership, you are deemed to have accepted the changes to the Terms of Service.

4, the user's account, password and security
Once you have successfully registered as a member, you will have a password and username. The user will be solely responsible for the security of the username and password. In addition, each user is solely responsible for all activities and events conducted under their username. You can change your password at any time. If the user finds any illegal use of the user account or a security breach, please notify the company immediately.

5, refused to provide guarantee
The user expressly agrees to use the company's services and the individual assumes the risk. This website and APP do not guarantee that the service must meet the requirements of the user, nor guarantee that the service will not be interrupted, and no guarantee is given for the timeliness, security and error of the service. The user understands and accepts that the reliability of any information obtained through the service depends on the user's own judgment and the user bears all risks and responsibilities.

6. Limited liability
This website and the APP are not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of the Services. These damages may come from (including but not limited to) the improper use of the service, or the transmission of information that does not comply with regulations.

7. Storage and restriction of user information
This website and APP are not responsible for the deletion or storage failure of the user's published information. The company has the right to determine whether the user's behavior complies with the requirements and spirit of the Terms of Service. If the user violates the terms of the service, there is a right to discontinue the service.

8. End the service
This website and the APP may discontinue one or more services at any time based on actual conditions and shall not be responsible or informed to any individual or third party. At the same time, if the user objects to any of the terms of service or disagrees with subsequent changes to the terms, or is dissatisfied with the service, the user may exercise the following rights:

(1) The company's services are no longer used.
(2) Notify the company to stop the service to the user.

9. Ownership of information content
The company's information includes: text, software, sound, photos, videos, graphics; and other information, all of which are protected by copyright, trademark, label and other property ownership laws. Users can only use these content under authorization, and cannot copy, reproduce, or create derivative products related to the content.

10. Applicable law
The above terms will apply to the local laws of the user and all disputes will be referred to the people's court where the website is located, based on local laws. In the event of a conflict between the Terms of Service and local law, these terms will be reinterpreted in full accordance with the law, while other terms remain binding.
