U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer Elizabeth Ortega displays counterfeit Louboutin pumps and high heels featuring the distinctive red sole of French designer Christian Louboutin are displayed

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer Elizabeth Ortega displays counterfeit Louboutin pumps and high heels featuring the distinctive red sole of French designer Christian Louboutin are displayed at Price Transfer Warehouse in Long Beach, California. (Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)

It has been well documented that American e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and eBay have become cesspools of counterfeits and other illegal and potentially dangerous goods that are mostly coming in from China, but, impervious to the apparent irony, Beijing is upping the regulations on foreign e-commerce merchants selling goods the other way.

A global marketplace

As we’ve previously covered:

In a world that is fast becoming borderless for goods, borders remain one of the biggest legal loopholes of our time. By selling internationally, IP laws, health and safety standards, and labor regulations become moot. The counterfeiters who sell their goods on Amazon and eBay can hide behind their national fortifications, fully immune to legal prosecution, as they freely sell illegal and potentially dangerous items to unsuspecting consumers around the world -- such as this lady who had her eyes "glued together" by what she thought was designer eye shadow that she bought on eBay or this family from Tennessee who had their million-dollar house burned down and cats killed when a counterfeit hoverboard they bought on Amazon exploded.

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If a product is coming into the USA via B2C or F2C e-commerce it is virtually immune to government regulations, and products that would be otherwise deemed illegal if produced or sold domestically flow seamless across borders. While there are, of course, stacks of laws against counterfeit items and loads of consumer safety regulations, these legal safeguards are rendered impotent when dealing with foreign sellers, primarily because there are no legally liable parties within the jurisdiction of U.S. law to prosecute. Legal precedent has already been established that clears e-commerce sites like Amazon and eBay from responsibility for the products sold on their platforms, so criminals from abroad are pocketing billions selling illegal goods to Americans with complete impunity.

One-way system

This is not an exaggeration; this is the reality of cross-border e-commerce in the early 21st century. Globalization, technology, and consumer buying habits have gotten far ahead of lawmakers, which has ushered in a ‘Wild West’ atmosphere for those unscrupulous enough to take advantage of it.

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However, some countries have started to catch up. Even though the bulk of counterfeits, illegal, and fake goods being sold to U.S. consumers are coming from China, Beijing has taken assertive measures to ensure that merchants in other countries do not attempt to do the same thing to them.

US President Donald Trump (L) shakes hands with China's President Xi Jinping at the end of a press conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on November 9, 2017. (NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP/Getty Images)

More on Forbes: Amazon And Ebay Opened Pandora's Box Of Chinese Counterfeits And Now Don't Know What To Do

Last week, in the wake of Trump’s visit to China where he aimed to reestablish more equitable trade relations, Beijing issued a second draft of its new e-commerce law, which comes as a major blow to foreign companies looking to get direct access to the world’s most vibrant online consumer base, which just a couple of weeks ago spent $25.3 billion during the Singles Day online shopping event.

China in control

To put it simply, the draft of the new law firmly states that Chinese e-commerce is off limits to foreign retailers without going through a licensed Chinese middleman, that only sales that comply with Chinese law will be allowed into the country (i.e. no beauty products that are not tested on animals), that proper taxes and duties will be collected, that the foreign company must comply with China's cybersecurity laws (such as storing data on local servers), and, via the China Law Blog, “Foreign-owned operators of e-commerce platforms will also be excluded from operating in the Chinese market,” which means that Amazon’s Chinese dreams may have hit yet another big snag.

As Mark Tanner outlines in a recent ChinaSkinny newsletter:

Foreign retailers will be unable to sell online in China without going through a platform controlled by a Chinese-owned entity with the relevant licenses. Whereas the vast majority of online sales currently go through these channels anyway - Taobao, Tmall, JD, etc - it doesn't look positive for Amazon's ecommerce business in China, who this month sold their China-based cloud computing hardware due to the new cyber security laws. It also provides little hope for foreign brand.com stores.

To ensure that China has the logistical capabilities to enforce these regulations, more than 13 specialized cross-border e-commerce zones are being built across the country to curb the possibility that infringing products from abroad make it to their destinations.

More on Forbes: China Is Facing An Epidemic Of Counterfeit And Contraband Wine

Meanwhile, Chinese merchants can sell their products directly to consumers in the U.S. regulation and tax free and U.S.-based customers can freely shop on Chinese e-commerce venues.

The equivalent of what China is doing would be if the U.S. government forced Chinese e-commerce platforms like Aliexpress to open an eBay or Amazon store in order to sell to Americans, made these platforms liable for the sale of illegal goods, prohibited Americans from buying directly from all foreign websites, and provisioned U.S. customs with the capabilities to properly inspect e-commerce purchases coming into the country -- all of which probably isn't going to happen anytime soon.

While Xi Jinping goes around the world saying things like “Pursuing protectionism is just like locking oneself in a dark room. Wind and rain might be kept outside but so are light and air,” Beijing continues issuing protectionist policies that would even make Steve Bannon blush.

The big winners here are China’s domestic e-commerce firms. If international e-commerce platforms want to get into China, they need to do so via established Chinese venues -- such as Amazon operating a store on Alibaba's Tmall. Basically, Beijing is doing to foreign e-commerce companies what it did to Facebook and Google during a previous era: keeping the way for domestic companies clear from foreign competition and ensuring their ability to monitor and control what is happening in their country on all levels.

China first

It is now almost laughable how Amazon goes to such great extents to encourage Chinese e-commerce merchants to sell directly to Americans via their platform -- even going as far as registering with the Federal Maritime Commission so they can ship container loads of Chinese goods directly to their warehouses in the U.S. faster and cheaper. Amazon is now the most popular cross-border e-commerce marketplace for Chinese sellers and 62% of China’s online vendors are now using the venue, with 91% selling to customers in the U.S. According to research by Marketplace Pulse, Chinese sellers now make up 25% of the merchants selling on Amazon U.S. and potentially a quarter of Amazon’s global marketplace. 

Confiscated counterfeit Super Bowl XLVIII merchandise is viewed at a news conference on the latest seizure of the merchandise leading up to the Super Bowl on January 30, 2014 in New York City. Counterfeit sports merchandise, much of which originates in China, is a multi million dollar industry. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

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China has few qualms about playing unfair and they will always do what is best for their government and businesses, regardless of how it impacts foreign entities. While Trump wears baseball caps emblazoned with “America First,” Xi Jinping emblazons the equivalent of this sentiment into law. China is for China first, foremost, and always — this is something so ingrained, understood, and logical that it goes without saying, let alone necessitating a slogan.

Closing the loopholes

But when viewed from outside the trade imbalance angle, why shouldn’t Beijing develop policies which protects its businesses, legal integrity, and, in their view of things, end consumers? Why shouldn’t foreign e-commerce merchants be required to go through licensed domestic companies in all countries rather than being allowed to sell illegal goods from behind the protection of borders? Why shouldn’t the loopholes which allow cross-border e-commerce sellers to evade taxes be closed everywhere?

China is basically saying, “If you want access to our market you need to do things our way and abide by our laws.” It sounds simple, logical, and what you’d probably expect from any country if you didn’t know otherwise, but this is a concept that is currently lightyears ahead of lawmakers in America. But if U.S. politicians are serious about preventing foreign merchants from freely selling untaxed counterfeits, fake goods, and otherwise illegal and potentially hazardous items in the U.S. — which are sending masses of small U.S. businesses into bankruptcy, damaging the reputations of big brands, and prospectively putting the entire population at risk — they may need to step in and take a page out of Beijing’s playbook:

If Chinese e-commerce vendors want to sell in the U.S. they need to have an approved and licensed U.S.-based agent who ensures that the products they import comply with U.S. laws and assumes legal responsibility when they don’t.

I'm the author of Ghost Cities of China. Traveling since '99. Currently on the New Silk Road. Read my other articles on Forbes here.

你可能感兴趣的:(U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer Elizabeth Ortega displays counterfeit Louboutin pumps and high heels featuring the distinctive red sole of French designer Christian Louboutin are displayed)