True love


        看《Definitely, Maybe》就是这样。

        Will说,I don't want a fling,I want the real deal.

         April说,Forget the real deal. You don't find it, it finds you. It means that you get to a certain age and then you're ready. You're ready for kids or a commitment or,you know mortagage. And the person that you're with, then they become the one.

       记得张小娴说过一段类似的话:浪子回头不因为一个人能让他回头,而是他自己想回头了。所以生活里的真爱大抵不够浪漫。电影里的Will肯定是个浪漫主义者,而April是个理性主义者;在April说了这段话之后,Will问,So you're saying it's not who, but it's when. So there's never been a guy, ever,that made you think, "this is it!" "this is him." This is the one.电影里还有个片段能看出来Will是个不折不扣的浪漫主义者,Will准备向异地女友Emily求婚的台词:I wanna marry you because you're the first person that I want to look at when I wake up in the morning. And the only one I wanna kiss goodnight. Because the first time that I saw these hands, I couldn't imagine not being able to hold them. But mainly, when you love someone as much as I love you , getting married is the only thing left to go. So will you… um. Marry me? 如果我是被求婚的对象,听到这段台词当下肯定会哭得像个傻逼狂点头say yes。

       然而回归到日常生活中,总是理性主义者会生活得比较淡定,而浪漫主义者每每总要失望。在一段感情里女生常常是浪漫主义的幻想家,而男生却常常是务实的理性主义者,常常会因为这样的差别上演一幕幕撕逼大战。浪漫主义者还常常因为幻想"meet one who makes he/she think, yes this is the one!"而不小心成了剩男剩女。

       可是生活里的真爱大多数都是April所说的是你想安定下来的时候,遇见了一个人,于是你们就结婚了。当然也有meet the one的概率,但是现实中的凡夫俗子如你我,只能说,别赌运气,手上是谁就珍惜谁吧,爱情本来就是天时地利人和。浪漫主义只能成为生活的点缀而不能成为生活的常态;当然,我觉得偶尔的浪漫和惊喜还是必不可少的生活调味剂,anyway,我还是一个浪漫主义者。

你可能感兴趣的:(True love)