
Java libraries you can't miss in 2017

Use cognitive (or artificial intelligence) services to enhance a chatbot
如何用watson services(conversation,retrieve and rank,tradeoff analytics,text to speech)构建聊天机器人。

2016年容器技术思考: Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos将走向何方?
围绕Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos聊聊火热的容器技术,在调度和编排这一块还是看好K8s,其和mesos的结合有点意思。

Designing robust and predictable APIs with idempotency
如何设计健壮的API?保持幂等,调用端在发现调用失败的情况下用Exponential backoff的做法来重试。

**Make sure that failures are handled consistently. **Have clients retry operations against remote services. Not doing so could leave data in an inconsistent state that will lead to problems down the road.
Make sure that failures are handled safely. Use idempotency and idempotency keys to allow clients to pass a unique value and retry requests as needed.
**Make sure that failures are handled responsibly. **Use techniques like exponential backoff and random jitter. Be considerate of servers that may be stuck in a degraded state.

The Impact Github is Having on Your Software Career, Right Now…
