
flandmark是一个检测脸部特征点的开源代码库(, 利用flandmark可以检测到左右眼睛的左右角点、鼻子、嘴的左右角点

**ARToolKit ** is a software library that can be used to calculate camera position and orientation relative to physical markers in real time. This enables the easy development of a wide range of Augmented Reality applications.


FlyCapture2 相机的连接和图像采集

libdc1394 is a library that provides a high level programming interface for application developers who wish to control and capture streams from IEEE 1394 based cameras that conform to the 1394-based Digital Camera Specifications (also known as the IIDC or DCAM Specifications). libdc1394 also supports some USB cameras that are IIDC compliant.

libfreenect2 提供了对kinect2.0的支持,并且可以实现在一台电脑上连接多台kinect

RealSense 技术相当于给你的电脑安了一双眼睛。 Intel RealSense技术带来更加直观的沉浸式体验,加上 Intel 处理器强大的性能,为我们重新定义了人机交互方式。 RealSense3D 是一套感知计算解决方案,通过一个比一元硬币还小的 3D 摄像头,加入红外传感组件以及实感图像处理芯片,电脑能够精确识别人的手势动作、面部特征、前景和背景,让电脑理解人的动作和情感。


videoInput A video capture library for windows
