注:Sweetalert2已经可以直接从npm中下载安装 npm install --save sweetalert2,以下是集成sweetalert1
在命令行中输入:npm install -g typings
安装完成后,在命令行中输入:typings --version
/** * 第三方库sweetalert声明文件 * * @author dane * * @interface SwalStatic */ interface SwalStatic { /** * A basic message * simple:swal("Here's a message!") */ (content: string); /** * A title with a text under * simple:swal("Here's a message!", "It's pretty, isn't it?") */ (content: string, description: string); /** * A success message! * simple:swal("Good job!", "You clicked the button!", "success") */ (content: string, description: string, type: string); /** * A warning message, with a function attached to the "Confirm"-button... * simple: */ (options: any, fn?: any); } declare var swal: SwalStatic;
3、编写引用 ///
swal({ title: '您是否退出应用?', text: '您自定义的内容', type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, animation: 'slide-from-top', cancelButtonText: "取消", confirmButtonText: '退出应用', html: true }, (isConfirm) => { if (isConfirm) { this.platform.exitApp(); //退出平台 } });