CPlusPlus basics

马上要学compiler construction和Database implementation两门课,用的是C/C++

Overloads and templates:

Overload functions:
In C++, two different functions can have the same name if their parameters are different; either because they have a different number of parameters, or because any of their parameters are of a different type.

function templates
Defining a function template follows the same syntax as a regular function, except that it is preceded by the template keyword and a series of template parameters enclosed in angle-brackets <>:

  • 函数声明前面要加template .
  • 调用时function其中会自动推断。
T sum( T a, T b) {
    return a + b;

bool are_equal(T a, U b) {
     return a == b;
// call sum function
cout << sum(10, 20) << endl;
cout << sum(10.0, 20.0) << endl; // double类型自动推断。
cout << are_equal(12, 120.0) << endl;


CPlusPlus basics_第1张图片


Namespaces allow us to group named entities that otherwise would have global scope into narrower scopes, giving them namespace scope. This allows organizing the elements of programs into different logical scopes referred to by names.

CPlusPlus basics_第2张图片

declaration: type name [elements];
initialization: int foo [5] = { 16, 2, 77, 40, 12071 };
or : int foo[] = { 10, 20, 30 };
or int foo[] { 10, 20, 30 };

CPlusPlus basics_第3张图片

Multidimensional Arrays

int jimmy [3][5];

Arrays as parameters
  1. passing an array as argument always loses a dimension
  2. arrays cannot be directly copied, and thus what is really passed is a pointer.

    CPlusPlus basics_第4张图片

& Address-of operator foo = &myvar;
* "Value pointed to by" operator, i.e. baz = *foo;

Box operator+(const Box& b)是什么意思?类的类型?

解析: 这涉及Cpp函数参数传递方式。
两种传递方式:Arguments passed by value and by reference

void duplicate(int a, int b) {
 // pass by value;
  a *= 2;
  b *= 2;

int x = 1, y = 2;
duplicate(x, y);
// x is still  1, y still 2
void duplicate(int& a, int& b) {
 // pass by reference;
  a *= 2;
  b *= 2;
int x = 1, y = 2;
duplicate(x, y);
// x is 2, y still 4 

所以: Box operator+(const Box& b)的意思是传b本身的reference过去。调用时仍然是box1+box2

你可能感兴趣的:(CPlusPlus basics)