1. Why happiness is a problem?

Because happiness is not a solvable equation. Dissatisfaction and unease are inherent in human nature and necessary to creating consistent happiness.

2. Why the author invented Disappointment Panda? What is it for?

Tell us that life is full of tribulations, but we can't always escape them.

He tells people harsh truths about themselves that they need to hear but don't want to accept.

3. What is the role that emotions play in our life? Why they are overrated?

They’re feedback mechanisms telling us that something is either likely right or likely wrong for us. They're overrated because we always trust our own emotions.

4. Why u don't have chiseled abs?

First of all, I am not a member of the appearance Association. Secondly, I rarely exercise and can only work out for a few days.


Therefore, it’s not always beneficial to avoid pain and seek pleasure, since pain can, at times, be life-or-death important to our well-being. True happiness occurs only when you find the problems you enjoy having and enjoy solving.

当我们面对困难的时候,我们总是习惯的去逃避,会先give a fuck,先抱怨两句,而不是以最快的速度来解决问题。更不用说享受解决问题带来的乐趣了。想想自己有多久没有这种快感了呢,作为一个文科女当年能求出一道立体几何的体积都觉得巨满足。问题不会因为我们give a fuck 它就自己解决了。当我们享受解决问题的时候我们也许就是快乐的,而这些问题也会成为我们特有的财富,下一次再遇见的时候我们就可以avoid了。

What we gain is also what we lose.

读到这句话的时候就想起了《穿普拉达的女王》里的一句台词“Let me know when your whole life goes up in smoke. That means it's time for a promotion”. 我们在得到的同时也在失去。想要得越多失去的也会越多,希望自己能够一直保持着知足常乐的这种心态。



原文There he would starve himself, torture himself, and beg for scraps of food from strangers for the rest of his life.

折磨;使痛苦;使苦恼 To torture someone means to cause them to suffer mental pain or anxiety.


原文And this is what’s so dangerous about a society that coddles itself more and more from the inevitable discomforts of life

溺爱;娇纵 To coddle someone means to treat them too kindly or protect them too much.

salivate at


You may salivate at the thought of a problem-free life full of everlasting happiness and eternal compassion, but back here on earth the problems never cease.
