


I highly recommend having some kind of trade show giveaway at your booth. My favorite was a big bowl of Hershey Kisses (almond) located on a table halfway into the booth so that everyone could see them, but needed to cross the line to get them. I would ask each person grabbing some if they were interested in my product, and if not, thank them and move on. Having traffic is a double-edged sword though: some is good because it makes your booth look popular, but you don’t want to get tied up with people that aren’t buying what you’re selling.





2)giveaway 免费赠品;

3)Hershey Kisses...居然不记得这个牌子的巧克力"好时榛仁巧克力"

4)halfway 后置修饰table,展会中央的桌子;

5)没仔细理解ask的意思,所以后面move on要译为"问别人";

6)having traffic是指拥有人气,"完全根据一开始的货摊把人定位在街上的小摊贩了..."语境狠重要;

7)get tied up 译为周旋



Manathon Mania was not only happened in Beijing.  The Marathon which designed to start on 23th November in Guangzhou in 2012  was only 20000 runners, but has been absorbed in 50000 applicants, thus , a lotting system was used to decide who can participate in. The oldest applicant was 83 years old.

Participating Marathon has been popular in the world for a long time, which is hot in China recent years. For many Chinese, it is a fashion.



And Beijing is not an exception. The 2014 Guangzhou Marathon, set for Nov. 23, has already attracted some 50,000 applicants for its 20,000 slots, so whether they will run or not is determined by a lottery system. The most senior applicant is 83 years old.

For quite some time, it has been fashionable all over the world to participate in marathon races, but it was not until recently that this sport has become popular in China. For many Chinese, it is now a fad.

1)并非只有北京,对应单词: exception, alone;

2) 年份看错,2014广州马拉松可以表示为: the 2014Guangzhou Marathon;

3) 定于11月23: set for Nov. 23 /scheduled for Nov. 23

3)20000个位置: for its 20,000 slots/is restricted to 20,000 runners

4)参加马拉松participate in marathon races,participate 后面要加介词 in

5)抽签系统: lottery system, 抽签draw lots

6)很长时间以来:has long been /For quite some time

7)但只是在最近几年but it was only in recent years that but it was not until recently

8) 流行 become popular/gained widely popularity

9)时髦 new cool/fad


And Beijing is not alone. Though the 2014 Guangzhou Marathon scheduled for Nov. 23 is restricted to 20,000 runners, about 50,000 people, with the oldest being 83, have applied to it. The applicants will have to draw lots to determine who can run. Participating in marathon races has long been popular around the world, but it was only in recent years that the long-distance sport gained wide popularity in China. It has even become the "new cool" for many Chinese.
