美剧《初来乍到 Fresh Off The Boat》剧情梗概


这是一部根据华裔美国厨师黄颐铭(Eddie Huang)的回忆录《初来乍到》改变的情景喜剧。讲述了二十世纪九十年代一个台湾家庭从华盛顿的唐人街移居到奥兰多白人区后发生的故事。

Eddie的父母都是来自台湾的移民,Eddie和两兄弟Emery、Evan都是出生在美国唐人街的ABC。Eddie的父亲十分憧憬美国梦,在奥兰多开立一个美式农场烤牛排餐馆,并很好的融入当地社会;Eddie的母亲是一个生活节省,对孩子的学习成绩特别在意,为了全家的家庭生活辛勤打理一切的好妈妈;Eddie本人是一个喜欢嘻哈音乐,且有点叛逆的孩子,他为了融入奥兰多的学校生活做出各种努力;Eddie的二弟Emery来到奥兰多后很快得到了同学们的喜爱,在家也是个听话的好孩子,很叫人省心;Eddie的三弟Evan是个听话懂事的小大人,是妈妈的贴心小棉袄,且当妈妈不在家时,常常作为Mama Evan来监督大家,后来和社区的其他白种女人打成一片,深得女邻居们喜爱。Eddie的奶奶因为持有绿卡,故常年住在Eddie家,这是一个十分有个性的老太太。


2015年2月4日在美国ABC电视台试播。每季22分钟,第一季13集,第二季24集,第三季23集。 各季各集梗概如下:

Season 1

S1, Ep1 4 Feb. 2015 Pilot

After the Huangs move to the suburbs in Orlando, Florida, they discover life is a lot different than in the Chinatown area of Washington, D.C.  

S1, Ep2 4 Feb. 2015 Home Sweet Home-School

Jessica thinks school must be too easy for the boys and gives them extra homework; Louis tries to get Jessica to ease up on her strict approach.  

S1, Ep3 10 Feb. 2015 The Shunning

Louis urges the family to make new friends at a neighborhood block party. Eddie tries to earn respect in the neighborhood.  

S1, Ep4 10 Feb. 2015 Success Perm

Eddie's cousin introduces him to hip-hop, while the family is visited by Jessica's sister.  

S1, Ep5 17 Feb. 2015 Persistent Romeo

Louis must hire an instructor to give the restaurant staff a sexual harassment seminar. Eddie attempts to impress his friends during a sleep over.  

S1, Ep6 24 Feb. 2015 Fajita Man

Eddie takes a job at the family restaurant to earn money for a new video game, and Jessica searches for a job of her own.  

S1, Ep7 3 Mar. 2015 Showdown at the Golden Saddle

The Huangs get a billboard for the restaurant, but it keeps on getting vandalized. Eddie tries impressing a girl that he likes.  

S1, Ep8 10 Mar. 2015

Phillip Goldstein Eddie tries to make friends with the only other Chinese kid in school.  

S1, Ep9 24 Mar. 2015 License to Sell

Jessica worries she can't compete with a top realtor and puts off taking the exam for her license.  S1, Ep10 31 Mar. 2015 Blind Spot

Jessica is annoyed that Louis isn't jealous when her college boyfriend, Oscar, visits.  

S1, Ep11 7 Apr. 2015 Very Superstitious

Jessica's superstitions get the best of her when she sells a house with the address 44 West 44th Street - the number 4 being bad luck in Chinese culture.  

 S1, Ep12 14 Apr. 2015 Dribbling Tiger, Bounce Pass Dragon

Louis and Jessica get pressured into volunteering at the kids' schools because of budget cuts. Eddie sees a whole other side of his dad when Louis - a former semi-pro basketball player back in Taiwan -- coaches the basketball team, while Emery and Evan see a side of Jessica they wish they hadn't when she grudgingly takes on producing their school play, and puts her own spin on it.  

S1, Ep13 21 Apr. 2015 So Chineez

Jessica is worried that their family is not Chinese enough.

Season 2

S2, Ep1 22 Sep. 2015 Family Business Trip

Louis must bring his family on a business trip to Gator World; Jessica learns to relax; Evan's last baby tooth falls out.  

S2, Ep2 29 Sep. 2015 Boy II Man

When Eddie's heart is broken, he stops eating and listens to a Boyz II Men song repeatedly.  

S2, Ep3 6 Oct. 2015 Shaquille O'Neal Motors

It's Louis and Jessica's wedding anniversary and Louis plans a romantic evening out - to the car dealership

S2, Ep4 13 Oct. 2015 The Fall Ball

As Eddie's first school dance approaches, Louis is determined to make the night as perfect as a John Hughes film.     

S2, Ep5 27 Oct. 2015 Miracle on Dead Street

It's the Huangs' first Halloween in the suburbs and Louis is determined to turn their "dead" street into a prime destination for trick-or-treaters.  

S2, Ep6 3 Nov. 2015 Good Morning Orlando

Louis goes on a local morning talk show to promote Cattleman's Ranch and fears he humiliated himself and poorly represented his culture.     

S2, Ep7 10 Nov. 2015 The Big 1-2

It's Eddie's 12th birthday and instead of celebrating with his family, he plans his own birthday party with his friends at the mall.

S2, Ep8 17 Nov. 2015 Huangsgiving

The Haungs hold their Thanksgiving dinner with Jessica's Sister and Mom.

S2, Ep9 1 Dec. 2015 We Done Son

Jessica and Honey's friendship hits a rough patch after an argument about the investment property. Louis's old friend Barry (J.B. Smoove) overstays his welcome. And Eddie starts a part-time job working for DMX.  

S2, Ep10 8 Dec. 2015 The Real Santa

Jessica loves the holidays, but feels that Santa could use some improvements. So she and Louis convince Evan that Santa is a scientist with multiple post-graduate degrees from Princeton and has a close relationship with his mother. Meanwhile, Eddie and Emery are struggling to find the perfect Christmas gift for their mother.  

S2, Ep11 2 Feb. 2016 Year of the Rat

Louis' error causes the Huangs to miss their flight to D.C. to celebrate the Chinese New Year with family. They try local alternatives with mixed results before friends help them ring in their traditional new year.  

S2, Ep12 9 Feb. 2016 Love and Loopholes

Honey and Marvin babysit the boys so Jessica and Louis can enjoy a Valentine's Day evening out. But Emery makes an alarming discovery when he walks in on his parents' special alone time. Meanwhile, Eddie pulls out all the stops to take Alison to the Janet Jackson concert.

S2, Ep13 16 Feb. 2016 Phil's Phaves

Louis discovers that Cattleman's Ranch has been given a poor grade on a restaurant review website called "Phil's Phaves," and petitions the reviewer for another chance, but is dismayed to learn that "Phil" is Eddie's nemesis, Phillip Goldstein. Meanwhile, Eddie is stressed out about calling his girlfriend, Alison, on the phone, so he decides to record a mix-tape for her instead. Eddie's troubles increase when another girl - who has an unrequited crush on him - gets the mix-tape by accident.

S2, Ep14 23 Feb. 2016 Michael Chang Fever

Louis and Jessica learn that Emery has great potential to be the next Chinese-American tennis super star. But after hiring tennis legend Billie Jean King to take Emery to the next level, they realize she may be taking the training too far. Meanwhile, Eddie helps Evan pay off a gambling debt.  

S2, Ep15 8 Mar. 2016 Keep 'Em Separated

Louis keeps crashing Jessica's girl time with Honey, so she encourages him to make some friends of his own. But when his new friend ends up being an attractive woman from the pool hall, Jessica gets jealous and tries to become Louis' new pool buddy. Meanwhile, Eddie is unnerved when Alison buddies up with his former crush Nicole.

S2, Ep16 15 Mar. 2016 Tight Two

Louis prides himself on being a fun dad, but after he has an accident and is forced to stay home with the boys, he scrambles to find ways to entertain the kids. And while Louis is stuck at home, Jessica struggles to manage the staff and the new takeout service at Cattleman's Ranch.  

S2, Ep17 22 Mar. 2016 Doing It Right

Jessica gets into a tangle with another mom and worries that she is the reason why Evan was uninvited to his best friend's birthday party. Meanwhile, Louis and Eddie are busy perfecting their secret family recipe for the North Orlando Chili Cook-Off

S2, Ep18 29 Mar. 2016 Week in Review

There's no question that Louis and Jessica make a great team. They each do their part to make sure everything runs smoothly at home, at the restaurant and the investment property. But when Eddie comes home with lice and infects others in the family, Louis leaves it to Jessica to clean up the mess. Meanwhile, Eddie tries to back out of a bet he made with his teacher, and his classmates suffer the consequences.

S2, Ep19 5 Apr. 2016 Jessica Place

After Jessica's favorite TV show has its season finale, she desperately searches to find a replacement sorce of entertainment in her own life.

S2, Ep20 26 Apr. 2016 Hi, My Name Is ...

Even is troubled with choosing what name to put on a legal document.

S2, Ep21 3 May 2016 Rent Day

Jessica's decision to rent out the flip house instead of selling it backfires on her, Honey and Grandma, as does Louis' idea to teach Eddie a lesson about responsibility.

S2, Ep22 10 May 2016 Gotta Be Me

Louis helps Emery become the cool kid at school and Jessica chaperones Eddie's field trip to Colonial Floridatowne, proving that she can be a fun mom.

S2, Ep23 17 May 2016 The Manchurian Dinner Date

Eddie is excited for his mom to meet his girlfriend Alison, but worries she will not approve since she is not Chinese. So with the help of a friend, Alison devises an elaborate plan to make a good impression on Jessica. Meanwhile, Emery enlists Louis to help him prepare his graduation speech, and Grandma attempts to make a new suit for Evan.

S2, Ep24 24 May 2016 Bring the Pain 

Louis' estranged brother, Gene, comes to visit, and he has big news to share with the family. And Eddie tries to find creative ways to watch the latest Chris Rock age-inappropriate stand-up comedy special despite his parents' and brothers' disapproval.  

Season 3

S3, Ep1 11 Oct. 2016 Coming from America

The Huangs travel to Taiwan to set things right with Gene.

S3, Ep2 18 Oct. 2016 Breaking Chains

Eddie shows Emery the ropes on his first day of middle school, revealing that he convinced the teachers and staff into believing fake Chinese customs that provide special privileges at school. Meanwhile, Jessica is thoroughly offended when Louis hires a housekeeper to help lighten her load at home.  

S3, Ep3 25 Oct. 2016 Louisween

Louis tries to get Jessica into the Halloween spirit, but she's busy writing her first horror novel. In the meantime, Emery and Evan debate what costumes to wear and Eddie is excited about partying with high schoolers at Nicole's house.

S3, Ep4 1 Nov. 2016 Citizen Jessica

As Louis and the Cattleman's Ranch staff prepare to serve as a polling place for the 1996 election, Jessica suspects that one of the restaurant employees may be an undocumented immigrant. So when Jessica reports her findings to the I.N.S., she learns that her immigration status is also questionable. Meanwhile, Eddie and his friends have a heated debate over who killed rapper Tupac Shakur.

S3, Ep515 Nov. 2016 No Thanks-giving

Louis and Jessica decide to open Cattleman's Ranch on Thanksgiving, inspiring Emery and Evan to get into the restaurant business.  

S3, Ep6 29 Nov. 2016 WWJD: What Would Jessica Do?

Sundays are usually reserved for Jessica and Evan's weekly Costco run, but Jessica is thrown for a loop when Evan decides to go to church instead. Meanwhile, Marvin treats Louis to a free teeth-whitening session, and Eddie and Emery find creative ways to get rid of the healthy cereal in the multi-pack.  

S3, Ep7 6 Dec. 2016 The Taming of the Dads

To celebrate their one-year anniversary, Eddie reluctantly agrees to take Alison to the see a modern remake of Romeo and Juliet. But when Louis and Alison's dad bond over their love of Shakespeare and crash their date, Alison wonders if she and Eddie's relationship has lost its spark. Meanwhile, Jessica gets called for jury duty and campaigns to be the "Jury Boss," and Emery and Evan struggle with the responsibilities of raising a Tamagotchi digital pet.  

 S3, Ep8 13 Dec. 2016 Where Are the Giggles?

While the Huangs are out at the movies, Evan is accidentally left home alone, and Jessica vows to make it up to him. Meanwhile, Marvin takes a spill and is visited by Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future.  

S3, Ep9 3 Jan. 2017 How to Be an American

During Jessica's U.S. citizenship interview, she reveals shocking details about her past that even Louis was not aware of. Meanwhile, Eddie, Emery and Evan have a day off from school and attempt to take the family minivan out for a joyride.

S3, Ep10 17 Jan. 2017 The Best of Orlando

Louis is named Small Businessman of the Year, but forgets to thank Jessica in his acceptance speech.  

S3, Ep11 18 Jan. 2017 Clean Slate

On the eve of Chinese New Year, Jessica pushes the entire family to settle all debts, disputes and grudges to ensure good fortune for the coming year. Unsure if she can contain her temper for the remainder of the day, Jessica enlists Emery to makes sure she keeps her cool. Meanwhile, Louis and Evan go on a wild goose chase to hunt down some hate mail, and Eddie is forced to entertain his super lame cousin, on a special Chinese New Year-themed episode.

S3, Ep12 7 Feb. 2017 Sisters Without Subtext

Jessica disagrees with her sister's passion for art.  

S3, Ep13 14 Feb. 2017 Neighbors with Attitude

Jessica is left out of the Neighborhood Watch because she has a reputation of not being a team player; Eddie tries to make his first kiss perfect.  

S3, Ep14 21 Feb. 2017 The Gloves Are Off

When Jessica accidentally befriends Marvin's ex-wife, she tries to help her and Honey settle their rift; Louis and the boys hope to surprise Grandma with a new motorized wheelchair.

S3, Ep15 28 Feb. 2017 Living While Eddie

When Eddie is accused of stealing, Jessica realizes he has other motives for his actions; a TV crew comes to shoot an informercial at Cattleman's Ranch.  

S3, Ep16 7 Mar. 2017 Gabby Goose

Jessica's ultra competitive nature is on full display when the Huangs host game night for couples; Emery and Evan help Eddie grieve the unexpected, sudden death of rapper Notorious B.I.G.

S3, Ep17 14 Mar. 2017 The Flush

Louis excitedly plans a guys' weekend for he and Eddie, but is disappointed when he invites his buddies over for a sleepover instead. Unbeknownst to Louis, Eddie and his friends were hiding out in his room, trying beer for the first time. So when Eddie has an adverse reaction to alcohol, also known as the Asian Flush, Louis reassures his eldest son that the discomfort will pass and reminisces about his college drinking days. Meanwhile, Jessica, Emery, Evan and Honey go on a road trip to Georgia in search of "The Big Peanut" and to save a few dollars on a piece of ...

S3, Ep18 4 Apr. 2017 Time to Get Ill

Louis and the boys splurge on a pricey pay-per-view wrestling match while Jessica sleeps off the flu, or so they think.

S3, Ep19 11 Apr. 2017 Driving Miss Jenny

Louis worries about Grandma's safely and also that she may have to much freedom in her new motorized wheelchair; Jessica fears that Emery has turned into a hoarder; Eddie tries to hustle his way into Evan's successful side business.

S3, Ep20 18 Apr. 2017 The Masters

The family learns that Tiger Woods is half Asian. Two storylines emerge from this. One is the desire to spread awareness of Tiger Woods Asian half. The other is that the parents wish to test their parenting skills and see who's teaching method produces the best golfer.

S3, Ep21 2 May 2017 Pie vs. Cake

Jessica is happy to learn of Evan's interest in joining the debate team; Eddie and Emery team up to enter a comic book contest.

S3, Ep22 9 May 2017 This Is Us

Eddie looks forward to starting high school with his friends; Jessica considers moving the family to a new neighborhood; Louis gets the opportunity to expand Cattleman's Ranch with his new silent partner, Michael Bolton.

S3, Ep23 16 May 2017 This Isn't Us

Louis and Jessica make big changes to provide a better life for their family. Yet these changes come with their own set of challenges and possibly a few regrets.

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