pyrouge install and test

pyrouge is a python wrapper for the original perl script. TO use it, you need do the following steps:

1. Get the tools/ROUGE-1.5.5

git clone

2. Install pyrouge package


pip install pyrouge

or install from local

3. Set path to ROUGE-1.5.5 (the git folder in step 1)

pyrouge_set_rouge_path /absolute/path/to/ROUGE-1.5.5/

4. Possible errors

Cannot open exception db file for reading: data/WordNet-2.0.exc.db

You can run the following:

cd /home/yzhao/soft/ROUGE-1.5.5/RELEASE-1.5.5/data
rm WordNet-2.0.exc.db
./WordNet-2.0-Exceptions/ ./WordNet-2.0-Exceptions ./smart_common_words.txt ./WordNet-2.0
Illegal division by zero at ./ line 2450.

That could be the txt contains tokens not allowed such as "<", "".

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