cte with as 用法

with cstable as
select '1' 自动编号,'2005001'  学号 ,'张三' 姓名,'0001' 课程编号,'数学' 课程名称,'69' 分数 from sysobjects union all
select '2' 自动编号,'2005002' 学号,'李四' 姓名,'0001' 课程编号,'数学' 课程名称 ,'89' 分数 from sysobjects 

select * from cstable;

with as语法:with 数据表别名 as (select * from ...)


with t as (select * from emp where depno=10)

select * from t where empno=xxx

union all sum(col1) as colsum from t


需要注意的是,with as(CTE)属于sql server2005及以上版本才拥有的功能,如果在sql server 2000上执行,会提示错误“WITH附近有语法错误”。
