The First Survival Skill

Critical Thinking and problem solving

Work is no longer defined by your specialty; it's defined by the task or problem you and your team are trying to solve or the end goal you want to accomplish. Teams have to figure out the best way to get there - the solution is not prescribed.


asking good questions(提出正确的问题),critical thinking(批评性思维),and problem solving(解决问题的能力)是今天社会最被看重的一种技能。

到底什么才是Critical thinking?

“ Taking issues and situations and problems and going to root components; understanding how the problem evolved - looking at it from a systemic perspective and not accepting things at face value. 


You have to spend the time to ask the next question. There is something about understanding what the right questions are, and there is something about asking the nonlinear, counterintuitive question. These are the ones that take you to the next level.


It also means being curious about why things are the way they are and being able to think about why something is important.



What do I really need to understand about this?

What is the history?

what are other people thinking about this?

How does that all come together?

What frames and models can we use to understand this from a variety of different angles and then come up with something different?

We need to approach problems and challenges as a learner as opposed to a knower. We need to be curious versus thinking 'I know the answer.'  Yesterday's solution doesn't solve tomorrow's problem.


It's really tough to teach children how to think differently if they've spent ten years on one level of thinking. We need to start teaching critical thinking as soon as children are capable of abstract thinking.



Throw out the textbooks! The answer isn't in the books. The answer is in everything but the books. Problems change and so approaches to problems need to change. We also need to rethink the accountability system. We're getting what we measure, but we're measuring the wrong things.


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