



  1. Have the 3 VTK files open in the same ParaView.
  2. Apply one "Calculator" filter to each one of the VTK files on the "Pipeline Browser".
  3. On each "Calculator" filter, indicate that you want the Result array to be named "Cp1" for the first file, "Cp2" for the second file and "Cp3" for the third file. If you prefer, you can give it any other names to each one.
  4. And on each "Calculator" filter, indicate that you want the Expression to be always "Cp" or whichever name your field is.
  5. Click on the "Apply" button for each "Calculator" filter.
  6. Now select the 3 "Calculator" filters (keep the Ctrl key pressed down, while you click on each filter entry in the "Pipeline Browser").
  7. Now apply the filter "Append Attributes".
  8. Now apply the plot filter to the "Append Attributes" entry on the "Pipeline Browser".
  9. Change parameter and control the data sets to be plotted.


  1. Load the experimental data into ParaView. If you do not have any specific format, then use a CSV file: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values
  2. Now use the "Plot Data" filter on the experimental data, so that you can check if you're able to plot it in ParaView.
  3. Now, this may seem weird, but select the two plots in the "Pipeline Browser", namely the plot entry you have from the simulation data and the plot you've just done with the experimental data. And apply to this selection the "Append Attributes" filter.
  4. If it works well, it will give you a merged data set, with both the simulation and experimental data.
  5. Now apply the filter "Plot Data" onto the latest merged data, so that you can now plot all of the desired line plots.



