《纯干货-6》Stanford University 2017年最新《Tensorflow与深度学习实战》视频课程分享

  《纯干货-6》Stanford University 2017年最新《Tensorflow与深度学习实战》视频课程分享_第1张图片

    分享一套Stanford University 在2017年1月份推出的一门Tensorflow与深度学习实战的一门课程。该课程讲解了最新版本的Tensorflow中各种概念、操作和使用方法,并且给出了丰富的深度学习模型实战,涉及Word2vec、AutoEncoder、RNN(LSTM,GRU)、Seq2seq with Attention 、Chatbot: Training and Optimizing、以及最近很火的深度强化学习DRL。还邀请了很多学术界和工业界的大牛做讲座。

课程的Schedule and Syllabus地址:Tensorflow for Deep Learning Research




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LectureJan 13Overview of Tensorflow

Why Tensorflow?

Graphs and Sessions[note]

To doJan 13Check out TensorBoard

LectureJan 18 Operations

Basic operations, constants, variables

Control dependencies

Feeding inputs


WorkshopJan 20Linear and Logistic Regression

Tensorflow's Optimizers

Example: OCR task on MNIST dataset[note]

A1 releasedJan 20Assignment #1 released[A1 handout]

LectureJan 25

Week 3Structure your TensorFlow model

Example: word2vecSuggested Readings:

A lot. See lecture note

LectureJan 27Managing experiments and process data


Saver object, checkpoints

Example: word2vec

LectureFeb 1

Week 4Convolutional Neural Networks

Guest lecture by Justin Johnson (Stanford Vision Lab)

Example: Neural style translation

LectureFeb 3Convolutional Neural Networks (continued)

Example: Autoencoder

A2 releasedFeb 8Assignment #2 released[A2 Handout]

LectureFeb 8

Week 5Convolutional Neural Networks

Guest lecture by Jon Shlens (Google Brain)

LectureFeb 10Input Pipeline

Discussion of Assignment #2

Style Transfer

Week 6No classTensorFlow Dev Summit

Sign up for campus viewing

LectureFeb 17Midterm discussionNo slides

LectureFeb 22

Week 7Introduction to RNN, LSTM, GRU

Example: Character-level Language Modeling

LectureFeb 24Convolutional-GRU

Guest lecture by Lukasz Kaiser (Google Brain)

LectureMar 1

Week 8Seq2seq with Attention

Example: Chatbot[slides]

A3 releasedMar 2Assignment #3 released[A3 Handout]

[Anonymous Chatlog Donation]

Mar 3No class

Pete Warden: TensorFlow for Mobile Developers

LectureMar 8

Week 9Seq2seq with Attention (continued)

Chatbot: Training and Optimizing

LectureMar 10Reinforcement Learning in Tensorflow

Guest lecture by Danijar Hafner

(co-author of TensorFlow for Machine Intelligence)[slides]

DemoMar 17Chatbot demo


《纯干货-6》Stanford University 2017年最新《Tensorflow与深度学习实战》视频课程分享_第2张图片
