每日英语:No Consensus: China Debate on Women's Roles

A woman's place is in the home.


That was the resounding message from Jiang Xipei, chairman of wire and cable conglomerate Jiangsu Far East Holding Group Co., speaking on a women's leadership panel at the summer World Economic Forum in the northeastern city of Dalian.

wire and cable:电线电缆    conglomerate:企业集团,聚合物    

'There must still be division of labor, with men working outside and women at home supporting the family,' Mr. Jiang said Friday. 'Women, the career of your husband must be seen as your career,' he said, adding that women can succeed only when men do.

The comments represent some of the more traditional, yet still common, societal views of women's roles in China--as well as the uphill battle women face all over the world. Women in China are largely expected to be the caretakers of their families, and many feel societal pressure to focus on finding a husband and having children rather than pursuing careers.

A 2012 study from the National University of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and the New York-based Asia Society found that for every five Chinese men who rise to a senior position in the workplace, only one woman achieves the same level of advancement. Last year, China fell to No. 69 on the World Economic Forum's gender-equality index, down from No. 57 in 2008, due in part to a decrease in perceived wage equality.

Women have seen significant strides in in the last century, with the end of foot binding, and some might argue that more progress has been made in the last few decades: Women's workforce participation rate in China is 74%, one of the highest in the world, according to the forum.

bind:捆绑,装订    forum:讨论会,论坛

Yet obstacles remain. He Zhenhong, a female and the president of China Entrepreneur Magazine, said Friday in Dalian that social views create continuously reinforced stereotypes, making it difficult for women to break out of their perceived roles.


But Rui Chenggang, an anchor for China's state broadcaster China Central Television, disagreed and said while moderating the panel he believes women are acting of their own accord when leaving careers to be with their families. 'They choose deliberately to give up their positions,' Mr. Rui said.

Countering that, panel member Cho Yoon-Sun, minister of gender equality and family in South Korea, said many women feel they have no choice but to drop out of the workforce. She said she is working to change the corporate culture in South Korea by urging businesses to add child-care services to offices and pushing to sync school and business hours.

At a speech at the forum on Wednesday, Facebook Chief Operating Office Sheryl Sandberg said women's roles in leadership--in China, the U.S. and elsewhere--have stagnated in the last decade. Women are told they are too bossy when they exert themselves as leaders, while men are encouraged when they lead, Ms. Sandberg said.

stagnate:停滞    bossy:专横的,爱管闲事的    

'As women become more successful in their work, they are less liked,' she said, adding that the opposite is true for men.

At the Friday panel, Mr. Rui noted that some female leaders have traits more commonly attributed to men, like being strong and demanding, while others are more gentle and stereotypically feminine.


Ms. He responded to those comparisons by saying, 'Let's just talk about leadership as pure leadership.

'When we talk about leadership, we should talk about individuals,' not highlight gender, she said.

Ms. He also said the country could benefit from stronger female organizations that could influence companies and government policies while also including men in the process.
