
The strange birth, death and rebirth of a Russian troll account called 'AllForUSA'


An Indiana man named Jesse D. Allen created a website in 2005 with the title AllForUSA.com, apparently to pursue some business interests, but he soon abandoned the site. A decade later, at the age of 80, Allen died.

一位名叫杰斯·D·艾伦的印第安纳男子在 2005 年创立了一个网站,取名“一切为了美国.com”,他显然是为了追求一些商业利益,但很快就弃用了这个网站。十年后,艾伦在 80 岁时去世了。

But AllForUSA was just getting started.


As the 2016 presidential campaign heated up, AllForUSA.com suddenly bristled with what appeared to be news articles celebrating Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and bashing his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. “HILLARY May END UP in PRISON AFTER ALL,” read one headline.

随着 2016 年总统大选升温,“一切为了美国”网站上突然充满了像是新闻报道一样的文章,公开颂扬共和党总统候选人唐纳德川普,并对其民主党竞争对手进行抨击。有一篇文章的标题写道:《毕竟希拉里最终很可能会进监狱》。

On Reddit, the commenter “allforusa” posted similar messages and linked to headlines on AllForUSA.com. The following year, after Trump’s election, a Twitter account named “@allforusa11” retweeted the president before inexplicably changing subjects to tweet about feminism—in Japanese.

在论坛网站 Reddit 上,评论员“一切为了美国”发布了相似的消息,并且附有链接导向一切为了美国.com 上的新闻标题。次年,在川普大选过去之后,一个名为“@一切为了美国 11”的推特账号转发了总统的推文,接着莫名其妙转移了话题,发布了有关女权主义的推文——用的是日语。

The final twist came a few months later when AllForUSA.com was reborn again—this time as a Russian online gambling site.

一切为了美国.com 重生之后过去了几个月,最后一次转折发生了——这次它成了俄罗斯一家线上赌博网站。

A clue to the mystery of this multilingual burst of activity appeared in a February indictment by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. It said the Russians who operated fake social media accounts to manipulate American voters used [email protected] to fraudulently access a PayPal account and to promote a “March for Trump” campaign rally in New York.

特别检察官罗伯特·S·穆勒三世在二月份的一次指控为解开这井喷式的多语种网络行为之谜提供了线索。指控中提到,通过运营虚假社交媒体账号来操控美国选民的俄罗斯人,使用一切为了美国@yahoo.com 这个账号骗取了一个贝宝账号,还在纽约发起了一项“为川普游行”的活动集会。

The other “AllForUSA” accounts probably were operated in tandem with this email address and with each other, according to a report Monday from cyberintelligence firm GroupSense, whose researchers found a subtle tangle of connections left in records discovered online.

网络情报公司 GroupSense 周一的报告显示,其他“一切为了美国”账号可能是和这个邮箱地址以及其他账号同步运作的,这家公司的研究员在网上查到的记录中找到了这些账号之间千丝万缕的微妙联系。

The report highlights how data breaches fuel nefarious online activity, giving criminal hackers and disinformation teams an endless supply of cheap accounts to use individually or for networks of “bots,” automated accounts controlled by a single operative. All this typically takes place without the original owners knowing what happened to their creations.


—————  文章来源 / 华盛顿邮报
