

坐下,呼吸Seatand breath


Find a comfortable seat. Your back should be straight and your legsshould be comfortable. Sit in a chair, if that’s more comfortable, or putcushions under your seat or knees if that is more comfortable for you.


Gently close your eyes.


Feel both knees resting on the ground. Feel your seat reaching downinto the earth. From the seat draw your spine long up through the crown of thehead.


The inner gaze falls towards your heart.


Relax your shoulders.


Rest your chin level with the ground.


Relax your teeth and lips with tongue naturally pressing against theroof of your mouth.


Focus on the breath at the tip of the nostrils moving out and thenin. Follow the breath for a count of ten. One exhale and one inhale is onecount. If your mind wanders off, gently bring it back to the breath. Then startcounting again at one.

带走他们的痛苦Taking their Suffering


Set your intention — we are doing this meditation to create powerful seeds in our mindsto be able to help others in an ultimate way.


Fill the body from head to toe with empty blue sky. You area hollow body made of light, completely relaxed and your mind is bright andclear.


Drop the inner gaze down to the heart. Feel there your wish forothers to be happy and filled with well-being, a wish that we all have withinus. This wish takes the form of a tiny bright white diamond resting in a smallopen red rose at the level of the heart, near the back, inside your hollow bodyof empty blue sky.


Now think of one being you know who is unwell or unhappy — it couldbe your mother or a close friend or even someone you saw in passing. The paincould be physical or mental or emotional: maybe they are lonely, maybe they arehungry, maybe they don’t have a place to live, maybe they are about to die andare afraid.


Feel your wish for them to be free of this pain, and make astrong decision that you will do whatever you can to make that happen.


Now imagine that you have gone to sit just in front of them. Theycan’t see you, but you can see them. You see the quality of their pain,physical or mental, and identify it clearly. For example, they may have a painin their lower back, or they might be anxious about their family or their work.


Now pretend that all the pain they have, in their body ortheir mind, has gathered into a little pool of darkness at their heart. Itlooks like a small cloud of black ink, about the size of a coin.


Pause here for a few moments and imagine how their painfeels to them. Think of the different worries which must be going through theirmind right now. Be specific; get to the details. Your mind will want to wanderoff — bring it right back to their problem.


Decide then without any doubt or hesitation that you willtake their pain away, and take it upon yourself. We do this by taking severaldeep in-breaths. Each time we breathe in, the little cloud of darkness moves alittle farther, carried by this gentle wind. It slowly moves up their throat,and then out of their nose in a black stream, like smoke from a stick ofincense.


This stream of darkness collects in a little cloud again, just infront of your own nose. Pause and take a few quiet breaths, to get ready forone last in-breath. This is the breath that will actually bring all their paininto you. Be brave and decide again that it would be better for you to taketheir pain than for them to have it.


Take one last moment to look at the diamond in the rose. The diamondis sparkling, radiant with light and power. It can destroy anything thattouches it.


It’s absolutely crucial at this point that you think about how thepower of the diamond is going to destroy all of the darkness, in the very sameinstant that you breathe in the little cloud. This is because our verywillingness to take on someone else’s pain destroys all of that pain forever,for both them and ourselves. Never think for a moment that any of that darknesswill be left inside of you.


With a single breath in now, see the darkness come into your noselike a stream; it collects in a tiny ink-black cloud just in front of thediamond; and it touches the diamond — all in a single in-breath.


The moment that the edge of the cloud touches the edge of theshining diamond, there is a sudden explosion of golden light throughout theinside of your body, as if a very powerful photo flash has gone off in yourheart.


After the flash, all you can see is the diamond glistening in therose. You see a tiny wisp of white smoke vanish into the air, and all the painis gone. It is very important to see that all of the pain is gone and that itwill never touch anyone again.


Sit quietly for a few more moments until the time is up. Again youare sitting in front of that same friend or family member, and you are stillinvisible. Just rest here for a moment silently and enjoy the look on theirface. Suddenly all the pain and trouble they’ve been having is completely gone.They don’t know why, but they don’t really care. Enjoy their happiness, and beproud of yourself, that you had the courage to take their pain away.



Think again of the person whose pain you took away during the lastexercise. Go again and sit in front of them. Now that we have removed theirsuffering, we want to fill them instead with good and happy thoughts, and givethem whatever things would make them happy. This takes the form of a warm beamof light streaming from your diamond and rose at the heart. It reaches yourfriend and enters into their own heart.


Think of something to give them: it could be money, or a friend, orprotection from fear, or the best gift of all — wisdom. Make it something real,like a doctor if they are sick, or a job if they need one, or a teacher. Noweach time you breathe out, imagine that the warm fragrant scent of the roseleaves your nostrils on a beam of light. It comes softly into the otherperson’s nose; they breathe it in, and the light travels down to their own heart.In their heart is another red rose and diamond, and as the light from yourheart washes over them, they are transformed by this gift that you are sending.You see them smiling, happy and filled with positive vibration.


If they were tired, they are now alert and filled with youthfulenergy. If they were sad, they  are now filled with happiness. If they wereangry, they are now filled with love. And so on.


Be happy and enjoy what you are seeing in your friend before you,until a smile spreads across your face.


Then thank your friend for this opportunity, and withdrawthe warm beam of light back into your own heart. From there it radiates out,filling your body completely with well-being, goodness and a positive state ofmind.



By the power of my intention to help others and by the power of mypractice, may I and more people come to live in a world where there is no suffering and nounhappiness ever again.

