
If you're a native C++ smart device developer and recentlydownloaded VS2005 SP1 you may find that some of your existing programsand some of the samples that ship with Windows Mobile SDK will fail tocompile. Even if you're able to make them compile they may issue awarning like "warning LNK 4099: PDB 'libbmt.pdb was not found". This is because VSD has updated the compilers for VS2005 SP1 to beon par with WinCE 6 compilers which included /GS support. So, forprojects that don’t include libc/msvcrt or turn off /GS, you will runinto these errors on pre-WinCE 6 platforms As a workaround you should explicitly include "libcmt.lib" in thelist of additional libs to link against and turn off the linker warning(/nowarn:4099). 在工程设置对话框中 c/c++ -->代码生成 -->缓冲区安全检查 选择 否(/GS-)
