

1.MOSSE(Visual Object Tracking using Adaptive Correlation Filters)

3.1 Preprocessing(文章原处) :

    One issue with the FFT convolution algorithm is that the image and the filter are mapped to the topological structure of a torus. In other words, it connects the left edge of the image to the right edge, and the top to the bottom. During convolution, the images rotate through the toroidal space instead of translating as they would in the spatial domain. Artificially connecting the boundaries of the image introducesan artifact which effects the correlation output.

    This effect is reduced by following the preprocessing steps outlined in [3]. First, the pixel values are transformed using a log function which helps with low contrast lighting situations. The pixel values are normalized to have a mean value of 0:0 and a norm of 1:0. Finally, the image is multiplied by a cosine window which gradually reduces the pixel values near the edge to zero. This also has the benefit that it puts more emphasis near the center of the target



2 CSK(Exploiting the Circulant Structure of Tracking-by-detection with Kernels)

4.1 Pre-processing(文章原处):

    The proposed method can operate directly on the pixel values, with no feature extraction.However, since the Fourier transform is periodic, it does not respectthe image boundaries. The large discontinuity between opposite edges of a nonperiodic image will result in a noisy Fourier representation. A common solutionis to band the original n*n image  with a cosine (or sine) window:



