Review 15 [coursera] Machine learning - Stanford University - Andrew Ng

Recommender Systems

In which of the following situations will a collaborative filtering system be the most appropriate learning algorithm (compared to linear or logistic regression)?

You manage an online bookstore and you have the book ratings from many users. For each user, you want to recommend other books she will enjoy, based on her own ratings and the ratings of other users.

You manage an online bookstore and you have the book ratings from many users. You want to learn to predict the expected sales volume (number of books sold) as a function of the average rating of a book.

You've written a piece of software that has downloaded news articles from many news websites. In your system, you also keep track of which articles you personally like vs. dislike, and the system also stores away features of these articles (e.g., word counts, name of author). Using this information, you want to build a system to try to find additional new articles that you personally will like.

You run an online news aggregator, and for every user, you know some subset of articles that the user likes and some different subset that the user dislikes. You'd want to use this to find other articles that the user likes.


