Specification of the latest version of C++(“C++11”) was completed in 2011, and many compilersnow offer a wealth offeatures from the revised language. And such features!auto
-declared variables reduce typing drudgeryand syntactic noise; Unicode, threading support, andalignment control addressimportant functionality gaps; and rvaluereferences and variadic templates facilitate the creationof more efficient, more flexible libraries. The standardlibrary gains resource-managing smart pointers, newcontainers, additional algorithms, support for regularexpressions, and more. Altogether, C++11 offersmuch more than “old” C++. Thisintensively technical seminar introduces the most importantnew features in C++11 and explains how to get the most outof them.
That's not all. A feature-complete draft of C++11's successor, "C++14," has now been adopted, and this course also covers select C++14 features. These include deduced function return types; reader/writer locks; and extensions to lambda expressions (auto
and variadic parameters, generalized captures). You won't find a more up-to-date examination of the new C++ anywhere!
Participants will gain:
Designers and developers who are using, consideringusing, or wish to know about the expanded capabilities ofC++11/14. Attendees should be experienced with C++ andcomfortable with its primary features (e.g., classes,templates, inheritance, STL, etc.). Familiarity with threadingconcepts (e.g., threads and mutexes) ishelpful, but is not essential.
Lecture and question/answer. There are no hands-onexercises, but participants are welcome –encouraged! – to bring computers to experimentwith the material as it is presented.
Three full days (six to seven lecture hours per day).
for Type Declarationsfor
, weak_ptr
, unique_ptr
) function
Member Functions delete
Functions explicit
Conversion Functions decltype
, alignas
, etc. For more information on this course, contact Scott directly.