Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble

Words and expression

1. Pocket money (英式)零用钱


2. Money box / Piggy bank 存钱罐

3. Rattle 格格作响;拨浪鼓

E.g. A train rattled by. 火车隆隆驶过。

4. Thrifty节俭的

5. Miser吝啬鬼,守财奴

Synonym: Cheapskate

6. Drain下水道

Brain drain 人才外流

7. Only very thrifty children manage to fill up a money box.

E.g. Only very warm-hearted people are eager to help others.

8. A source of... ...的来源

E.g. You are a source of my inspiration.

9. Very few of the fifty pence pieces and pound coins I have given him have found their way there.

E.g. Very few of the donation and contribution people have made the organization have found their way there.

你可能感兴趣的:(Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble)