[第7次听写] 太空旅客(七) 摆脱字幕看电影

我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长, 好久不练听力了, 感觉有些生锈. 我打算每天早上做1分钟听写, 看看自己能坚持多久, 你来吗? 把你听写的文本粘贴到评论中.

[第7次听写] 太空旅客(七) 摆脱字幕看电影_第1张图片


You have a visitor.
You clean up pretty good yourself.
You went shopping.
I went shoplifting.
What can I get for you?
I'll have a Manhattan, please.
Whiskey rocks.
Coming up.
You two look fine this evening.
Thank you, Arthur.
We're on a date.
Very nice.
Took you long enough to ask.
I was giving you space.
Oh, space. The one thing I do not need more of.
That was so good.
It wasn't easy getting reservation(getting a reservation)
They're probably gonna want us to give up our table.
Got(I'm getting) a lot of dirty looks.
Very popular tonight.
Why are we here?
You'll see.
Best show in town.
So you've done this before.
Oh yeah.
And it's safe?
Reasonably safe.
Hop in.
You're next.
What about my dress?
Turn around.
Tether attached.
What are you doing?
Do you trust me?
Thank you.

1 getting reservation vs getting a reservation, 语法觉得是有a, 但听着觉得是没a, 令人纠结唉.
2 Got a lot of dirty looks vs I'm getting a lot of dirty looks, 确实I'm getting更像她说的一些. 能意识到got不是她说的, 但想不出来她说的是什么, 但意思是对的.

每部电影听写一周, 太空旅客就听写到这里, 喜欢的同学欢迎自己下载电影继续听写.

虽然这部电影没有星爵的银护和大表姐的饥饿游戏那么火, 也被诟病故事老套, 但我超级喜欢! 它让我问自己: 如果我是Jim我会叫醒Aurora吗? 如果我和Aurora在飞船上度过一辈子我会快乐吗?

那段她俩在太空船里看恒星的壮观的画面让我全身过电, 让我想起了当年第一次看神秘博士时的感觉, Doctor Who问Rose: 你想和我去旅行吗? Tardis可以带你去宇宙的任何角落, 任何时间. 还有当年看Farscape时的情绪冲击, Pilot说: 我们这个物种原本有1000年的寿命, 但是当我们和飞船绑定成为驾驶员之后, 我们就只有300年的寿命, 但是成为驾驶员可以让我去看宇宙, 我宁愿扔掉700年的寿命而去环游宇宙.

明天开始第2部电影听写, 你希望我们下周听写什么电影? 在评论中告诉我~

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