

Modals slide in off screen to display a temporary UI, often used for login or signup pages, message composition, and option selection.
For more information, Check out the API docs.
模态框划入屏幕来展示一个暂时的UI界面,经常用作登录或者注册页面。信息构架和操作选择;如果需要更多信息,请参见API 文档


import { ModalController } from 'ionic-angular';
import { ModalPage } from './modal-page';

export class MyPage {
  constructor(public modalCtrl: ModalController) {
  presentModal() {
    let modal = this.modalCtrl.create(ModalPage);//创建新的页面——ModalPage


For more in depth information on navigation, see the Nav API reference.
如果要看更深的导航信息,请参见相关Navicat API文档;

Navigation is how users move between different pages in your app. Ionic’s navigation follows standard native navigation concepts, like those in iOS. In order to enable native-like navigation, we’ve built a few new navigation components that might feel different for developers used to traditional desktop browser navigation.

There are several ways to navigate throughout an Ionic app:
这里有几种通过Ionic app来导航的方式;

Basic Navigation


Navigation is handled through the component, which works as a simple stack that new pages are pushed onto and popped off of, corresponding to moving forward and backward in history.
导航通过 元件来控制,这个元件像一个简单的堆栈:新的页面push onto上来或者popped off下去,为了响应前进或者历史记录中的后退;

1、We start with a root page that loads the Nav component:
我们开始一个加载Nav 元件的根页面:

import {StartPage} from 'start'

  template: ''
class MyApp {
  // First page to push onto the stack
  rootPage = StartPage;//rootPage表示的是根页面;

2、Next, we can access the Navigation Controller in each page that is navigated to by injecting it into any of our Pages. Note that Page components does not need a selector. Ionic adds these automatically .
接着,我们可以连接每个页面的被注入到任何一个页面导航的Navigation 控制器。注意:页面元件不需要一个selector页面选择器。Ionic 会自动添加他们;

  template: //template表示页面的html模板

  <ion-content>Hello World</ion-content>`
export class StartPage {
  constructor(public navCtrl: NavController) {

To navigate from one page to another simply push or pop a new page onto the stack:

  template: //页面模板

    <button (click)="goToOtherPage()">//html页面跳转到otherPage()
      Go to OtherPage
export class StartPage {
  constructor(public navCtrl: NavController) {}//导航控制器
  goToOtherPage() {
    //push another page onto the history stack
    //causing the nav controller to animate the new page in

  template: `
      <ion-title>Other Page</ion-title>

  <ion-content>I'm the other page!`
class OtherPage {}

