



SeetaFace2 Engine contains three key parts, i.e., SeetaFace2 Detection, SeetaFace2 Alignment and SeetaFace2 Identification. It can run in Android OS, Windows and Linux.

  • SeetaFace2 Detection. See SeetaFace Detection for more details.

  • SeetaFace2 Alignment. See SeetaFace Alignment for more details.

  • SeetaFace2 Identification. See SeetaFace Identification for more details.

























// SeetaFacesTest.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。

#include "stdafx.h"


#include   // Gaussian Blur

#include "face_detection.h"

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int main()
	Mat frame = imread("02.jpg");// 输入视频帧序列

	namedWindow("Test00");      //创建一个名为Test窗口
	imshow("Test00", frame);   //窗口中显示图像

	const char* img_path = "02.jpg";
	seeta::FaceDetection detector(".\\Model\\seeta_fd_frontal_v1.0.bin");

	detector.SetWindowStep(4, 4);

	cv::Mat img = cv::imread(img_path, cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED);
	cv::Mat img_gray;

	if (img.channels() != 1)
		cv::cvtColor(img, img_gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
		img_gray = img;

	seeta::ImageData img_data;
	img_data.data = img_gray.data;
	img_data.width = img_gray.cols;
	img_data.height = img_gray.rows;
	img_data.num_channels = 1;

	long t0 = cv::getTickCount();
	std::vector faces = detector.Detect(img_data);
	long t1 = cv::getTickCount();
	double secs = (t1 - t0) / cv::getTickFrequency();

	cout << "Detections takes " << secs << " seconds " << endl;
	cout << "OpenMP is used." << endl;
	cout << "OpenMP is not used. " << endl;

#ifdef USE_SSE
	cout << "SSE is used." << endl;
	cout << "SSE is not used." << endl;

	cout << "Image size (wxh): " << img_data.width << "x"
		<< img_data.height << endl;

	cv::Rect face_rect;
	int32_t num_face = static_cast(faces.size());

	for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_face; i++) {
		face_rect.x = faces[i].bbox.x;
		face_rect.y = faces[i].bbox.y;
		face_rect.width = faces[i].bbox.width;
		face_rect.height = faces[i].bbox.height;

		cv::rectangle(img, face_rect, CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 4, 8, 0);

	cv::namedWindow("Test", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	cv::imshow("Test", img);
	return 0;








// SeetaFacesTest.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。

#include "stdafx.h"


#include   // Gaussian Blur

#include "face_detection.h"
#include "face_alignment.h"

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int main()
	// Initialize face detection model
	seeta::FaceDetection detector("seeta_fd_frontal_v1.0.bin");
	detector.SetWindowStep(4, 4);

	// Initialize face alignment model 
	seeta::FaceAlignment point_detector("seeta_fa_v1.1.bin");

	//load image
	const char* picturename = "11.jpg";
	IplImage *img_grayscale = NULL;
	img_grayscale = cvLoadImage(picturename, 0);
	if (img_grayscale == NULL)
		return 0;

	IplImage *img_color = cvLoadImage(picturename, 1);
	int pts_num = 5;
	int im_width = img_grayscale->width;
	int im_height = img_grayscale->height;
	unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[im_width * im_height];
	unsigned char* data_ptr = data;
	unsigned char* image_data_ptr = (unsigned char*)img_grayscale->imageData;
	int h = 0;
	for (h = 0; h < im_height; h++) {
		memcpy(data_ptr, image_data_ptr, im_width);
		data_ptr += im_width;
		image_data_ptr += img_grayscale->widthStep;

	seeta::ImageData image_data;
	image_data.data = data;
	image_data.width = im_width;
	image_data.height = im_height;
	image_data.num_channels = 1;

	// Detect faces
	std::vector faces = detector.Detect(image_data);
	int32_t face_num = static_cast(faces.size());

	if (face_num == 0)
		return 0;

	// Detect 5 facial landmarks
	seeta::FacialLandmark points[5];
	point_detector.PointDetectLandmarks(image_data, faces[0], points);

	// Visualize the results
	cvRectangle(img_color, cvPoint(faces[0].bbox.x, faces[0].bbox.y), cvPoint(faces[0].bbox.x + faces[0].bbox.width - 1, faces[0].bbox.y + faces[0].bbox.height - 1), CV_RGB(255, 0, 0));
	for (int i = 0; i



for (int m = 0; m






using namespace std;

int extend_lx = max((double)(floor(left_x - extend_factor*bbox_w)), double(0));
int extend_rx = min((double)(floor(right_x + extend_factor*bbox_w)), double(im_width - 1));
int extend_ly = max((double)(floor(left_y - (extend_factor - extend_revised_y)*bbox_h)), double(0));
int extend_ry = min((double)(floor(right_y + (extend_factor + extend_revised_y)*bbox_h)), double(im_height - 1));






// SeetaFacesTest.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "face_identification.h"
#include "face_detection.h"


//#pragma comment(lib, "SeetaTest.lib")

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
using namespace seeta;

#define TEST(major, minor) major##_##minor##_Tester()
#define EXPECT_NE(a, b) if ((a) == (b)) std::cout << "ERROR: "
#define EXPECT_EQ(a, b) if ((a) != (b)) std::cout << "ERROR: "

void TEST(FaceRecognizerTest, CropFace) {
	FaceIdentification face_recognizer(".\\model\\seeta_fr_v1.0.bin");
	std::string test_dir = ".\\data\\";
	/* data initialize */
	std::ifstream ifs;
	std::string img_name;
	FacialLandmark pt5[5];
	ifs.open(".\\data\\test_file_list.txt", std::ifstream::in);
	clock_t start, count = 0;
	int img_num = 0;
	while (ifs >> img_name) {
		// read image
		std::string imgpath = test_dir + img_name;
		cv::Mat src_img = cv::imread(imgpath, 1);
		EXPECT_NE(src_img.data, nullptr) << "Load image error!";

		// ImageData store data of an image without memory alignment.
		ImageData src_img_data(src_img.cols, src_img.rows, src_img.channels());
		src_img_data.data = src_img.data;

		// 5 located landmark points (left eye, right eye, nose, left and right 
		// corner of mouse).
		for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
			ifs >> pt5[i].x >> pt5[i].y;

		// Create a image to store crop face.
		cv::Mat dst_img(face_recognizer.crop_height(), face_recognizer.crop_width(), CV_8UC(face_recognizer.crop_channels()));
		ImageData dst_img_data(dst_img.cols, dst_img.rows, dst_img.channels());
		dst_img_data.data = dst_img.data;
		/* Crop Face */
		start = clock();
		uint8_t rst_cropface = face_recognizer.CropFace(src_img_data, pt5, dst_img_data);
		cout << "CropFace : " << rst_cropface << endl;
		count += clock() - start;
		// Show crop face
		/*cv::imshow("Crop Face", dst_img);
		cv::destroyWindow("Crop Face");*/
	std::cout << "Test successful! \nAverage crop face time: "
  		<< 1000.0 * count / CLOCKS_PER_SEC / img_num << "ms" << std::endl;

void TEST(FaceRecognizerTest, ExtractFeature) {
	FaceIdentification face_recognizer(".\\model\\seeta_fr_v1.0.bin");
	std::string test_dir = ".\\data\\";
	int feat_size = face_recognizer.feature_size();
	EXPECT_EQ(feat_size, 2048);

	FILE* feat_file = NULL;

	// Load features extract from caffe
	fopen_s(&feat_file, ".\\data\\feats.dat", "rb");
	int n, c, h, w;
	EXPECT_EQ(fread(&n, sizeof(int), 1, feat_file), (unsigned int)1);
	EXPECT_EQ(fread(&c, sizeof(int), 1, feat_file), (unsigned int)1);
	EXPECT_EQ(fread(&h, sizeof(int), 1, feat_file), (unsigned int)1);
	EXPECT_EQ(fread(&w, sizeof(int), 1, feat_file), (unsigned int)1);
	float* feat_caffe = new float[n * c * h * w];
	float* feat_sdk = new float[n * c * h * w];
	EXPECT_EQ(fread(feat_caffe, sizeof(float), n * c * h * w, feat_file), n * c * h * w);
	EXPECT_EQ(feat_size, c * h * w);

	int cnt = 0;

	/* Data initialize */
	std::ifstream ifs(".\\data\\crop_file_list.txt");
	std::string img_name;

	clock_t start, count = 0;
	int img_num = 0, lb;
	double average_sim = 0.0;

	while (ifs >> img_name >> lb) {
		// read image
		std::string imgpath = test_dir + img_name;
		cv::Mat src_img = cv::imread(imgpath, 1);
		EXPECT_NE(src_img.data, nullptr) << "Load image error!";
		cv::resize(src_img, src_img, cv::Size(face_recognizer.crop_height(), face_recognizer.crop_width()));
		// ImageData store data of an image without memory alignment.
		ImageData src_img_data(src_img.cols, src_img.rows, src_img.channels());
		src_img_data.data = src_img.data;

		/* Extract feature */
		start = clock();
		face_recognizer.ExtractFeature(src_img_data, feat_sdk + img_num * feat_size);
		count += clock() - start;

		/* Caculate similarity*/
		float* feat1 = feat_caffe + img_num * feat_size;
		float* feat2 = feat_sdk + img_num * feat_size;
		float sim = face_recognizer.CalcSimilarity(feat1, feat2);
		std::cout << "CalcSimilarity : " << sim << endl;
		average_sim += sim;

	average_sim /= img_num;
	if (1.0 - average_sim >  0.01) {
		std::cout << "average similarity: " << average_sim << std::endl;
	else {
		std::cout << "Test successful!\nAverage extract feature time: "
			<< 1000.0 * count / CLOCKS_PER_SEC / img_num << "ms" << std::endl;

void TEST(FaceRecognizerTest, ExtractFeatureWithCrop) {
	FaceIdentification face_recognizer(".\\Model\\seeta_fr_v1.0.bin");
	std::string test_dir = ".\\data\\";
	int feat_size = face_recognizer.feature_size();
	EXPECT_EQ(feat_size, 2048);

	FILE* feat_file = NULL;

	// Load features extract from caffe
	fopen_s(&feat_file, ".\\data\\feats.dat", "rb");
	int n, c, h, w;
	EXPECT_EQ(fread(&n, sizeof(int), 1, feat_file), (unsigned int)1);
	EXPECT_EQ(fread(&c, sizeof(int), 1, feat_file), (unsigned int)1);
	EXPECT_EQ(fread(&h, sizeof(int), 1, feat_file), (unsigned int)1);
	EXPECT_EQ(fread(&w, sizeof(int), 1, feat_file), (unsigned int)1);
	float* feat_caffe = new float[n * c * h * w];
	float* feat_sdk = new float[n * c * h * w];
	EXPECT_EQ(fread(feat_caffe, sizeof(float), n * c * h * w, feat_file),
		n * c * h * w);
	EXPECT_EQ(feat_size, c * h * w);

	int cnt = 0;

	/* Data initialize */
	std::ifstream ifs(".\\data\\test_file_list.txt");
	std::string img_name;
	FacialLandmark pt5[5];

	clock_t start, count = 0;
	int img_num = 0;
	double average_sim = 0.0;
	while (ifs >> img_name) {
		// read image
		std::string imgpath = test_dir + img_name;
		cv::Mat src_img = cv::imread(imgpath, 1);
		EXPECT_NE(src_img.data, nullptr) << "Load image error!";

		// ImageData store data of an image without memory alignment.
		ImageData src_img_data(src_img.cols, src_img.rows, src_img.channels());
		src_img_data.data = src_img.data;

		// 5 located landmark points (left eye, right eye, nose, left and right 
		// corner of mouse).
		for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
			ifs >> pt5[i].x >> pt5[i].y;

		/* Extract feature: ExtractFeatureWithCrop */
		start = clock();
		face_recognizer.ExtractFeatureWithCrop(src_img_data, pt5,
			feat_sdk + img_num * feat_size);
		count += clock() - start;

		/* Caculate similarity*/
		float* feat1 = feat_caffe + img_num * feat_size;
		float* feat2 = feat_sdk + img_num * feat_size;
		float sim = face_recognizer.CalcSimilarity(feat1, feat2);
		average_sim += sim;
		std::cout << "CalcSimilarity : " << sim << std::endl;
	average_sim /= img_num;
	if (1.0 - average_sim >  0.02) {
		std::cout << "average similarity: " << average_sim << std::endl;
	else {
		std::cout << "Test successful!\nAverage extract feature time: "
			<< 1000.0 * count / CLOCKS_PER_SEC / img_num << "ms" << std::endl;

int main()
	TEST(FaceRecognizerTest, CropFace);
	TEST(FaceRecognizerTest, ExtractFeature);
	TEST(FaceRecognizerTest, ExtractFeatureWithCrop);

	const char* img_path = "12.jpg";
	//seeta::FaceDetection detector(".\\Model\\seeta_fd_frontal_v1.0.bin");
	seeta::FaceDetection detector(".\\Model\\seeta_fd_frontal_v1.0.bin");

	detector.SetWindowStep(4, 4);

	cv::Mat img = cv::imread(img_path, cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED);
	cv::Mat img_gray;

	if (img.channels() != 1)
		cv::cvtColor(img, img_gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
		img_gray = img;

	seeta::ImageData img_data;
	img_data.data = img_gray.data;
	img_data.width = img_gray.cols;
	img_data.height = img_gray.rows;
	img_data.num_channels = 1;

	long t0 = cv::getTickCount();
	std::vector faces = detector.Detect(img_data);
	long t1 = cv::getTickCount();
	double secs = (t1 - t0) / cv::getTickFrequency();

	cv::Rect face_rect;
	int32_t num_face = static_cast(faces.size());

	for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_face; i++) {
		face_rect.x = faces[i].bbox.x;
		face_rect.y = faces[i].bbox.y;
		face_rect.width = faces[i].bbox.width;
		face_rect.height = faces[i].bbox.height;

		cv::rectangle(img, face_rect, CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 10, 8, 0);
	cout << "renlian number:" << num_face << endl;

	Size size(img_data.width/5 , img_data.height/5 );
	Mat dst;
    cv:resize(img, dst, size);
	cv::namedWindow("Test", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	cv::imshow("Test", dst);
	return 0;








class FaceDetection {
  SEETA_API explicit FaceDetection();
  //SEETA_API FaceDetection(const char* model_path);
  SEETA_API ~FaceDetection();

  SEETA_API void LoadFaceDetectionModel(const char* model_path);



    : impl_(new seeta::FaceDetection::Impl()) {


void FaceDetection::LoadFaceDetectionModel(const char* model_path){










