Iometer学习笔记二:详解“Disk Target Tab” 勘误



# of Outstanding I/Os per target – 被选中worker的每个磁盘一次所允许的未处理的异步I/O的数量。(注意:如果操作完成的非常快,磁盘实际看到的队列深度可能更少,默认值是1)举个例子:假设选中了一个Manager,选中8个Disk,指定# of Outstanding I/O of =16,磁盘被分布到咯咯worker(每个worker分到2个disk),每个worker对其下的每一个disk生成最大16个未处理I/O,那么整个系统中该Manager每次将生成最多128个未处理I/O(4 worker * 2disk/worker * 16未处理I/O/disk)。

    查看官网Iometer user's guide,如下:

Note that the value of this control applies to each selected worker and each selected

disk. For example, suppose you select a manager with 4 disk workers in the Topology

panel, select 8 disks in the Disk Targets tab, and specify a # of Outstanding I/Os of 16.

In this case, the disks will be distributed among the workers (2 disks per worker), and

each worker will generate a maximum of 16 outstanding I/Os to each of its disks. The

system as a whole will have a maximum of 128 outstanding I/Os at a time (4 workers *

2 disks/worker * 16 outstanding I/Os per disk) from this manager.


一个manager 4个worker没有翻译

