


0. 世界的继承类

  • btCollisionWorld
    • 基类
  • btDynamicsWorld
    • 继承于btCollisionWorld
    • 基础的动力学实现
  • btDiscreteDynamicsWorld
    • 继承于btDynamicsWorld
    • 刚体的运动模拟

1. 创建世界(场景)

// 初始化场景

// 用于配置碰撞检测堆栈大小,默认碰撞算法,接触副本池的大小
btDefaultCollisionConfiguration* collisionConfiguration = new btDefaultCollisionConfiguration();

// 用于计算重叠对象(碰撞检测,接触点计算)(接触点会被封装成 btPersistentManifold 对象)
btCollisionDispatcher* dispatcher = new btCollisionDispatcher(collisionConfiguration);

// 提供成对的aabb重叠监测(重叠对象的管理,存储,增加删除等)
btBroadphaseInterface* overlappingPairCache = new btDbvtBroadphase();

btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver* solver = new btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver;
btDynamicsWorld* world = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(dispatcher, overlappingPairCache, solver, collisionConfiguration);

2. 场景函数

  • void btDynamicsWorld::addRigidBody(btRigidBody* body)
    • 添加一个刚体
  • void btCollisionWorld::removeCollisionObject(btCollisionObject* collisionObject)
    • 删除对象
  • int btCollisionWorld::getNumCollisionObjects()
    • 获取数量
  • btAlignedObjectArray btCollisionWorld::getCollisionObjectArray()
    • 获取场景所有对象
  • void btDynamicsWorld::setGravity(const btVector3& gravity)
    • 设置重力
    • 默认值:btVector3(0,0,0)
  • void btDynamicsWorld::performDiscreteCollisionDetection()
    • 碰撞检测
  • int btDynamicsWorld::stepSimulation(btScalar timeStep, int maxSubSteps = 1, btScalar fixedTimeStep = btScalar(1.)/btScalar(60.))
    • 模拟运动

3. 举例

  1. 场景场景;
  2. 添加一个刚体;
  3. 释放内存退出。
#include "btBulletDynamicsCommon.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int i;

    ///collision configuration contains default setup for memory, collision setup. Advanced users can create their own configuration.
    btDefaultCollisionConfiguration* collisionConfiguration = new btDefaultCollisionConfiguration();

    ///use the default collision dispatcher. For parallel processing you can use a diffent dispatcher (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
    btCollisionDispatcher* dispatcher = new btCollisionDispatcher(collisionConfiguration);

    ///btDbvtBroadphase is a good general purpose broadphase. You can also try out btAxis3Sweep.
    btBroadphaseInterface* overlappingPairCache = new btDbvtBroadphase();

    ///the default constraint solver. For parallel processing you can use a different solver (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
    btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver* solver = new btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver;

    btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* dynamicsWorld = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(dispatcher,overlappingPairCache,solver,collisionConfiguration);



    //keep track of the shapes, we release memory at exit.
    //make sure to re-use collision shapes among rigid bodies whenever possible!
    btAlignedObjectArray collisionShapes;

    ///create a few basic rigid bodies
    btCollisionShape* groundShape = new btBoxShape(btVector3(btScalar(50.),btScalar(50.),btScalar(50.)));

    btTransform groundTransform;

    btScalar mass(0.);

    //rigidbody is dynamic if and only if mass is non zero, otherwise static
    bool isDynamic = (mass != 0.f);

    btVector3 localInertia(0,0,0);
    if (isDynamic)

    //using motionstate is optional, it provides interpolation capabilities, and only synchronizes 'active' objects
    btDefaultMotionState* myMotionState = new btDefaultMotionState(groundTransform);
    btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo(mass,myMotionState,groundShape,localInertia);
    btRigidBody* body = new btRigidBody(rbInfo);

    //add the body to the dynamics world

    //cleanup in the reverse order of creation/initialization
    delete body;
    delete myMotionState;
    delete groundShape;

    delete dynamicsWorld;
    delete solver;
    delete overlappingPairCache;
    delete dispatcher;
    delete collisionConfiguration;
