盗火7期实录:网录科技创始人吕旭军:Uniting World's Blockchains






网录科技作为一家专业区块链技术企业,2017年孵化了跨链的基础底层项目——万维链,从未来的应用场景角度来看,万维链不仅是一个实现跨链交易和多资产互通的区块链项目,更是一个开源的区块链开发基础底层,在实现跨链交易功能的同时,也支持开发者基于万维链开发“商业场景+区块链”项目,本期我们邀请了万维链的创始人吕旭军及总裁Dustin Byington从什么是跨链技术,基于跨链的将有哪些可想象的未来应用领域进行分享。

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分享嘉宾:吕旭军 Jack Lu,网录科技创始人/CEO

原Factom(公证通)联合创始人,首席技术官,北京大学,俄亥俄州立大学。经济学、计算机硕士,MBA。美国德州华人企业家协会会长;2012年在美国开始接触区块链技术领域,2014年在美国德克萨斯州奥斯丁,与David Johnston等联合创办Factom,并出任CTO;2016年回国创办网录科技并获得得中关村大河资本,万向分布式资本等千万级天使投资,从事企业级区块链应用的研究与开发;2017年发起万维链,专注基于区块链跨链技术+隐私保护+智能合约的基础底层研究与开发; 11月联合Aion,ICON发起全球首个区块链跨链联盟(Blockchain Interoperability Alliance),专注解决区块链兼容、互操作性及全球技术标准问题。

Dustin Byington,Wanchain总裁


Venture Capital 和 Family Office Venture Capital两个VC基金;是区块链领域的早期参与者和投资者,此外,他还是知名区块链公司Tendermint和Satoshi Talent的联合创始人;2017年正式加入Wanchain(万维链)并出任总裁。


李尼先生北京大学学士,英国杜伦大学(University of Durham)计算机优秀学位硕士(MSc. with distinction) 。现任北京网录科技有限公司副总裁,负责项目辅导,商务,市场等业务。同时担任万维链(Wanchain)全球副总裁,区块链新金融实验室副秘书长 加入区块链行业之前,李尼先生具有超过15年的计算机,ICT,软件行业的背景,曾经在中兴通讯ZTE,澳大利亚FairFax集团,超图软件股份有限公司等上市企业负责相关工作,长期带领国外内团队进行国际化的工作,深谙全球各国家和区域的商业,人文,政经等背景。李尼先生对区块链行业有着独特的见解,尤其是在利用区块链技术结合现有商业场景落地方面有着深入的理解,正在辅导若干国内外知名企业进行传统业务转型结合区块链的工作,并重新利用区块链的视角去定义现有业务流程。李尼先生同时在国际粮农组织FAO担任IT技术顾问。


一、My Journey



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二、Back to China

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三、Two Parallel Lines of Blockchain

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四、Infrastructure for the new token

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五、Wanchain Technologies

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六、Wanchain Ecosystem

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七、Cross-Chain Technologies & Applications

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Well everybody my name is Dustin Byington. I'm the president of Wanchain. I started my career at Goldman Sachs that was in 2007, one year before the financial collapsed, and that really shaped my thoughts about the larger financial services industry. Soon after leaving Goldman,I started on my entrepreneur journey and found bitcoin in 2013. When I found a bitcoin,I saw at the promise to fix some of the fundamental and systemic problems that I saw firsthand working at Goldman Sachs, and began starting companies in space.

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Some of the first company I started was a firm called Satoshi Talent. It was the first block chain recruiting firm. Idea was that I didn't know which direction the industry was going to go in but be an entrepreneur and knew the value of services businesses and the value of selling what I thought of as, pickaxe and shovels,and so I am starting this recruiting firmallowed me to meet Jack Lu affect them and many other entrepreneurs in thespace including Jake Wan of Tendermint. Soon thereafter I became a cofounderand president of Tendermint and worked with him for some years soon thereafter Istarted Stokens Venture Capital.

When Jack Lu gave me a phone call one afternoon and told me about the new project that he was working on. I immediately picked it up,because Jack has a great respect in the local Austin block chain community being the technical co founder of Factcom, and someone who had worked closely with on a number of different fronts. Then when I found the grand vision and some of the larger stomach problems in the block chain industry and its potential impacts in the wider financial services industry,I immediately jumped on board.

Not only does Wanchain have the potential to solve some of the very significant problems within the block chain industry,but also in solving those problemscan potentially solve some of the larger problems in the financial services industry.Our vision is that instead of trying to repair the larger industry we're actuallygoing to rebuild it from the ground up.

Jack earlier alluded to the power of this platform and all it's capable of. One of the things that being in the industry for some time and seeing many platforms come and go that I have realized and come to know quite firmly is that platforms. The idea that if you build a platform, and other think that other people will just simply build applications on top of it that's simply not true. It's really important that we take it upon ourselves to build these quality applications,because the value of our platform will be judged by the quality andquantity of applications built on top of it.

And that's why we're really excited to announce WANLabwhich is the digital asset factory. One of the things that we've come to realizeis that building block chains is really hard. There are really not too manyteams that have successfully built block chains and watching enabledapplications before. We have some very unique experience that we can share withthe applications are that are leveraged on our platform.

These challenges stem from everything such as which applications should utilize block chain technology. Oftentimes it's very easy to get down very long rabbit holes, and then realize that in fact, you don't need a block chain at all, or to think about how to leverage block chains creatively and efficiently. There are a number of legal and regulatory challenges that make it very easy for projects to make mistakes early on that they can't recover from. Both Jack and I have seen these errors many times and in fact,sometimes we've even made someof the mistakes and learn from them ourselves and we don't want our applicationsto have to go through that.

Other challenges include simply things like a recruitment. The level of number of qualified developers and the spaces is very low. Finding the right legal team,the right branding designers, agencies, folks to help you construct and develop your white paper, these are all challenges that we find come over and over from our applications. So there are some inefficiencies of us,helping those projects because these are oftentimes repeat problems. 

One of the biggest things that we're looking for when sort of front of this lab and digital asset factory are exceptional teams with grand visions. That's the thing that is really unique and really hard to replicate and replace. As we're out there scouting for projects, our first filter is team we believe in that has a lot of passion and is going somewhere that's a vision. It's big enough that we want to, beyond the journey with them. So if you know any teams that sort of live up to the standard please have them reach out to us,we'd love to have a talk with them.

Once we've identified these teams, one of the power of our platform then begins to shine. It is a lot of problems,that werepreviously thought to be unsolvable or for whom the solutions were incrediblycomplicated becomes very simple and easy to solve with the power of ourunderlying technology.

We often start with projects that are at very early stage. That are still thinking about their idea. They have a rough draft of a white paper or a great team in a big vision and then take them through the full life cycle and all the way out through developing. I see finding the right marketing and legal team,then going through the end, helping them with marketing and building out the rest of their team. Ultimately all these efforts are result of hoping that the platform because we realize that our platform will be judged by the quality and quantity of applications that are built on top of it.

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An example of one of our first projects is smart bomb platform. They were drawn to Wanchain because on a theorem they are limited to the sort of the galaxy of USE 20 tokens. With Wanchain, they get access to all of the protocol tokens which really increases the scope of the problem that they are able to solve. And this is true for a number of applications that otherwise would be really limited in the scope of their solution.

The same group has created a compliance layer that enables us to bake regulation directly into the token itself. This is something that we're really excited about because that means that tokens can be smart. And the token itself can enable not allow itself to be transferred to somebody who isn't accredited or hasn't gone through a specific KYC and a process that means that Wanchain will be able to offer regulated security tokens much sooner than we were anticipating.

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We are also building a wallet specifically for asset managers that solves some of their unique problems and allows them to do things like automatically pay out to some of their LPS, and also solve some of their security concerns,which are not able to be solved using other technologies.

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When you think about Wanchain infrastructure, we are building few infrastructures for the future of finance. On top of Wanchain, you can build wide variety of applications and services, including the aforementioned lending platform, the asset management tools, will also be working on exchanges, index coins, index tokens and a wide variety of financial tools that we think will really reshape imagine and rebuild the financial services industry.

We get a lot of questions about scale. It's, actually the wrong question. Because when people ask us about scale, what they are really asking us about things like how many transactions per second can your block chain enable. As mentioned earlier I was formerly a co-founder of Tendermint and one of the things I learned at first hand was that consensus algorithms are commodities. Nobody wants to pay to build on something that is closed source, that is because if they do then over time you can increase the fees,and they are stuck because they've already built theirinfrastructure on top of it. So what this means is that over time can sensealgorithms will need to be public and open source.

If consensus algorithms are public and open source that means they live on get hub and we, at Wanchain will be able to leverage them. There are lots of different technology providers that are working on a wide range of scaling solutions,we have a fairly large team at the fortuneof meeting some of these folks here this week as visiting the Beijing office ofresearchers from on our team and from Peking university that are looking atthese various technologies and soon they'll be deployed in the wild and we'llbe able to see which ones are really successful and how effective they are.

We evaluate these after Wanchain 2.0 will really begin implementing some of our quote, unquote scaling solutions. And there's a large number of them and some of them are starting to look promising, it's still very early in the block chain scaling days. But we are confident that if it's not a theorem camp and Caspar plasma and the number of scaling solutions they have, there will be other teams that develops killing solutions,that will be able to implement.

That means that we can focus our efforts on two mainareas. One is on the technology side where Jack Lu talked earlier about ourunique contributions of space with the cross chain technology. And two we canfocus on scaling the part of the ecosystem that I think is going to really bethe differentiator which is the applications that are built on top of ourplatform.

It is this scale that creates the real networkeffects. This scale career is going to create the real winners or losers in theindustry. You can think about the difference between a blueprint to New Yorkcity and the entire collection of buildings and people and cars. It's one thing.It's very easy to you know to be able to cut and copy a blueprint. But it'svery challenging and impossible to be able to cut and copy the network ofpeople and buildings and cars. So what we're doing is we're building thatnetwork. We're building that scale of solutions and applications serviceproviders and we're doing it with vigor and we're doing it with a lot ofintent.

That's what the WANLab is all about. The WANLab is providing that ecosystem scale and we will be announcing some more specifics about our first six applications and block chains, at the Dubai conference,on April 16th, you can find more information at DIBS. 






吕旭军:事实上,跨越这个主题已经进行了好多年了。实际上,这是在行业里面非常难以解决的问题。当然,现在有好几个项目跟我们一样,同时的攻克这样的一个问题。在全球范围内有几个比较强大的团队,像AION, ICON跟我们一块去寻找解决方案。待会我也会跟大家讲一下,我们建立的跨链联盟。通过这个联盟去共同协作最后就是希望能够建像TCPIP的全球标准。


问题3:看到说万维链与AION、ICON三方联合宣布共同成立区块链跨链联盟(Blockchain Interoperability Alliance),将在区块链跨链技术领域研究及国际相关标准的制定上展开协作。这对万维链有什么意义?联盟成员之间是怎么合作的? For Dustin please.

Dustin Byington: One of the things,AION, ICON and Wanchain realized was that we were seeking to solve a very similar problem, that gives the state of the industry. We were very much likely to solve it if we work together, and that the industry was still so small that it was better to focus on growing the industry and increasing our chances of solving the problem,than fighting over market share.

Dustin Byington: This was the original formation of the alliance. Just this realization that we were all heading in a similar direction and we might be able to help each other. We were also aware that we are coming at the problem from different perspectives, it would be important for us to be able to communicate with one another. That interoperability was likely not a winner takes all scenario and it would be good for all of the various interoperability chains to be able to connect and communicate,so that we could create a morecomplete solution.

Dustin Byington: Since that those initial, this took place in New York end of last year and since then, the three teams have maintained stayed in contact,we looked forward to,we actually Jack and by our team invited them out to China,they'll be attending conferences with us at in both Beijing and inHangzhou. There will be starting to talk a little bit more specifically abouthow we can coordinate and work together. The first thing is to make sure that ourchains can communicate and that two degree on some road maps moving forward. Nowthat all of our main nets are up we have a little bit more time to startfocusing on coordination and communication together.



问题5:万维链有没有帮助传统资产上链的案例?有的话,方便简单介绍一下是什么类型的项目, 万维链是如何帮助这些项目资产上链的吗?

Dustin Byington: I am happy to give you a little sleep wreak peak of some of the projects we were working on. There's one that's a group out of Dubai that's a group of investment bankers who have done more than thirty billion dollars’worth of transactions in their career and one of the things that they wanted to do was to create a stable coin for Africa that could help solve some of their financial inclusion problems. This was a really good example of a project working through WANLab because while they came with this original idea and vision,they broughtall these relationships to the table there was a lot to be fleshed out with theactual execution of the idea.

Dustin Byington: After many rounds of iteration, what we've ended up with is a really phenomenal stable coin that solves two of the unknown quote black swan threats of traditional stable coins. Traditionally the two ways to create a stable coin. One is that you do something like maker dow which is create a contract for difference, whereby you effectively aremaking that's based upon underlying collateral. The problem is with the problem with maker dow is that, the underlying collateral they use is ether,and if ether moves more than thirtypercent in a day then the stable coin has the potential of breaking. The other way to going about a stable coin is to take a bunch of currency like US dollars, and stick them in a bank account, and then create IOU for that collateral, and the problem with this the quote unquote black swan with this is that. If that bank account gets closed either by the jurisdictional reach of the United States or some other means,then again that's table coin can break.

Dustin Byington: what we are going to do is to combine the two models.We'll use something that looks quite similar to maker and their contract for difference model, but instead of using east as a collateral we will use physical commodities,and have ourrelationships with a really tremendous. Warehouse and commodity providers thatthe group were working with brings the table to take this vision and turn itinto a reality.

Dustin Byington: There are a number of other projects, three of them I had the pleasure of meeting in person today that are coming out of China that are focused on media, travel and gaming. Each project again brings a really tremendous, exceptional relationships and to the table. In this case and in the form of millions of users who currently use their projects,now can be users of our decentralized applications and blockchains.


Dustin Byington: Thank you all for joining us tonight. We will be continuing to be travelling around the world and living on planes and sleeping at our desks to make this vision a reality. We have the upcoming meet ups in Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai. Soon thereafter will be in Lendit San Francisco Conference,will then be going to Tokyo. We have Tokyo,Dubai,and Toronto are on the near term schedule. If you keep follow us on twitter or Telegram groups, those are the best place to get to the up-to-date minutes or schedule will continue to post,or upcoming locations if you'd like to join us at any of thoseevents. Again thank you for joining us tonight.



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