【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171224 #1

欢迎关注【M实事摘要】,这是一则立足中国放眼全球的AI和无人驾驶汽车(SDC)的实事简报(Newsletter)。每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

1 高通中国首席工程师离职创业做VSLAM,获千万级天使投资
Leiphone (博客)
马志国向雷锋网表示,视觉的方案只有和扫地机器人厂家的控制部分做深度的配合才能把视觉的优势发挥出来,“所以我们在技术的方案选择上做软硬件结合的模块,只需要和现在的扫地机器人通过简单的串口连接,就可以实现VSLAM定位和扫地机器人的物理连接,单目的融合slam的确需要底盘的里程计、陀螺仪 ...

2 苹果布局无人驾驶:申请自动导航系统专利
此外,苹果还在开发SLAM(即时定位与地图构建)技术。除了无人驾驶汽车外,SLAM还有望应用在增强现实以及城市和景观地图设计领域。 本文属于原创文章,如若转载,请注明来源:苹果布局无人驾驶:申请自动导航系统专利http://news.cnfol.com/it/20171223/25809329.shtml

3 Tony Lee:京东安全攻防实验室成立| 第五届京东安全峰会
因为接下来12 年将会是人工智能的12 年,无论是从京东的用户体验到营销,到智慧物流,再到智慧供应链,可以看到京东无人车、无人机、无人仓、无人客服,以及叫做无人门店的科技 ... 在物流方面,当商品生产出来之后,我们可以用无人驾驶技术,利用无人机和无人车送到目的地,使用户不一定要回家等待配送。

4 无人车产业已形成中美“双雄”格局
一方面,自动驾驶能够促进交通运输产业转型升级,带动汽车、物流、通信等行业的发展,对占领新兴产业高地至关重要。另一方面,无人驾驶在伦理上、事故责任划分上又存在模糊地带。 今年7月,百度CEO李彦宏乘坐无人车在北京五环吃到“中国无人车第一张罚单”。据了解,因为并无法律明文规定,那张罚单并非 ...

5 Nissan tackles tech overload in autonomous car
Automotive News Europe (blog)
Nissan's latest test car for autonomous driving combines 360-degree sensing with artificial intelligence. Nissan Deputy General Manager for R&D Toshiro Muramatsu said the car can handle 90 percent of the traffic challenges on the road. It does so with the help of nine radars, 12 cameras, six laser ...

Apple's self-driving cars could use routes others have traveled
Apple has been working on some sort of autonomous car for a while now. The system — apparently an add-on to existing vehicles — has been seen in a research paper back in November. More plans appeared in a presentation by Carnegie Mellon professor of AI Ruslan Salakhutdinov this month. Now ...

Self-driving car tech will accelerate in 2018 — but expect crashes, too
San Francisco Chronicle
In recent weeks, Lyft started a robot taxi pilot in Boston in partnership with an MIT spinoff called NuTonomy, while Waymo, the autonomous-vehicle sister company of Google, ditched backup drivers for its self-driving minivans in Arizona and prepared to welcome passengers to the truly driverless service.

ICO to Build Next Generation AI Raises $36 Million in 60 Seconds
Cointelegraph (Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain News)
SingularityNET raised $36 mln in one minute, completely selling out of its native AGI tokens. While this is an enormous amount of money to raise in an incredibly short period of time, it's somewhat unsurprising considering demand. The company asserts that the issue was massively oversubscribed, with ...

Toronto's thriving AI ecosystem serves as a model for the world
While you were looking the other way, Toronto humbly produced some of the globe's top artificial intelligence and deep learning experts, companies, and innovations. Now is the time for the city to stand up tall and loudly proclaim what local folks already know: Toronto is at the center of AI innovation and ...

DARPA's AI Spectrum Management Challenge Completes its First Round
IEEE Spectrum
DARPA's Paul Tilghman presides overs the Spectrum Collaboration Challenge preliminary event on December 13, 2017 Image: DARPA DARPA's Paul Tilghman presides overs the Spectrum Collaboration Challenge preliminary event on December 13, 2017. In a room at Johns Hopkins University in ...

北京时间17/12/24每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

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