Module 7- Policy Management
1. Policy修改的问题
一个policy可以加入不同的policy group。当在其中的policy group里对该策略进行修改时,只有该策略组的策略版本才会得到更新,其它策略组中该策略的版本不会被自动更新。必须手工进行更新。
2. Deployment Jobs
默认情况下,OVOW允许5个并发的deployment jobs。
解释:这里的意思是最多可以同时在5台不同的机器上进行deployment 的工作。在同一台机器上,只能是串行部署,同时只有一个active 的job.
To change maximum parallel jobs:
Select Start Run.
In the Open text box, type Regedit and click OK.
Locate the key Pmad: (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Hewlett‑Packard/OVEnterprise/Management Server/Policy Management).
Right-click Pmad and select New DWORD Value.
Name the newly created value NumOfJobs.
Right-click on the NumOfJobs and select Modify.
Change the Value Data to the number of parallel jobs that you want.
The value should be between 5 and 10 in most cases.
4. Policy ‘Set Filter’
1) Show the latest version of all policies
2) Show all versions of a specific policy and filter the version with the following attributes:
l Node deployment (是不是该策略已部署到节点上)
l Group assignment (是不是该策略被部署到策略组上)
5. 策略版本的注意点:
A. 新建策略的默认版本号是:1.0
B. 版本号大小是策略新旧的唯一标志。最大版本号是:9999.9999
D. 小数点左右两边分开计算。 0.10 比0.9大。 0.1 和0.01相同。
E. patched policy 在名字后面有一个 * 号。客户那里有一个同名同版本的策略,客户可以采取行动来更新任意一个策略的版本号。
6. Instrumentation
A. Used by: tool/action/monitoring policy
B. directory structure based on:
OS and OS version and three sub-folders
Action: Automatic and operator initiated commands, or by scheduled command policy.
Command: Scripts or programs used by tools
Monitor: Monitoring scripts/programs used by Measurement Threshold or Logfile Entry policies.
7. Policy Category and Instrumentation
策略可以指定 Category , 它可以用来group policy 还有通过它来自动下发与category 同名的Instrumentation folder(case sensitive) 到目标节点。