select * from (
s.salesman_id as salesmanId,
s.salesman_name as salesmanName,
s.id_no as idNo,
s.id_type as idType,
s.phone_no as phoneNo,
s.channel_id as channelId,
s.register_date as registerDate,
s.profession as profession,
s.email as email,
count(case when ob.apply_status = 7 then ob.apply_status else 0 end) as reject_count,
count(case when ob.apply_status > 1 and ob.apply_status < 6 then ob.apply_status else 0 end) as inprogress_count,
count(case when ob.apply_status > 0 then ob.apply_status else 0 end) as total_count,
count(case when ob.release_status = 1 then ob.apply_status else 0 end) as release_status,
sum(case when ob.release_status = 1 then ob.release_money else 0 end) as total_release_amt
from salesman s left join order_base ob
on s.salesman_id = ob.user_id
where s.salesman_id = 1
group by s.salesman_id,s.salesman_name,s.id_no,s.id_type,s.phone_no,s.channel_id,s.register_date,s.profession,s.email
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public class SettingServiceTest {
private List<PersonDTO> personList = new ArrayList<PersonDTO>();
private SettingPojoService settin
public class DeleteExtraSpace {
* 题目:给定字符串,删除开始和结尾处的空格,并将中间的多个连续的空格合并成一个。
* 方法1.用已有的String类的trim和replaceAll方法
* 方法2.全部用正则表达式,这个我不熟
* 方法3.“重新发明轮子”,从头遍历一次
public static v
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