webMethods之Trading Networks

笔者对Trading  Networks的认识还只是概念而已,由于读了相应的文档,所以把一些笔记整理在这里

普遍意义上的Trading Network是指“a set of organizations that have agreed to exchange business documents

webMethods Trading Networks是运行在IS上的一个组件,其功能是与其他组织(公司、市场等)的系统联系to form a business-to-business trading network.” 

在Trading Networks有Partner这样的概念。它是构成Trading Network的元素,“send documents to Trading Networks for processing and/or that will receive documents that Trading Networks is instructed to deliver

有关Partner的Information有两方面:一个是Profile,记录的是“information about a corporation that is a part of a trading network.

另一个是TPA(Trading partner agreements),是一组定义Trading的参数约定,是可选的。文档里的说法是:“  A Trading Partner Agreement (TPA) is an optional set of parameters that you can define and use to tailor how documents are exchanged between two trading partners.
