Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)访问Rest Api的Java程序

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)访问Rest Api的Java程序




import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase;
import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity;


import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.tomitribe.auth.signatures.MissingRequiredHeaderException;
import org.tomitribe.auth.signatures.PEM;
import org.tomitribe.auth.signatures.Signature;
import org.tomitribe.auth.signatures.Signer;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;

 * @version 1.0.1
 * This example creates a {@link RequestSigner}, then prints out the Authorization header
 * that is inserted into the HttpGet object.

* apiKey is the identifier for a key uploaded through the console. * privateKeyFilename is the location of your private key (that matches the uploaded public key for apiKey). *

* * The signed HttpGet request is not executed, since instanceId does not map to a real instance. */ public class Signing { public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { HttpRequestBase request; // This is the keyId for a key uploaded through the console String apiKey = ("ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaaba3pv6wkcr4jqae5f15p2b2m2yt2j6rx32uzr4h25vqstifsfdsq/" + "ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaat5nvwcna5j6aqzjcaty5eqbb6qt2jvpkanghtgdaqedqw3rynjq/" + "20:3b:97:13:55:1c:5b:0d:d3:37:d8:50:4e:c5:3a:34"); String privateKeyFilename = "../sample-private-key"; PrivateKey privateKey = loadPrivateKey(privateKeyFilename); RequestSigner signer = new RequestSigner(apiKey, privateKey); // GET with query parameters String uri = ""; uri = String.format(uri, "Pjwf%3A%20PHX-AD-1", // Older ocid formats included ":" which must be escaped "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaam3we6vgnherjq5q2idnccdflvjsnog7mlr6rtdb25gilchfeyjxa".replace(":", "%3A"), "TeamXInstances", "ocid1.volume.oc1.phx.abyhqljrgvttnlx73nmrwfaux7kcvzfs3s66izvxf2h4lgvyndsdsnoiwr5q".replace(":", "%3A") ); request = new HttpGet(uri); // Uncomment to use a fixed date // request.setHeader("Date", "Thu, 05 Jan 2014 21:31:40 GMT"); signer.signRequest(request); System.out.println(uri); System.out.println(request.getFirstHeader("Authorization")); // POST with body uri = ""; request = new HttpPost(uri); // Uncomment to use a fixed date // request.setHeader("Date", "Thu, 05 Jan 2014 21:31:40 GMT"); HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity("{\n" + " \"compartmentId\": \"ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaam3we6vgnherjq5q2idnccdflvjsnog7mlr6rtdb25gilchfeyjxa\",\n" + " \"instanceId\": \"ocid1.instance.oc1.phx.abuw4ljrlsfiqw6vzzxb43vyypt4pkodawglp3wqxjqofakrwvou52gb6s5a\",\n" + " \"volumeId\": \"ocid1.volume.oc1.phx.abyhqljrgvttnlx73nmrwfaux7kcvzfs3s66izvxf2h4lgvyndsdsnoiwr5q\"\n" + "}"); ((HttpPost)request).setEntity(entity); signer.signRequest(request); System.out.println("\n" + uri); System.out.println(request.getFirstHeader("Authorization")); } /** * Load a {@link PrivateKey} from a file. */ private static PrivateKey loadPrivateKey(String privateKeyFilename) { try (InputStream privateKeyStream = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get(privateKeyFilename))){ return PEM.readPrivateKey(privateKeyStream); } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid format for private key"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load private key"); } } /** * A light wrapper around */ public static class RequestSigner { private static final SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT; private static final String SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM = "rsa-sha256"; private static final Map> REQUIRED_HEADERS; static { DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz", Locale.US); DATE_FORMAT.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); REQUIRED_HEADERS = ImmutableMap.>builder() .put("get", ImmutableList.of("date", "(request-target)", "host")) .put("head", ImmutableList.of("date", "(request-target)", "host")) .put("delete", ImmutableList.of("date", "(request-target)", "host")) .put("put", ImmutableList.of("date", "(request-target)", "host", "content-length", "content-type", "x-content-sha256")) .put("post", ImmutableList.of("date", "(request-target)", "host", "content-length", "content-type", "x-content-sha256")) .build(); } private final Map signers; /** * @param apiKey The identifier for a key uploaded through the console. * @param privateKey The private key that matches the uploaded public key for the given apiKey. */ public RequestSigner(String apiKey, Key privateKey) { this.signers = REQUIRED_HEADERS .entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap( entry -> entry.getKey(), entry -> buildSigner(apiKey, privateKey, entry.getKey()))); } /** * Create a {@link Signer} that expects the headers for a given method. * @param apiKey The identifier for a key uploaded through the console. * @param privateKey The private key that matches the uploaded public key for the given apiKey. * @param method HTTP verb for this signer * @return */ protected Signer buildSigner(String apiKey, Key privateKey, String method) { final Signature signature = new Signature( apiKey, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM, null, REQUIRED_HEADERS.get(method.toLowerCase())); return new Signer(privateKey, signature); } /** * Sign a request, optionally including additional headers in the signature. * *
  1. If missing, insert the Date header (RFC 2822).
  2. *
  3. If PUT or POST, insert any missing content-type, content-length, x-content-sha256
  4. *
  5. Verify that all headers to be signed are present.
  6. *
  7. Set the request's Authorization header to the computed signature.
  8. *
* * @param request The request to sign */ public void signRequest(HttpRequestBase request) { final String method = request.getMethod().toLowerCase(); // nothing to sign for options if (method.equals("options")) { return; } final String path = extractPath(request.getURI()); // supply date if missing if (!request.containsHeader("date")) { request.addHeader("date", DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date())); } // supply host if mossing if (!request.containsHeader("host")) { request.addHeader("host", request.getURI().getHost()); } // supply content-type, content-length, and x-content-sha256 if missing (PUT and POST only) if (method.equals("put") || method.equals("post")) { if (!request.containsHeader("content-type")) { request.addHeader("content-type", "application/json"); } if (!request.containsHeader("content-length") || !request.containsHeader("x-content-sha256")) { byte[] body = getRequestBody((HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase) request); if (!request.containsHeader("content-length")) { request.addHeader("content-length", Integer.toString(body.length)); } if (!request.containsHeader("x-content-sha256")) { request.addHeader("x-content-sha256", calculateSHA256(body)); } } } final Map headers = extractHeadersToSign(request); final String signature = this.calculateSignature(method, path, headers); request.setHeader("Authorization", signature); } /** * Extract path and query string to build the (request-target) pseudo-header. * For the URI "" return "/somePath?foo=bar" */ private static String extractPath(URI uri) { String path = uri.getRawPath(); String query = uri.getRawQuery(); if (query != null && !query.trim().isEmpty()) { path = path + "?" + query; } return path; } /** * Extract the headers required for signing from a {@link HttpRequestBase}, into a Map * that can be passed to {@link RequestSigner#calculateSignature}. * *

* Throws if a required header is missing, or if there are multiple values for a single header. *

* * @param request The request to extract headers from. */ private static Map extractHeadersToSign(HttpRequestBase request) { List headersToSign = REQUIRED_HEADERS.get(request.getMethod().toLowerCase()); if (headersToSign == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Don't know how to sign method " + request.getMethod()); } return // (request-target) is a pseudo-header .filter(header -> !header.toLowerCase().equals("(request-target)")) .collect(Collectors.toMap( header -> header, header -> { if (!request.containsHeader(header)) { throw new MissingRequiredHeaderException(header); } if (request.getHeaders(header).length > 1) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("Expected one value for header %s", header)); } return request.getFirstHeader(header).getValue(); })); } /** * Wrapper around {@link Signer#sign}, returns the {@link Signature} as a String. * * @param method Request method (GET, POST, ...) * @param path The path + query string for forming the (request-target) pseudo-header * @param headers Headers to include in the signature. */ private String calculateSignature(String method, String path, Map headers) { Signer signer = this.signers.get(method); if (signer == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Don't know how to sign method " + method); } try { return signer.sign(method, path, headers).toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to generate signature", e); } } /** * Calculate the Base64-encoded string representing the SHA256 of a request body * @param body The request body to hash */ private String calculateSHA256(byte[] body) { byte[] hash = Hashing.sha256().hashBytes(body).asBytes(); return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(hash); } /** * Helper to safely extract a request body. Because an {@link HttpEntity} may not be repeatable, * this function ensures the entity is reset after reading. Null entities are treated as an empty string. * * @param request A request with a (possibly null) {@link HttpEntity} */ private byte[] getRequestBody(HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase request) { HttpEntity entity = request.getEntity(); // null body is equivalent to an empty string if (entity == null) { return "".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } // May need to replace the request entity after consuming boolean consumed = !entity.isRepeatable(); ByteArrayOutputStream content = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { entity.writeTo(content); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to copy request body", e); } // Replace the now-consumed body with a copy of the content stream byte[] body = content.toByteArray(); if (consumed) { request.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(body)); } return body; } } }

