

预览文章: 【Mycat1.6之加载Schema的DataHosts完整属性源码解读】 


        private final static String DEFAULT_DTD = "/schema.dtd";
	private final static String DEFAULT_XML = "/schema.xml";

	public XMLSchemaLoader(String schemaFile, String ruleFile) {
		XMLRuleLoader ruleLoader = new XMLRuleLoader(ruleFile);
		this.tableRules = ruleLoader.getTableRules();
		ruleLoader = null;
		this.dataHosts = new HashMap();
		this.dataNodes = new HashMap();
		this.schemas = new HashMap();
		this.load(DEFAULT_DTD, schemaFile == null ? DEFAULT_XML : schemaFile);
	//加载顺序:主机/节点/ Schema
	private void load(String dtdFile, String xmlFile) {
		InputStream dtd = null;
		InputStream xml = null;
		dtd = XMLSchemaLoader.class.getResourceAsStream(dtdFile);
		xml = XMLSchemaLoader.class.getResourceAsStream(xmlFile);
		Element root = ConfigUtil.getDocument(dtd, xml).getDocumentElement();
			dbType="db2" dbDriver="jdbc" switchType="-1" slaveThreshold="" tempReadHostAvailable=""  
		filters="" logTime="">
		select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1
		alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'
	private void loadDataHosts(Element root) {
		NodeList list = root.getElementsByTagName("dataHost");
		for (int i = 0, n = list.getLength(); i < n; ++i) {
			Element element = (Element) list.item(i);
			String name = element.getAttribute("name");
			if (dataHosts.containsKey(name)) {
				throw new ConfigException("dataHost name " + name + "duplicated!");
			int maxCon = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute("maxCon"));
			int minCon = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute("minCon"));
	* 读取负载均衡配置
	* 1. balance="0", 不开启分离机制,所有读操作都发送到当前可用的 writeHost 上。
	* 2. balance="1",全部的 readHost 和 stand by writeHost 参不 select 的负载均衡
	* 3. balance="2",所有读操作都随机的在 writeHost、readhost 上分发。
	* 4. balance="3",所有读请求随机的分发到 wiriterHost 对应的 readhost 执行,writerHost 不负担读压力
			int balance = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute("balance"));
			 * 读取切换类型
			 * -1 表示不自动切换
			 * 1 默认值,自动切换
			 * 2 基于MySQL主从同步的状态决定是否切换
			 * 心跳询句为 show slave status
			 * 3 基于 MySQL galary cluster 的切换机制
			String switchTypeStr = element.getAttribute("switchType");
	int switchType = switchTypeStr.equals("") ? -1 :Integer.parseInt(switchTypeStr);
			String slaveThresholdStr = element.getAttribute("slaveThreshold");
	int slaveThreshold = slaveThresholdStr.equals("") ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(slaveThresholdStr);
    //如果 tempReadHostAvailable 设置大于 0 则表示写主机如果挂掉,临时的读服务依然可用
     String tempReadHostAvailableStr = element.getAttribute("tempReadHostAvailable");
     boolean tempReadHostAvailable = !tempReadHostAvailableStr.equals("")
 && Integer.parseInt(tempReadHostAvailableStr) > 0;
			 * 读取 写类型
			 * 这里只支持 0 - 所有写操作仅配置的第一个 writeHost
			String writeTypStr = element.getAttribute("writeType");
int writeType = "".equals(writeTypStr) ? PhysicalDBPool.WRITE_ONLYONE_NODE : Integer.parseInt(writeTypStr);

			String dbDriver = element.getAttribute("dbDriver");
			String dbType = element.getAttribute("dbType");
			String filters = element.getAttribute("filters");
			String logTimeStr = element.getAttribute("logTime");
               long logTime = "".equals(logTimeStr) ? PhysicalDBPool.LONG_TIME : Long.parseLong(logTimeStr) ;
               String heartbeatSQL = element.getElementsByTagName("heartbeat").item(0).getTextContent();
            //读取 初始化sql配置,用于oracle
              NodeList connectionInitSqlList = element.getElementsByTagName("connectionInitSql");
			String initConSQL = null;
			if (connectionInitSqlList.getLength() > 0) {
				initConSQL = connectionInitSqlList.item(0).getTextContent();
	NodeList writeNodes = element.getElementsByTagName("writeHost");
	DBHostConfig[] writeDbConfs = new DBHostConfig[writeNodes.getLength()];
	Map readHostsMap = new HashMap(2);
			for (int w = 0; w < writeDbConfs.length; w++) {
				Element writeNode = (Element) writeNodes.item(w);
                          writeDbConfs[w] = createDBHostConf(name, writeNode, dbType,dbDriver, maxCon, minCon,filters,logTime);
				NodeList readNodes = writeNode.getElementsByTagName("readHost");
				if (readNodes.getLength() != 0) {
                                        DBHostConfig[] readDbConfs = new DBHostConfig[readNodes.getLength()];
					for (int r = 0; r < readDbConfs.length; r++) {
						Element readNode = (Element) readNodes.item(r);
                        readDbConfs[r] = createDBHostConf(name,readNode, dbType, dbDriver, maxCon, minCon,filters, logTime);
					readHostsMap.put(w, readDbConfs);

             DataHostConfig hostConf = new DataHostConfig(name, dbType, dbDriver, writeDbConfs, 
                    readHostsMap, switchType, slaveThreshold, tempReadHostAvailable);		
			dataHosts.put(hostConf.getName(), hostConf);
	private DBHostConfig createDBHostConf(String dataHost, Element node,
                   String dbType, String dbDriver, int maxCon, int minCon, 
                    String filters, long logTime) {
		String nodeHost = node.getAttribute("host");
		String nodeUrl = node.getAttribute("url");
		String user = node.getAttribute("user");
		String password = node.getAttribute("password");
		String usingDecrypt = node.getAttribute("usingDecrypt");
		String passwordEncryty= DecryptUtil.DBHostDecrypt(usingDecrypt, nodeHost, user, password);
		String weightStr = node.getAttribute("weight");
		int weight = "".equals(weightStr) ? PhysicalDBPool.WEIGHT :Integer.parseInt(weightStr) ;
		String ip = null;
		int port = 0;
		if (empty(nodeHost) || empty(nodeUrl) || empty(user)) {
			throw new ConfigException(
					"dataHost "
							+ dataHost
		+ " define error,some attributes of this element is empty: "
							+ nodeHost);
		if ("native".equalsIgnoreCase(dbDriver)) {
			int colonIndex = nodeUrl.indexOf(':');
			ip = nodeUrl.substring(0, colonIndex).trim();
			port = Integer.parseInt(nodeUrl.substring(colonIndex + 1).trim());
		} else {
			URI url;
			try {
				url = new URI(nodeUrl.substring(5));
			} catch (Exception e) {
				throw new ConfigException("invalid jdbc url " + nodeUrl + " of " + dataHost);
			ip = url.getHost();
			port = url.getPort();

	       DBHostConfig conf = new DBHostConfig(nodeHost, ip, port, nodeUrl, user,passwordEncryty,password);
		conf.setWeight(weight); 	//新增权重
		return conf;
	public static String DBHostDecrypt(String usingDecrypt,String host,String user ,String passwrod){
        	boolean flag = false;
        	try {
        		String passwrods[] = DecryptUtil.decrypt(passwrod).split(":");
            	if("1".equals(passwrods[0]) && host.equals(passwrods[1]) && user.equals(passwrods[2])){
            		return passwrods[3];
            		 throw new ConfigException("user " + user + " passwrod need to decrype ,but decrype password is wrong !");
        	} catch (Exception e2) {
       		    throw new ConfigException("host " + host + ",user " + user + " passwrod need to decrype ,but decrype password is wrong !",e2);
		return passwrod;


dataHost 完整配置如下:


balance="0" writeType="0" 

dbType="db2" dbDriver="jdbc" switchType="-1" slaveThreshold="" tempReadHostAvailable=""  filters=""logTime="">

select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1

<connectionInitSql>alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'







 password="123456" usingDecrypt="" weight="">

 usingDecrypt="" weight=""/>




writeType 这里只支持 0 - 所有写操作仅配置的第一个 writeHost

/** * balance读取负载均衡配置

* 1. balance="0", 不开启分离机制,所有读操作都发送到当前可用的 writeHost 上。

* 2. balance="1",全部的 readHost 和 stand by writeHost 参不 select 的负载均衡

* 3. balance="2",所有读操作都随机的在 writeHost、readhost 上分发。

* 4. balance="3",所有读请求随机的分发到 wiriterHost 对应的 readhost 执行,

writerHost 不负担读压力




* switchType读取切换类型

* -1 表示不自动切换 * 1 默认值,自动切换

* 2 基于MySQL主从同步的状态决定是否切换

* 心跳询句为 show slave status

* 3 基于 MySQL galary cluster 的切换机制



tempReadHostAvailable 设置大于 0 则表示写主机如果挂掉, 临时的读服务依然可用 
