主题:PBR, Equrectangular Map, Cube Map, Irradiance Map, HDR Image, Pre-Filtering
一般来说,我们通过一张环境贴图(Environment Map)来保存一个物体周围的环境信息,然后通过某种处理,来实现丰富的环境光照效果。本文就是讲述,如何通过对环境贴图进行处理,然后实现丰富的环境光照效果。
int32_t width = 0, height = 0, component = 0;
float* data = stbi_loadf(file_name, &width, &height, &component, 0);
我们前面说过,我们将使用Cube Map来进行IBL。所以,我们需要一种方法来将该Equirectangular Map转换为Cube Map。为此,我们先简单的绘制一个球体,然后将这个Equirectangular Map贴上去,然后使用传统的创建Cube Map的方式产生一张Cube Map。
那么,我们怎么样将Equirectangular Map映射到球体上去了?通过一些简单的计算就能够完成这个操作,代码如下所示:
vec2 sampling_equirectangular_map(vec3 n) {
float u = atan(n.z, n.x);
u = (u + PI) / (2.0 * PI);
float v = asin(n.y);
v = (v * 2.0 + PI) / (2.0 * PI);
return vec2(u, v);
通过计算atan(n.z, n.x)就能够得到具有该法线顶点的UV坐标的U值,通过计算asin(n.y)就能够得到具有该法线顶点的UV坐标的V值。同时,由于atan函数返回的结果在 [−π,π] 之间,而asin返回的结果在 [−π2,π2] 之间,所有需要把它们都映射到 [0,1] 之间。
我们已经能够使用HDR的Cube Map来表示一个物体周围环境的光照信息了,接下来我们就需要计算渲染方程:
Riemann Sum是一种很简单的积分方法,下面简要的介绍下。
我们假设有如下函数,值域在 [0,π] 上,
float samplingStep = 0.025;
int sampler = 0;
vec3 l = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for (float phi = 0.0; phi < 2.0 * PI; phi = phi + samplingStep) {
for (float theta = 0.0; theta < 0.5 * PI; theta = theta + samplingStep) {
vec3 d = calc_cartesian(phi, theta); // Transform spherical coordinate to cartesian coordinate
d = d.x * r + d.y * u + d.z * n; // Transform tangent space coordinate to world space coordinate
l = l + filtering_cube_map(glb_CubeMap, normalize(d)) * cos(theta) * sin(theta); // L * (ndotl) * sin(theta) d(theta)d(phi)
sampler = sampler + 1;
l = PI * l * (1.0 / sampler);
vec3 calc_normal(int face, vec2 uv) {
// 6 Face(+X,-X,+Y,-Y,+Z,-Z) for [0,5]
uv = (uv - 0.5) * 2.0; // Convert range [0, 1] to [-1, 1]
vec3 n = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (face == 0) {
// +X face
n.x = 1.0;
n.zy = uv;
} else if (face == 1) {
// -X face
n.x = -1.0;
n.z = -uv.x;
n.y = uv.y;
} else if (face == 2) {
// +Y face
n.y = 1.0;
n.xz = uv;
} else if (face == 3) {
// -Y face
n.y = -1.0;
n.x = uv.x;
n.z = -uv.y;
} else if (face == 4) {
// +Z face
n.z = 1.0;
n.x = -uv.x;
n.y = uv.y;
} else if (face == 5) {
// -Z face
n.z = -1.0;
n.xy = uv;
return n;
对于Riemann Sum形式的积分方程:
vec3 calc_cartesian(float phi, float theta) {
return vec3(sin(theta) * cos(phi), sin(theta) * sin(phi), cos(theta));
同时我们还需要知道一点,我们这里定义的 θ 和 ϕ 都是在 n 为(0,0,1)的空间中定义,所以我们需要将该向量转换到世界空间中去,如下代码:
// Calculate tangent space base vector
vec3 n = calc_normal(faceIndex, uv);
n = normalize(n);
vec3 u = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
vec3 r = cross(u, n);
r = normalize(r);
u = cross(n, r);
u = normalize(u);
vec3 d = calc_cartesian(phi, theta); // Transform spherical coordinate to cartesian coordinate
d = d.x * r + d.y * u + d.z * n; // Transform tangent space coordinate to world space coordinate
l = filtering_cube_map(glb_CubeMap, normalize(d))
通过这样的方式,我们就能够得到积分方程里面 Li ,然后带入公式即可。
#version 330
#extension GL_NV_shadow_samplers_cube : enable
in vec2 vs_TexCoord;
out vec3 oColor;
uniform samplerCube glb_CubeMap;
uniform int glb_FaceIndex;
const float PI = 3.1415926536898;
vec3 filtering_cube_map(samplerCube cube, vec3 n) {
n.yz = -n.yz;
return textureCube(cube, n).xyz;
vec3 calc_normal(int face, vec2 uv) {
// 6 Face(+X,-X,+Y,-Y,+Z,-Z) for [0,5]
uv = (uv - 0.5) * 2.0; // Convert range [0, 1] to [-1, 1]
vec3 n = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (face == 0) {
// +X face
n.x = 1.0;
n.zy = uv;
} else if (face == 1) {
// -X face
n.x = -1.0;
n.z = -uv.x;
n.y = uv.y;
} else if (face == 2) {
// +Y face
n.y = 1.0;
n.xz = uv;
} else if (face == 3) {
// -Y face
n.y = -1.0;
n.x = uv.x;
n.z = -uv.y;
} else if (face == 4) {
// +Z face
n.z = 1.0;
n.x = -uv.x;
n.y = uv.y;
} else if (face == 5) {
// -Z face
n.z = -1.0;
n.xy = uv;
return n;
vec3 calc_cartesian(float phi, float theta) {
return vec3(sin(theta) * cos(phi), sin(theta) * sin(phi), cos(theta));
vec3 convolution_cube_map(samplerCube cube, int faceIndex, vec2 uv) {
// Calculate tangent space base vector
vec3 n = calc_normal(faceIndex, uv);
n = normalize(n);
vec3 u = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
vec3 r = cross(u, n);
r = normalize(r);
u = cross(n, r);
u = normalize(u);
// Convolution
float samplingStep = 0.025;
int sampler = 0;
vec3 l = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for (float phi = 0.0; phi < 2.0 * PI; phi = phi + samplingStep) {
for (float theta = 0.0; theta < 0.5 * PI; theta = theta + samplingStep) {
vec3 d = calc_cartesian(phi, theta); // Transform spherical coordinate to cartesian coordinate
d = d.x * r + d.y * u + d.z * n; // Transform tangent space coordinate to world space coordinate
l = l + filtering_cube_map(glb_CubeMap, normalize(d)) * cos(theta) * sin(theta); // L * (ndotl) * sin(theta) d(theta)d(phi)
sampler = sampler + 1;
l = PI * l * (1.0 / sampler);
return l;
void main() {
vec3 color = convolution_cube_map(glb_CubeMap, glb_FaceIndex, vs_TexCoord);
//oColor = color / (1.0 + color);
oColor = color;
下图给出了预计算前后Cube Map的对比图:
vec3 calc_ibl(vec3 n, vec3 v, vec3 albedo, float roughness, float metalic) {
vec3 F0 = mix(vec3(0.04, 0.04, 0.04), albedo, metalic);
vec3 F = calc_fresnel_roughness(n, v, F0, roughness);
vec3 T = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - F;
vec3 kD = T * (1.0 - metalic);
vec3 irradiance = filtering_cube_map(glb_IrradianceMap, n);
return kD * albedo * irradiance;
需要额外说明的是,我们这里计算Fresnel系数的方式和前面直接光照系统的计算方式有所不同。这是因为对于IBL来说,我们没有办法得到一个单一的half向量,所以这里就直接使用了表面法线 n 来代替。但是这样就丢失了表面粗糙度的影响,所以重新设计了新的Fresnel函数,并且将roughness属性考虑进去。以下是考虑了roughness属性的新的Fresnel系数计算函数:
vec3 calc_fresnel_roughness(vec3 n, vec3 v, vec3 F0, float roughness) {
float ndotv = max(dot(n, v), 0.0);
return F0 + (max(vec3(1.0 - roughness), F0) - F0) * pow(1.0 - ndotv, 5.0);
[2]Article - Physically Based Rendering
[4]Adapt a physically based rendering model