


 * Annotation for externalized configuration. Add this to a class definition or a
 * {@code @Bean} method in a {@code @Configuration} class if you want to bind and validate
 * some external Properties (e.g. from a .properties file).

* Note that contrary to {@code @Value}, SpEL expressions are not evaluated since property * values are externalized. * * @author Dave Syer * @see ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessor * @see EnableConfigurationProperties */ @Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface ConfigurationProperties { /** * The name prefix of the properties that are valid to bind to this object. Synonym * for {@link #prefix()}. * @return the name prefix of the properties to bind */ @AliasFor("prefix") String value() default ""; /** * The name prefix of the properties that are valid to bind to this object. Synonym * for {@link #value()}. * @return the name prefix of the properties to bind */ @AliasFor("value") String prefix() default ""; /** * Flag to indicate that when binding to this object invalid fields should be ignored. * Invalid means invalid according to the binder that is used, and usually this means * fields of the wrong type (or that cannot be coerced into the correct type). * @return the flag value (default false) */ boolean ignoreInvalidFields() default false; /** * Flag to indicate that when binding to this object fields with periods in their * names should be ignored. * @return the flag value (default false) */ boolean ignoreNestedProperties() default false; /** * Flag to indicate that when binding to this object unknown fields should be ignored. * An unknown field could be a sign of a mistake in the Properties. * @return the flag value (default true) */ boolean ignoreUnknownFields() default true; /** * Flag to indicate that an exception should be raised if a Validator is available, * the class is annotated with {@link Validated @Validated} and validation fails. If * it is set to false, validation errors will be swallowed. They will be logged, but * not propagated to the caller. * @return the flag value (default true) * @deprecated as of 1.5 since validation only kicks in when {@code @Validated} is * present */ @Deprecated boolean exceptionIfInvalid() default true }


1.从类注释可以了解到:该注解可以应用于普通类或者 被@Configuration注解的类中又被@Bean注解的方法上,主要用于给对象(或叫bean)绑定一个配置文件并支持校验配置的内容,例如绑定自定义的properties文件;至于后面说的"请注意,与{@code @Value}相反,SpEL表达式不会因为属性而被评估"这句有点不是太懂,网友可以给提示一下?

2.从属性注释了解到:该注解一共有六个属性,其中value和prefix作用相当 ,都是彼此的别名,ignoreInvalidFields做用是忽略哪些解析失败的字段内容,ignoreNestedProperties作用是忽略内容中包含"."这种特殊字符将被忽略,ignoreUnknownFields作用是忽略未知字段,exceptionIfInvalid作用是如果使用Validator校验器进行校验出错时是否引发异常。







 * Enable support for {@link ConfigurationProperties} annotated beans.
 * {@link ConfigurationProperties} beans can be registered in the standard way (for
 * example using {@link Bean @Bean} methods) or, for convenience, can be specified
 * directly on this annotation.
 * @author Dave Syer
public @interface EnableConfigurationProperties {

	 * Convenient way to quickly register {@link ConfigurationProperties} annotated beans
	 * with Spring. Standard Spring Beans will also be scanned regardless of this value.
	 * @return {@link ConfigurationProperties} annotated beans to register
	Class[] value() default {};



1.从类注释可以了解到:该注解目的就是配合@ConfigurationProperties 使用(两者一定要关联使用),注册@ConfigurationProperties 注解的类到容器的方式有两种,一种是使用例如@Bean这种标准方式来注册,另一种就是使用该注解来协助注册到容器中



 * Import selector that sets up binding of external properties to configuration classes
 * (see {@link ConfigurationProperties}). It either registers a
 * {@link ConfigurationProperties} bean or not, depending on whether the enclosing
 * {@link EnableConfigurationProperties} explicitly declares one. If none is declared then
 * a bean post processor will still kick in for any beans annotated as external
 * configuration. If one is declared then it a bean definition is registered with id equal
 * to the class name (thus an application context usually only contains one
 * {@link ConfigurationProperties} bean of each unique type).
 * @author Dave Syer
 * @author Christian Dupuis
 * @author Stephane Nicoll
class EnableConfigurationPropertiesImportSelector implements ImportSelector {

	public String[] selectImports(AnnotationMetadata metadata) {
		MultiValueMap attributes = metadata.getAllAnnotationAttributes(
				EnableConfigurationProperties.class.getName(), false);
		Object[] type = attributes == null ? null
				: (Object[]) attributes.getFirst("value");
		if (type == null || type.length == 0) {
			return new String[] {
							.getName() };
		return new String[] { ConfigurationPropertiesBeanRegistrar.class.getName(),
				ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessorRegistrar.class.getName() };

	 * {@link ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar} for configuration properties support.
	public static class ConfigurationPropertiesBeanRegistrar
			implements ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar {

		public void registerBeanDefinitions(AnnotationMetadata metadata,
				BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {
			MultiValueMap attributes = metadata
							EnableConfigurationProperties.class.getName(), false);
			List> types = collectClasses(attributes.get("value"));
			for (Class type : types) {
				String prefix = extractPrefix(type);
				String name = (StringUtils.hasText(prefix) ? prefix + "-" + type.getName()
						: type.getName());
				if (!registry.containsBeanDefinition(name)) {
					registerBeanDefinition(registry, type, name);

		private String extractPrefix(Class type) {
			ConfigurationProperties annotation = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(type,
			if (annotation != null) {
				return annotation.prefix();
			return "";

		private List> collectClasses(List list) {
			ArrayList> result = new ArrayList>();
			for (Object object : list) {
				for (Object value : (Object[]) object) {
					if (value instanceof Class && value != void.class) {
						result.add((Class) value);
			return result;

		private void registerBeanDefinition(BeanDefinitionRegistry registry,
				Class type, String name) {
			BeanDefinitionBuilder builder = BeanDefinitionBuilder
			AbstractBeanDefinition beanDefinition = builder.getBeanDefinition();
			registry.registerBeanDefinition(name, beanDefinition);

			ConfigurationProperties properties = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(type,
					"No " + ConfigurationProperties.class.getSimpleName()
							+ " annotation found on  '" + type.getName() + "'.");




1.EnableConfigurationPropertiesImportSelector 实现了ImportSelector接口,这里简单说下ImportSelector接口的作用:主要是通过其selectImports方法返回一些要注入到容器中的类

2.内部类ConfigurationPropertiesBeanRegistrar实现了ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar 接口,同样ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar 类似于ImportSelector接口,也是为了注册实例到容器中,只不过注册逻辑更为显式

2.看EnableConfigurationPropertiesImportSelector 实现的selectImports方法,其中有根据EnableConfigurationProperties中配置属性进行判断的逻辑,如果有属性,则通过ConfigurationPropertiesBeanRegistrar内部类来实现这些属性的注册逻辑,否则则直接返回ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessorRegistrar即可。


 * {@link ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar} for binding externalized application properties
 * to {@link ConfigurationProperties} beans.
 * @author Dave Syer
 * @author Phillip Webb
public class ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessorRegistrar
		implements ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar {

	 * The bean name of the {@link ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessor}.
	public static final String BINDER_BEAN_NAME = ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessor.class

	private static final String METADATA_BEAN_NAME = BINDER_BEAN_NAME + ".store";

	public void registerBeanDefinitions(AnnotationMetadata importingClassMetadata,
			BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {
		if (!registry.containsBeanDefinition(BINDER_BEAN_NAME)) {
			BeanDefinitionBuilder meta = BeanDefinitionBuilder
			BeanDefinitionBuilder bean = BeanDefinitionBuilder.genericBeanDefinition(
			bean.addPropertyReference("beanMetaDataStore", METADATA_BEAN_NAME);
			registry.registerBeanDefinition(BINDER_BEAN_NAME, bean.getBeanDefinition());
			registry.registerBeanDefinition(METADATA_BEAN_NAME, meta.getBeanDefinition());



1.ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessorRegistrar实现了ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar 接口,不得而知,又是一个用于注册bean到容器的类




