remote: ERROR: committer email address remote: ERROR: does not match your user account.

Q2." remote: ERROR:  committer email address  remote: ERROR:  does not match your user account."
[cpp]   view plain copy
  1. remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done      
  2. remote:   
  3. remote: ERROR:  In commit 0059c6b3c1c60fcc3e7863fa62f7d19b0b69afcd  
  4. remote: ERROR:  committer email address [email protected]  
  5. remote: ERROR:  does not match your user account.  
  6. remote: ERROR:  
  7. remote: ERROR:  The following addresses are currently registered:  
  8. remote: ERROR:    [email protected]  
  9. remote: ERROR:  
  10. remote: ERROR:  To register an email address, please visit:  
  11. remote: ERROR:  
  12. remote:   
  13. remote:   
  14. To ssh://gerritxmic/flagship.git  
  15.  ! [remote rejected] master -> master (invalid committer)  
  16. error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://gerrit/test.git'  

A2. 需要配置 'Forge Committer' 和 'Forge Author' 访问权限, 让 Gerrit 忽略你不是正在 push 的提交的 author 或者 committer。直接把Anonymous Users组或者其他组给加上就行了。
remote: ERROR: committer email address remote: ERROR: does not match your user account._第1张图片

