这个文件看起来非常类似ibatis的语句了,只是没用ibatis的哪些标签-改成了freemarker语法,没错,我们就是复用freemarker来帮我们解决这些烦杂的判断操作的ncoding="utf-8"?> statement PUBLIC "-//Haier/HOP Hibernate Dynamic Statement DTD 1.0//EN" "http://www.haier.com/dtd/dynamic-hibernate-statement-1.0.dtd">ex ]]> dule_name, t.gmt_create, t.gmt_modified, t.create_by, t.last_modified_by, t.order_index, t.parent_id from resource_info t inner join role_resource rr on t.id = rr.resource_id inner join user_role ur on rr.role_id = ur.role_id where ur.user_id = ${userId} <#if type == '1'> and t.type=1 <#else> and t.type=0 #if> and t.type = ${type} and t.status = ${status} start with t.code = '${code}' connect by nocycle prior t.id = t.parent_id ]]>
通过queryName从缓存中查找出其对应的sql/hql语句(最原始的,里面带有freemarker语法)publicList findByNamedQuery(final String queryName, final Map parameters)
/** * hibernate动态sql dtd解析器 * @author WangXuzheng * */ public class DynamicStatementDTDEntityResolver implements EntityResolver, Serializable{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 8123799007554762965L; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger( DynamicStatementDTDEntityResolver.class ); private static final String HOP_DYNAMIC_STATEMENT = "http://www.haier.com/dtd/"; public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) { InputSource source = null; // returning null triggers default behavior if ( systemId != null ) { LOGGER.debug( "trying to resolve system-id [" + systemId + "]" ); if ( systemId.startsWith( HOP_DYNAMIC_STATEMENT ) ) { LOGGER.debug( "recognized hop dyanmic statement namespace; attempting to resolve on classpath under com/haier/openplatform/dao/hibernate/" ); source = resolveOnClassPath( publicId, systemId, HOP_DYNAMIC_STATEMENT ); } } return source; } private InputSource resolveOnClassPath(String publicId, String systemId, String namespace) { InputSource source = null; String path = "com/haier/openplatform/dao/hibernate/" + systemId.substring( namespace.length() ); InputStream dtdStream = resolveInHibernateNamespace( path ); if ( dtdStream == null ) { LOGGER.debug( "unable to locate [" + systemId + "] on classpath" ); if ( systemId.substring( namespace.length() ).indexOf( "2.0" ) > -1 ) { LOGGER.error( "Don't use old DTDs, read the Hibernate 3.x Migration Guide!" ); } } else { LOGGER.debug( "located [" + systemId + "] in classpath" ); source = new InputSource( dtdStream ); source.setPublicId( publicId ); source.setSystemId( systemId ); } return source; } protected InputStream resolveInHibernateNamespace(String path) { return this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( path ); } protected InputStream resolveInLocalNamespace(String path) { try { return ConfigHelper.getUserResourceAsStream( path ); } catch ( Throwable t ) { return null; } } }
3.3加载动态sql文件and t.type=1 <#else> and t.type=0 #if> and t.type = ${type} and t.status = ${status} start with t.code = '${code}' connect by nocycle prior t.id = t.parent_id ]]>
默认的加载器-将指定配置文件中的sql/hql语句加载到内存中/** * 动态sql/hql语句组装器 * @author WangXuzheng * */ public interface DynamicHibernateStatementBuilder { /** * hql语句map * @return */ public MapgetNamedHQLQueries(); /** * sql语句map * @return */ public Map getNamedSQLQueries(); /** * 初始化 * @throws IOException */ public void init() throws IOException; }
配置一下/** * @author WangXuzheng * */ public class DefaultDynamicHibernateStatementBuilder implements DynamicHibernateStatementBuilder, ResourceLoaderAware { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultDynamicHibernateStatementBuilder.class); private MapnamedHQLQueries; private Map namedSQLQueries; private String[] fileNames = new String[0]; private ResourceLoader resourceLoader; private EntityResolver entityResolver = new DynamicStatementDTDEntityResolver(); /** * 查询语句名称缓存,不允许重复 */ private Set nameCache = new HashSet (); public void setFileNames(String[] fileNames) { this.fileNames = fileNames; } @Override public Map getNamedHQLQueries() { return namedHQLQueries; } @Override public Map getNamedSQLQueries() { return namedSQLQueries; } @Override public void init() throws IOException { namedHQLQueries = new HashMap (); namedSQLQueries = new HashMap (); boolean flag = this.resourceLoader instanceof ResourcePatternResolver; for (String file : fileNames) { if (flag) { Resource[] resources = ((ResourcePatternResolver) this.resourceLoader).getResources(file); buildMap(resources); } else { Resource resource = resourceLoader.getResource(file); buildMap(resource); } } //clear name cache nameCache.clear(); } @Override public void setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) { this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader; } private void buildMap(Resource[] resources) throws IOException { if (resources == null) { return; } for (Resource resource : resources) { buildMap(resource); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" }) private void buildMap(Resource resource) { InputSource inputSource = null; try { inputSource = new InputSource(resource.getInputStream()); XmlDocument metadataXml = MappingReader.INSTANCE.readMappingDocument(entityResolver, inputSource, new OriginImpl("file", resource.getFilename())); if (isDynamicStatementXml(metadataXml)) { final Document doc = metadataXml.getDocumentTree(); final Element dynamicHibernateStatement = doc.getRootElement(); Iterator rootChildren = dynamicHibernateStatement.elementIterator(); while (rootChildren.hasNext()) { final Element element = (Element) rootChildren.next(); final String elementName = element.getName(); if ("sql-query".equals(elementName)) { putStatementToCacheMap(resource, element, namedSQLQueries); } else if ("hql-query".equals(elementName)) { putStatementToCacheMap(resource, element, namedHQLQueries); } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.toString()); throw new SysException(e); } finally { if (inputSource != null && inputSource.getByteStream() != null) { try { inputSource.getByteStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e.toString()); throw new SysException(e); } } } } private void putStatementToCacheMap(Resource resource, final Element element, Map statementMap) throws IOException { String sqlQueryName = element.attribute("name").getText(); Validate.notEmpty(sqlQueryName); if (nameCache.contains(sqlQueryName)) { throw new SysException("重复的sql-query/hql-query语句定义在文件:" + resource.getURI() + "中,必须保证name的唯一."); } nameCache.add(sqlQueryName); String queryText = element.getText(); statementMap.put(sqlQueryName, queryText); } private static boolean isDynamicStatementXml(XmlDocument xmlDocument) { return "dynamic-hibernate-statement".equals(xmlDocument.getDocumentTree().getRootElement().getName()); } }
我们的SimpleHibernateDAO实现了InitializingBean,在其afterProperties方法中我们将调用DynamicHibernateStatementBuilder把语句缓存起来/** * Hibernate实现的DAO层 * @paramDAO操作的对象类型 * @param 主键类型 * @author WangXuzheng * */ public class SimpleHibernateDAO implements BaseDAO ,InitializingBean{ private static final Logger LOGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleHibernateDAO.class); protected SessionFactory sessionFactory; protected Class entityClass; /** * 模板缓存 */ protected Map templateCache; protected DynamicHibernateStatementBuilder dynamicStatementBuilder; /** * 通过子类的泛型定义取得对象类型Class. * eg. * public class UserDao extends SimpleHibernateDao */ public SimpleHibernateDAO() { this.entityClass = Reflections.getSuperClassGenricType(getClass()); } /** * 取得sessionFactory. */ public SessionFactory getSessionFactory() { return sessionFactory; } /** * 采用@Autowired按类型注入SessionFactory, 当有多个SesionFactory的时候在子类重载本函数. */ public void setSessionFactory(final SessionFactory sessionFactory) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; } public void setDynamicStatementBuilder(DynamicHibernateStatementBuilder dynamicStatementBuilder) { this.dynamicStatementBuilder = dynamicStatementBuilder; } /** * 取得当前Session. */ public Session getSession() { return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); } /** * 保存新增或修改的对象. */ @Override public void save(final T entity) { Validate.notNull(entity, "entity不能为空"); getSession().save(entity); LOGER.debug("save entity: {}", entity); } /** * 删除对象. * * @param entity 对象必须是session中的对象或含id属性的transient对象. */ @Override public void delete(final T entity) { if(entity == null){ return; } getSession().delete(entity); LOGER.debug("delete entity: {}", entity); } /** * 按id删除对象. */ @Override public void delete(final ID id) { Validate.notNull(id, "id不能为空"); delete(get(id)); LOGER.debug("delete entity {},id is {}", entityClass.getSimpleName(), id); } /** * 按id获取对象. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public T get(final ID id) { Validate.notNull(id, "id不能为空"); return (T) getSession().get(entityClass, id); } /** * 按id列表获取对象列表. */ public List get(final Collection ids) { return find(Restrictions.in(getIdName(), ids)); } /** * 获取全部对象. */ @Override public List getAll() { return find(); } /** * 获取全部对象, 支持按属性行序. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List getAll(String orderByProperty, boolean isAsc) { Criteria c = createCriteria(); if (isAsc) { c.addOrder(Order.asc(orderByProperty)); } else { c.addOrder(Order.desc(orderByProperty)); } return c.list(); } /** * 按属性查找对象列表, 匹配方式为相等. */ public List findBy(final String propertyName, final Object value) { Criterion criterion = Restrictions.eq(propertyName, value); return find(criterion); } /** * 按属性查找唯一对象, 匹配方式为相等. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public T findUniqueBy(final String propertyName, final Object value) { Criterion criterion = Restrictions.eq(propertyName, value); return ((T) createCriteria(criterion).uniqueResult()); } /** * 按HQL查询对象列表. * * @param values 数量可变的参数,按顺序绑定. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List findByHQL(final String hql, final Object... values) { return createHQLQuery(hql, values).list(); } /** * 按HQL查询对象列表,并将对象封装成指定的对象 * * @param values 数量可变的参数,按顺序绑定. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List findByHQLRowMapper(RowMapper rowMapper,final String hql, final Object... values) { Validate.notNull(rowMapper, "rowMapper不能为空!"); List
public ListgetDescendants(Long userId,String code) { Map values = new HashMap (); values.put("userId", String.valueOf(userId)); values.put("code", code); values.put("type", String.valueOf(ResourceTypeEnum.URL_RESOURCE.getType())); values.put("status", String.valueOf(ResourceStatusEnum.ACTIVE.getStatus())); return this.findByNamedQuery(new ResourceRowMapper(),"resource.getDescendants", values); }