

但是在某个应用中,我需要一种无锁并发的数组容器,并且在容器生成时就指定容量,不需要动态扩展(以避免jvm恼人的频繁gc)。于是 ConcurrentArrayQueue 就有存在的必要了,而jdk并没有提供这种结构,我们自己动手写一个。



import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

 * 参考:
public class ConcurrentArrayQueue  {

	// 环状缓存
	private final Object[] ring;
	private final AtomicInteger maximumReadIndex = new AtomicInteger(0);
	private final AtomicInteger readIndex = new AtomicInteger(0);
	private final AtomicInteger writeIndex = new AtomicInteger(0);

	public ConcurrentArrayQueue(int capacity) {
		if (capacity < 0)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal capacity " + capacity);
		ring = new Object[capacity + 1];

	public boolean push(T e) {
		int currentReadIndex, currentWriteIndex;

		do {
			currentReadIndex = readIndex.get();
			currentWriteIndex = writeIndex.get();

			// check if queue is full
			if (((currentWriteIndex + 1) % ring.length) ==
					(currentReadIndex % ring.length))
				return false;
		} while (!writeIndex.compareAndSet(currentWriteIndex, currentWriteIndex + 1));

		// We know now that this index is reserved for us. Use it to save the data
		ring[currentWriteIndex % ring.length] = e;

		// update the maximum read index after saving the data.
		// It might fail if there are more than 1 producer threads because this
        // operation has to be done in the same order as the previous CAS
		while (!maximumReadIndex.compareAndSet(currentWriteIndex, currentWriteIndex + 1)) {
            // this is a good place to yield the thread in case there are more
            // software threads than hardware processors and you have more
            // than 1 producer thread
            // have a look at sched_yield() (POSIX.1b)

		return true;

	public T pop() {
		int currentMaximumReadIndex;
		int currentReadIndex;

		while (true) {
			currentReadIndex = readIndex.get();
			currentMaximumReadIndex = maximumReadIndex.get();

			// The queue is empty or a producer thread has allocate space in the queue
			// but is waiting to commit the data into it
			if ((currentReadIndex % ring.length) ==
					(currentMaximumReadIndex % ring.length))
				return null;

			// retrieve the data from the queue
			T ret = (T) ring[currentReadIndex % ring.length];

			if (readIndex.compareAndSet(currentReadIndex, currentReadIndex + 1))
				return ret; // 这里没有办法清理残余的引用,可能导致内存泄露

	public int size() {
		int ret = writeIndex.get() - readIndex.get();
		if (ret < 0)
			return 0;
		return ret;

	public void clear() {
		while (size() > 0)

	public int capactity() {
		return ring.length - 1;



 * 用于配置对象池
public abstract class PoolableObjectFactory  {

	 * 新建对象
	public abstract T newObject();

	 * 还原对象状态,避免内存泄露和垃圾信息导致的不确定性问题
	public abstract void passivateObject(T obj);

	 * 最多缓存的对象数
	public int maxPooled() {
		return 10;
import util.ConcurrentArrayQueue;

 * 对象池
public class ObjectPool  {

	// XXX 使用数组而不是链表,是为了避免反复的 new 节点
	private final ConcurrentArrayQueue ring;
	private final PoolableObjectFactory factory;

	public ObjectPool(PoolableObjectFactory factory) {
		this.factory = factory;
		this.ring = new ConcurrentArrayQueue(factory.maxPooled());

	public T borrowObject() {
		T ret = ring.pop();
		if (ret == null)
			ret = factory.newObject();
		return ret;

	public T returnObject(T obj) {
		if (obj == null)
			return null;

		// 清理对象

		// 对象入池

		// 丢弃对象
		return null;

	public void clear() {
