

1. 分类中混淆矩阵的本质

2. 垃圾邮件分类原理

文本挖掘(Text Mining,从文字中获取信息)是一个比较宽泛的概念,这一技术在如今每天都有海量文本数据生成的时代越来越受到关注。目前,在机器学习模型的帮助下,包括情绪分析,文件分类,话题分类,文本总结,机器翻译等在内的诸多文本挖掘应用都已经实现了自动化。

在这些应用中,垃圾邮件过滤算是初学者实践文件分类的一个很不错的开始,例如 Gmail 账户里的“垃圾邮箱”就是一个垃圾邮件过滤的现实应用。下面我们将基于一份公开的邮件数据集 Ling-spam,编写一个垃圾邮件的过滤器。Ling-spam 数据集的下载地址如下:

这里我们已经从 Ling-spam 中提取了相同数量的垃圾邮件和非垃圾邮件,具体下载地址如下:
http://t.cn/RKQBkRu ·····//这里需要注册一下才能够成功下载数据集。

1>. 准备文本数据;
2>. 创建词典(word dictionary);
3>. 特征提取;
4>. 训练分类器。

3. 对原始垃圾邮件内容的全套数据处理过程实现
a.清除停用词 — 像 “and”, “the”, “of” 等这些停用词在英语语句中非常常见。然而,这些停用词对于判定邮件的真实身份并没有什么卵用,所以这些词已经从邮件中被移除。
c.还需要移除一些非文字类的符号(non-words),比如标点符号或者特殊字符之类的。要实现这一步有很多方法,这里,我们将首先创建一个词典(creating a dictionary),之后再移除这些非文字类的符号。需要指出的是,这种做法其实非常方便,因为当你手上有了一个词典之后,对于每一种非文字类符号,只需要移除一次就 ok 了。

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import nltk
import os 
import os
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter #集合
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from  nltk.corpus import stopwords
def mail_text_preprocessing(mail,remove_stopwords):
    letters=re.sub('[^a-zA-Z-]',' ',raw_text) #e-mail这样的形式被分割开了,需要改进。'-'可以排除在外.
    words=letters.lower().split() #将英文词汇转换为小写形式
    if remove_stopwords:
        #words=[stemmer.stem(w) for w in words if w not in stop_words]
        words=[w for w in words if w not in stop_words]
        for item in words:
            if item=='-':
            elif len(item)==1: 
    return result
content1="""Subject: re : ems best software best $ remove instruction below . remove request respectfully immediately cut edge e-mail technology : " express mail server " imc $ 275 limit ! best e-mail program , try . read message , prove work anywhere less download demo free our full service web site , complete step step instructional tutorial ! visit our web site : http : / / 138 . 27 . 44 . 5 . cearth . . ca / user / imc ( can't log site call us , sometime site overload hit ) try before buy ! love ! 's bulk e-mailer dream true , ! same software $ 695 . 0 ! $ 495 . 0 l . s . enterprise call : 808-876 - 1550 information order copy today $ 275 ( limit ) . fax order / info request : ( 808 ) 878-6869 ( include name , phone number , e-mail address ) visit our web site : http : / / 138 . 27 . 44 . 5 . cearth . . ca / user / imc ( can't log site call us , sometime site overload hit ) 60 million e-mail address excellent " remove list " service available $ 99 . accept major credit card : visa * master card * american express * discover card accept check fax ! simply fax check : 808-878 - 6869 n't hesitate , call today offer limit ! express mail server ? express mail server ( ems ) bulk e-mail software thing work . ems transform computer personal mail server . additional hardware , ems software complete control mailing , mail send originate computer deliver directly mailbox recipient . since mail originate computer , longer necessary internet service provider 's mail server . previous generation stealth cloak type program , work upload mail provider 's mail server . program send mail through provider mail server without authorization ( consider theft service ) . problem , previous generation stealth type program upload message faster mail server process . many cause provider 's mail server bog down crash . obviously , provider furious . furthermore , send hundred thousand message , unfortunately , most simply filter delete mail server . lucky 10 % - 20 % mail deliver . ems software computer emulate mail server actually control watch mail deliver piece piece . 100 % delivery rate program anywhere internet . 100 % delivery rate internet email address . bold claim true . latest technical advance bulk email since advent stealth type program . program verify domain validity email address before send mail . dramatically reduce bounce back undeliverable . bounce back undeliverable sure bog down server . control where want bounce back mail . email address want ems . ems work dial internet account , ( aol consider dial internet account ) isdn line t - 1 t - 3 . run window 95 nt . hear person lose dial account software . one reason bulk email frown upon numerous isp 's ( internet service provider ) try send much mail , quick crash mail server isp . win happen ems software since n't since n't mail server isp send mail . program actually send mail directly computer , , bona fide mail server , recipient mail server avoid potential block prevent reach those mail list . " forge " header randomize anything 100 % mail deliver , although program allow randomization customize header . send mail omit " " " " " reply " portion header . want send message color . problem ems . select font color mouse , click background color . want font bold put italic , point click . want message center shift leave right , once again point click . unlike , ( same , different name ) software straightforward easy . log aol , already computer 'd need ems . provide technical support phone answer question . ems work window 95 nt computer . require additional hardware software . ems software send speed 80 , 0 message per hour delivered modest pentium 28 . 8 modem . rate dramatically increase isdn cable modem course t - 1 even faster . want advantage breakthrough bulk email technology us call number below . n't plan repeat mailing product advantage opportunity . cost $ 275 . 0 ! money spend consider buy stealth ( many . . . operate same ) $ 400 . happy stealth n't mind frequent loss dial-up account , lot complaint . lot mail deliver due block crash mail server delete mail , along result low response rate mailing , defeat purpose e-mail first place ! few aware technology , already leap bound ahead competition . using , sell anything wish , over over . , consider decide offer mail service . ' ve probably e-mail claim send advertisement e-mail cost $ 200 per 100 , 0 . most n't realize 20 30 mail pay send actually deliver ! mail service profitable , software , advertise service millions free ! cd roms 60 million address help start . purchase , visit our web site : http : / / 138 . 27 . 44 . 5 . cearth . . ca / user / imc ( can't log site call us , sometime site overload hit ) call . m . c : phone : ( 808 ) 876-1550 fax : ( 808 ) 878-6869 place order today while supplies ' ll happy send demo copy answer question . call us our full service web site address remove our mail list add our " global remove list " simply : http : / / www . ctct . com remove request respectfully immediately

4. 垃圾邮件分类代码实现

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import nltk
import os 
import os
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter #集合
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from  nltk.corpus import stopwords
def mail_text_preprocessing(mail,remove_stopwords):
    letters=re.sub('[^a-zA-Z-]',' ',raw_text) #e-mail这样的形式被分割开了,需要改进。'-'可以排除在外.
    words=letters.lower().split() #将英文词汇转换为小写形式
    if remove_stopwords:
        #words=[stemmer.stem(w) for w in words if w not in stop_words]
        words=[w for w in words if w not in stop_words]
        for item in words:
            if item=='-':
            elif len(item)==1: 
    return result
content1="""Subject: re : ems best software best $ remove instruction below . remove request respectfully immediately cut edge e-mail technology : " express mail server " imc $ 275 limit ! best e-mail program , try . read message , prove work anywhere less download demo free our full service web site , complete step step instructional tutorial ! visit our web site : http : / / 138 . 27 . 44 . 5 . cearth . . ca / user / imc ( can't log site call us , sometime site overload hit ) try before buy ! love ! 's bulk e-mailer dream true , ! same software $ 695 . 0 ! $ 495 . 0 l . s . enterprise call : 808-876 - 1550 information order copy today $ 275 ( limit ) . fax order / info request : ( 808 ) 878-6869 ( include name , phone number , e-mail address ) visit our web site : http : / / 138 . 27 . 44 . 5 . cearth . . ca / user / imc ( can't log site call us , sometime site overload hit ) 60 million e-mail address excellent " remove list " service available $ 99 . accept major credit card : visa * master card * american express * discover card accept check fax ! simply fax check : 808-878 - 6869 n't hesitate , call today offer limit ! express mail server ? express mail server ( ems ) bulk e-mail software thing work . ems transform computer personal mail server . additional hardware , ems software complete control mailing , mail send originate computer deliver directly mailbox recipient . since mail originate computer , longer necessary internet service provider 's mail server . previous generation stealth cloak type program , work upload mail provider 's mail server . program send mail through provider mail server without authorization ( consider theft service ) . problem , previous generation stealth type program upload message faster mail server process . many cause provider 's mail server bog down crash . obviously , provider furious . furthermore , send hundred thousand message , unfortunately , most simply filter delete mail server . lucky 10 % - 20 % mail deliver . ems software computer emulate mail server actually control watch mail deliver piece piece . 100 % delivery rate program anywhere internet . 100 % delivery rate internet email address . bold claim true . latest technical advance bulk email since advent stealth type program . program verify domain validity email address before send mail . dramatically reduce bounce back undeliverable . bounce back undeliverable sure bog down server . control where want bounce back mail . email address want ems . ems work dial internet account , ( aol consider dial internet account ) isdn line t - 1 t - 3 . run window 95 nt . hear person lose dial account software . one reason bulk email frown upon numerous isp 's ( internet service provider ) try send much mail , quick crash mail server isp . win happen ems software since n't since n't mail server isp send mail . program actually send mail directly computer , , bona fide mail server , recipient mail server avoid potential block prevent reach those mail list . " forge " header randomize anything 100 % mail deliver , although program allow randomization customize header . send mail omit " " " " " reply " portion header . want send message color . problem ems . select font color mouse , click background color . want font bold put italic , point click . want message center shift leave right , once again point click . unlike , ( same , different name ) software straightforward easy . log aol , already computer 'd need ems . provide technical support phone answer question . ems work window 95 nt computer . require additional hardware software . ems software send speed 80 , 0 message per hour delivered modest pentium 28 . 8 modem . rate dramatically increase isdn cable modem course t - 1 even faster . want advantage breakthrough bulk email technology us call number below . n't plan repeat mailing product advantage opportunity . cost $ 275 . 0 ! money spend consider buy stealth ( many . . . operate same ) $ 400 . happy stealth n't mind frequent loss dial-up account , lot complaint . lot mail deliver due block crash mail server delete mail , along result low response rate mailing , defeat purpose e-mail first place ! few aware technology , already leap bound ahead competition . using , sell anything wish , over over . , consider decide offer mail service . ' ve probably e-mail claim send advertisement e-mail cost $ 200 per 100 , 0 . most n't realize 20 30 mail pay send actually deliver ! mail service profitable , software , advertise service millions free ! cd roms 60 million address help start . purchase , visit our web site : http : / / 138 . 27 . 44 . 5 . cearth . . ca / user / imc ( can't log site call us , sometime site overload hit ) call . m . c : phone : ( 808 ) 876-1550 fax : ( 808 ) 878-6869 place order today while supplies ' ll happy send demo copy answer question . call us our full service web site address remove our mail list add our " global remove list " simply : http : / / www . ctct . com remove request respectfully immediately

def make_Dictionary(train_dir):
    emails=[os.path.join(train_dir,f) for f in os.listdir(train_dir)]
    for mail in emails:
        with open(mail) as m:
            for i,line in enumerate(m):
                if i==2: #body of email is only 3rd line of text file.
                    words=mail_text_preprocessing(line,True) #在这里对文档的每一行进行NLP语言文字的数据预处理
    dictionary=Counter(all_words) #计数函数,直接对一个句子中的各个单词进行计数
    list_to_remove = list(dictionary.keys()) #需要转为list来存储,不然原始的代码这里有问题。
    #return list_to_remove
    jinli=[w for w in list_to_remove if len(w)==2]
    for i in range(len(paichu)):
            del jinlist[jinlist.index(paichu[i])]  #paichu列表中的不删除
    for item in list_to_remove:
        if item.isalpha() == False: #不是字符的删除,如数字和特殊符号均删除,只保留26个字母的字符串。
            del dictionary[item] 
        elif len(item) == 1:        #单个字符删除
            if item!='I':
                del dictionary[item]
        elif item in jinlist:
            del dictionary[item]
    dictionary = dictionary.most_common(3000)
    return dictionary
#通过输入 print dictionary 指令就可以输出词典==词典里应该会有以下这些高频词(本例中我们选取了频率最高的 3000 个词)
def extract_features(mail_dir):
    files=[os.path.join(mail_dir,fi) for fi in os.listdir(mail_dir)]
    features_matrix=np.zeros((len(files),3000)) #这里的维度大小使用()传入。
    for fil in files:
        with open(fil) as fi:
            for i,line in enumerate(fi):
                if i==2:
                    words=mail_text_preprocessing(line,True) #在这里对文档的每一行进行NLP语言文字的数据预处理
                    for word in words:
                        for i,d in enumerate(dictionary):
                            if d[0]==word:
    return features_matrix
train_labels = np.zeros(702)
train_labels[351:701] = 1
train_matrix = extract_features(train_path)

#Training SVM and Naive bayes classifier and its variants

model1 = LinearSVC()
model2 = MultinomialNB()


# Test the unseen mails for Spam
test_dir = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/ling-spam/test-mails/'
test_matrix = extract_features(test_dir)
test_labels = np.zeros(260)
test_labels[130:260] = 1

result1 = model1.predict(test_matrix)
result2 = model2.predict(test_matrix)


5. 分类结果的简单说明



1.雷锋网 https://www.leiphone.com/news/201707/YkBwwc4HeXq76eS3.html
2.简书 https://www.jianshu.com/p/5b5f3cb4200a
5.混淆矩阵最直观最简洁的表述(用图说话) https://www.jianshu.com/p/27228ad417d4
