三大迷宫生成算法 (Maze generation algorithm) -- 深度优先,随机Prim,递归分割



1.Recursive backtracker ( 递归回溯,也是深度优先算法)

2.Randomized Prim's algorithm(随机Prim算法,让我想起了最小生成树的Prim算法)

3.Recursive division (递归分割算法)


1.我们的迷宫为常规的矩形,因此可以用二维表示一个迷宫单元, 每个迷宫单元表示为一个二维数组元素[x,y]。

3.每个迷宫单元包含左上右下四个属性, 用w表示,分别表示迷宫单元四个面的墙,墙不占据迷宫单元



1.Make the initial cell the current cell and mark it as visited
2.While there are unvisited cells
	1.If the current cell has any neighbours which have not been visited
		1.Choose randomly one of the unvisited neighbours
		2.Push the current cell to the stack
		3.Remove the wall between the current cell and the chosen cell
		4.Make the chosen cell the current cell and mark it as visited
	2.Else if stack is not empty
		1.Pop a cell from the stack
		2.Make it the current cell



三大迷宫生成算法 (Maze generation algorithm) -- 深度优先,随机Prim,递归分割_第1张图片


# Code by jollysoul

import random
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm

num_rows = int(input("Rows: ")) # number of rows
num_cols = int(input("Columns: ")) # number of columns

# The array M is going to hold the array information for each cell.
# The first four coordinates tell if walls exist on those sides 
# and the fifth indicates if the cell has been visited in the search.
M = np.zeros((num_rows,num_cols,5), dtype=np.uint8)

# The array image is going to be the output image to display
image = np.zeros((num_rows*10,num_cols*10), dtype=np.uint8)

# Set starting row and column
r = 0
c = 0
history = [(r,c)] # The history is the stack of visited locations

# Trace a path though the cells of the maze and open walls along the path.
# We do this with a while loop, repeating the loop until there is no history, 
# which would mean we backtracked to the initial start.
while history: 
    M[r,c,4] = 1 # designate this location as visited
    # check if the adjacent cells are valid for moving to
    check = []
    if c > 0 and M[r,c-1,4] == 0:
    if r > 0 and M[r-1,c,4] == 0:
    if c < num_cols-1 and M[r,c+1,4] == 0:
    if r < num_rows-1 and M[r+1,c,4] == 0:
    if len(check): # If there is a valid cell to move to.
        # Mark the walls between cells as open if we move
        move_direction = random.choice(check)
        if move_direction == 'L':
            M[r,c,0] = 1
            c = c-1
            M[r,c,2] = 1
        if move_direction == 'U':
            M[r,c,1] = 1
            r = r-1
            M[r,c,3] = 1
        if move_direction == 'R':
            M[r,c,2] = 1
            c = c+1
            M[r,c,0] = 1
        if move_direction == 'D':
            M[r,c,3] = 1
            r = r+1
            M[r,c,1] = 1
    else: # If there are no valid cells to move to.
    # retrace one step back in history if no move is possible
        r,c = history.pop()
# Open the walls at the start and finish
M[0,0,0] = 1
M[num_rows-1,num_cols-1,2] = 1
# Generate the image for display
for row in range(0,num_rows):
    for col in range(0,num_cols):
        cell_data = M[row,col]
        for i in range(10*row+2,10*row+8):
            image[i,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255
        if cell_data[0] == 1: 
            image[range(10*row+2,10*row+8),10*col] = 255
            image[range(10*row+2,10*row+8),10*col+1] = 255
        if cell_data[1] == 1: 
            image[10*row,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255
            image[10*row+1,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255
        if cell_data[2] == 1: 
            image[range(10*row+2,10*row+8),10*col+9] = 255
            image[range(10*row+2,10*row+8),10*col+8] = 255
        if cell_data[3] == 1: 
            image[10*row+9,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255
            image[10*row+8,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255

# Display the image
plt.imshow(image, cmap = cm.Greys_r, interpolation='none')


1.Start with a grid full of walls.
2.Pick a cell, mark it as part of the maze. Add the walls of the cell to the wall list.
3.While there are walls in the list:
	1.Pick a random wall from the list. If only one of the two cells that the wall divides is visited, then:
		2.Make the wall a passage and mark the unvisited cell as part of the maze.
		3.Add the neighboring walls of the cell to the wall list.
	2.Remove the wall from the list.


Although the classical Prim's algorithm keeps a list of edges, for maze generation we could instead maintain a list of adjacent cells. If the randomly chosen cell has multiple edges that connect it to the existing maze, select one of these edges at random. This will tend to branch slightly more than the edge-based version above.



三大迷宫生成算法 (Maze generation algorithm) -- 深度优先,随机Prim,递归分割_第2张图片


import random
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm

num_rows = int(input("Rows: ")) # number of rows
num_cols = int(input("Columns: ")) # number of columns

# The array M is going to hold the array information for each cell.
# The first four coordinates tell if walls exist on those sides 
# and the fifth indicates if the cell has been visited in the search.
M = np.zeros((num_rows,num_cols,5), dtype=np.uint8)

# The array image is going to be the output image to display
image = np.zeros((num_rows*10,num_cols*10), dtype=np.uint8)

# Set starting row and column
r = 0
c = 0
history = [(r,c)] # The history is the stack of visited locations

# Trace a path though the cells of the maze and open walls along the path.
# We do this with a while loop, repeating the loop until there is no history, 
# which would mean we backtracked to the initial start.
while history: 
	#random choose a candidata cell from the cell set histroy
	r,c = random.choice(history)
	M[r,c,4] = 1 # designate this location as visited
	check = []
	# If the randomly chosen cell has multiple edges 
    # that connect it to the existing maze, 
	if c > 0:
		if M[r,c-1,4] == 1:
		elif M[r,c-1,4] == 0:
			M[r,c-1,4] = 2
	if r > 0:
		if M[r-1,c,4] == 1: 
		elif M[r-1,c,4] == 0:
			M[r-1,c,4] = 2
	if c < num_cols-1:
		if M[r,c+1,4] == 1: 
		elif M[r,c+1,4] == 0:
			M[r,c+1,4] = 2 
	if r < num_rows-1:
		if M[r+1,c,4] == 1: 
		elif  M[r+1,c,4] == 0:
			M[r+1,c,4] = 2

    # select one of these edges at random.
	if len(check):
		move_direction = random.choice(check)
		if move_direction == 'L':
			M[r,c,0] = 1
			c = c-1
			M[r,c,2] = 1
		if move_direction == 'U':
			M[r,c,1] = 1
			r = r-1
			M[r,c,3] = 1
		if move_direction == 'R':
			M[r,c,2] = 1
			c = c+1
			M[r,c,0] = 1
		if move_direction == 'D':
			M[r,c,3] = 1
			r = r+1
			M[r,c,1] = 1
# Open the walls at the start and finish
M[0,0,0] = 1
M[num_rows-1,num_cols-1,2] = 1
# Generate the image for display
for row in range(0,num_rows):
    for col in range(0,num_cols):
        cell_data = M[row,col]
        for i in range(10*row+2,10*row+8):
            image[i,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255
        if cell_data[0] == 1: 
            image[range(10*row+2,10*row+8),10*col] = 255
            image[range(10*row+2,10*row+8),10*col+1] = 255
        if cell_data[1] == 1: 
            image[10*row,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255
            image[10*row+1,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255
        if cell_data[2] == 1: 
            image[range(10*row+2,10*row+8),10*col+9] = 255
            image[range(10*row+2,10*row+8),10*col+8] = 255
        if cell_data[3] == 1: 
            image[10*row+9,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255
            image[10*row+8,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255

# Display the image
plt.imshow(image, cmap = cm.Greys_r, interpolation='none')


三大迷宫生成算法 (Maze generation algorithm) -- 深度优先,随机Prim,递归分割_第3张图片


# Code by jollysoul

import random
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm

def Recursive_division(r1, r2, c1, c2, M, image):
	if r1 < r2 and c1 < c2:
		rm = random.randint(r1, r2-1)
		cm = random.randint(c1, c2-1)
		cd1 = random.randint(c1,cm)
		cd2 = random.randint(cm+1,c2)
		rd1 = random.randint(r1,rm)
		rd2 = random.randint(rm+1,r2)
		d = random.randint(1,4)
		if d == 1:
			M[rd2, cm, 2] = 1
			M[rd2, cm+1, 0] = 1
			M[rm, cd1, 3] = 1
			M[rm+1, cd1, 1] = 1
			M[rm, cd2, 3] = 1
			M[rm+1, cd2, 1] = 1
		elif d == 2:
			M[rd1, cm, 2] = 1
			M[rd1, cm+1, 0] = 1
			M[rm, cd1, 3] = 1
			M[rm+1, cd1, 1] = 1
			M[rm, cd2, 3] = 1
			M[rm+1, cd2, 1] = 1
		elif d == 3:
			M[rd1, cm, 2] = 1
			M[rd1, cm+1, 0] = 1
			M[rd2, cm, 2] = 1
			M[rd2, cm+1, 0] = 1
			M[rm, cd2, 3] = 1
			M[rm+1, cd2, 1] = 1
		elif d == 4:
			M[rd1, cm, 2] = 1
			M[rd1, cm+1, 0] = 1
			M[rd2, cm, 2] = 1
			M[rd2, cm+1, 0] = 1
			M[rm, cd1, 3] = 1
			M[rm+1, cd1, 1] = 1

		Recursive_division(r1, rm, c1, cm, M, image)
		Recursive_division(r1, rm, cm+1, c2, M, image)
		Recursive_division(rm+1, r2, cm+1, c2, M, image)
		Recursive_division(rm+1, r2, c1, cm, M, image)

	elif r1 < r2:
		rm = random.randint(r1, r2-1)
		M[rm,c1,3] = 1
		M[rm+1,c1,1] = 1
		Recursive_division(r1, rm, c1, c1, M, image)
		Recursive_division(rm+1, r2, c1, c1, M, image)
	elif c1 < c2:
		cm = random.randint(c1,c2-1)
		M[r1,cm,2] = 1
		M[r1,cm+1,0] = 1
		Recursive_division(r1, r1, c1, cm, M, image)
		Recursive_division(r1, r1, cm+1, c2, M, image)

num_rows = int(input("Rows: ")) # number of rows
num_cols = int(input("Columns: ")) # number of columns
r1 = 0
r2 = num_rows-1
c1 = 0
c2 = num_cols-1

# The array M is going to hold the array information for each cell.
# The first four coordinates tell if walls exist on those sides 
# and the fifth indicates if the cell has been visited in the search.
M = np.zeros((num_rows,num_cols,5), dtype=np.uint8)

# The array image is going to be the output image to display
image = np.zeros((num_rows*10,num_cols*10), dtype=np.uint8)
Recursive_division(r1, r2, c1, c2, M, image)  

# Open the walls at the start and finish
M[0,0,0] = 1
M[num_rows-1,num_cols-1,2] = 1
# Generate the image for display
for row in range(0,num_rows):
    for col in range(0,num_cols):
        cell_data = M[row,col]
        for i in range(10*row+2,10*row+8):
            image[i,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255
        if cell_data[0] == 1: 
            image[range(10*row+2,10*row+8),10*col] = 255
            image[range(10*row+2,10*row+8),10*col+1] = 255
        if cell_data[1] == 1: 
            image[10*row,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255
            image[10*row+1,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255
        if cell_data[2] == 1: 
            image[range(10*row+2,10*row+8),10*col+9] = 255
            image[range(10*row+2,10*row+8),10*col+8] = 255
        if cell_data[3] == 1: 
            image[10*row+9,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255
            image[10*row+8,range(10*col+2,10*col+8)] = 255

# Display the image
plt.imshow(image, cmap = cm.Greys_r, interpolation='none')



部分参考自:维基百科 以及 http://bbs.9ria.com/thread-156150-1-1.html
