

keep foolish, keep hungry.

ID Title Acceptance Difficulty Status
65 Valid Number    12.70% Hard todo
126 Word Ladder II    14.00% Hard todo
149 Max Points on a Line    15.30% Hard DONE
564 Find the Closest Palindrome    16.50% Hard DONE
146 LRU Cache    17.40% Hard DONE
68 Text Justification    18.90% Hard DONE
44 Wildcard Matching    19.90% Hard DONE
493 Reverse Pairs    19.90% Hard DONE
420 Strong Password Checker    20.10% Hard DONE
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays    21.50% Hard todo
30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words    21.90% Hard todo
273 Integer to English Words    21.90% Hard todo
639 Decode Ways II   New 22.10% Hard todo
308 Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable    22.10% Hard todo
32 Longest Valid Parentheses    23.00% Hard todo
140 Word Break II    23.00% Hard todo
212 Word Search II    23.20% Hard todo
460 LFU Cache    23.20% Hard todo
631 Design Excel Sum Formula    23.30% Hard todo
269 Alien Dictionary    23.50% Hard todo
174 Dungeon Game    23.60% Hard todo
214 Shortest Palindrome    24.00% Hard todo
132 Palindrome Partitioning II    24.00% Hard todo
10 Regular Expression Matching    24.00% Hard todo
440 K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order    24.10% Hard todo
158 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times    24.20% Hard todo
188 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV    24.20% Hard todo
629 K Inverse Pairs Array    24.40% Hard todo
321 Create Maximum Number    24.40% Hard todo
97 Interleaving String    24.50% Hard todo
135 Candy    24.50% Hard todo
335 Self Crossing    25.00% Hard todo
76 Minimum Window Substring    25.00% Hard todo
41 First Missing Positive    25.40% Hard todo
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum    25.90% Hard todo
336 Palindrome Pairs    26.00% Hard todo
391 Perfect Rectangle    26.00% Hard todo
295 Find Median from Data Stream    26.10% Hard todo
446 Arithmetic Slices II - Subsequence    26.10% Hard todo
45 Jump Game II    26.20% Hard todo
591 Tag Validator    26.40% Hard todo
84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram    26.50% Hard todo
224 Basic Calculator    26.80% Hard todo
218 The Skyline Problem    26.90% Hard todo
23 Merge k Sorted Lists    27.00% Hard todo
57 Insert Interval    27.40% Hard todo
85 Maximal Rectangle    27.50% Hard todo
600 Non-negative Integers without Consecutive Ones    27.60% Hard todo
432 All O`one Data Structure    27.60% Hard todo
466 Count The Repetitions    27.60% Hard todo
233 Number of Digit One    28.20% Hard todo
381 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed    28.70% Hard todo
87 Scramble String    29.00% Hard todo
123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III    29.10% Hard todo
164 Maximum Gap    29.40% Hard todo
316 Remove Duplicate Letters    29.40% Hard todo
282 Expression Add Operators    29.50% Hard todo
327 Count of Range Sum    29.50% Hard todo
99 Recover Binary Search Tree    29.70% Hard todo
37 Sudoku Solver    29.80% Hard todo
472 Concatenated Words    30.00% Hard todo
552 Student Attendance Record II    30.00% Hard todo
587 Erect the Fence    30.10% Hard todo
25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group    30.60% Hard todo
51 N-Queens    30.60% Hard todo
115 Distinct Subsequences    31.40% Hard todo
480 Sliding Window Median    31.50% Hard todo
72 Edit Distance    31.50% Hard todo
546 Remove Boxes    31.60% Hard todo
499 The Maze III    31.60% Hard todo
248 Strobogrammatic Number III    31.60% Hard todo
358 Rearrange String k Distance Apart    31.80% Hard todo
330 Patching Array    31.90% Hard todo
483 Smallest Good Base    31.90% Hard todo
403 Frog Jump    31.90% Hard todo
354 Russian Doll Envelopes    32.00% Hard todo
411 Minimum Unique Word Abbreviation    32.30% Hard todo
588 Design In-Memory File System    32.60% Hard todo
239 Sliding Window Maximum    32.70% Hard todo
363 Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K    32.90% Hard todo
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree    33.00% Hard todo
317 Shortest Distance from All Buildings    33.70% Hard todo
315 Count of Smaller Numbers After Self    34.30% Hard todo
301 Remove Invalid Parentheses    35.00% Hard todo
502 IPO    35.40% Hard todo
465 Optimal Account Balancing    35.40% Hard todo
329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix    36.10% Hard todo
410 Split Array Largest Sum    36.30% Hard todo
42 Trapping Rain Water    36.50% Hard todo
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence    36.50% Hard todo
407 Trapping Rain Water II    36.60% Hard todo
517 Super Washing Machines    36.60% Hard todo
154 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II    36.90% Hard todo
488 Zuma Game    37.00% Hard todo
514 Freedom Trail    37.50% Hard todo
265 Paint House II    37.80% Hard todo
291 Word Pattern II    37.90% Hard todo
340 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters    38.50% Hard todo
272 Closest Binary Search Tree Value II    38.60% Hard todo
305 Number of Islands II    38.70% Hard todo
527 Word Abbreviation    38.90% Hard todo
568 Maximum Vacation Days    39.80% Hard todo
145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal    39.90% Hard todo
352 Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals    39.90% Hard todo
159 Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters    40.90% Hard todo
471 Encode String with Shortest Length    41.60% Hard todo
425 Word Squares    42.20% Hard todo
312 Burst Balloons    42.40% Hard todo
52 N-Queens II    44.40% Hard todo
302 Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Black Pixels    45.20% Hard todo
632 Smallest Range    45.30% Hard DONE
147 Insertion Sort List    32.90% Medium DONE
Word Ladder   
19.30% Medium DONE




